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HC500 Sort Of


Say When
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Dec 8, 2014
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San Marcos, Texas
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Decided to start a separate thread, didn't want any hate mail about adding to the existing HC500 thread with my silly muse. Here is my day 1 out there, deviating from the provided tracks.

I know we are supposed to be doing the HC500 this weekend….but @rlejr and I modified things a bit….did the Junction 250 today. We hung out at his place on the Llano River Thursday night and struck out this morning and headed north. Conditions were good, cool temps, damp ground.



Had to tip toe through some areas.





But overall what a beautiful morning!!


We were riding along and enjoying some dirt. Ross let me know he was doing some part time work for the county testing the slime on the rural road crossings and he had developed a numbering system. He explained this was a level 1.


I was jealous of his side gig, but shook it off and enjoyed the morning. This next one was apparently a level 2 slime crossing he said.


We were able to keep pushing on and enjoying the morning.


The next crossing was complex. He had to break it down into sections for me to be able to comprehend his scientific dissection of the classification. I tried to follow along. Here is the approach, level 1 he said.


As he progressed through the crossing, he explained to me this was quickly becoming a level 3. I acknowledged his obvious astute assessment.


And here he stated we were in full on level 5 double black diamond.


He said he was cleaning it so other riders wouldn’t fall prey to it. Makes sense and I had to admire his work ethic doing this for the county. I can’t be sure, but I think this is where he was studying the slime levels up close and took samples for later.


We moved on and out of his home base county, so he stopped going above and beyond and just rode for pleasure. This was the South San Saba River crossing. Pretty cool.



Part of our objective for the day besides checking Ross’s county river crossing slime levels, was to check out Ft McKavett.



It is one of the more preserved forts in the chain of “settlement” forts that went up in the 1850s. I beelined for these ruins, turned out to be the commanders quarters.


The stone work was really cool and obviously has stood up well. I took this picture from below ground level in what was probably the house cellar.


You can see the notches for the floor joist in another section of the same house, this was a really nice house in its day.


Several officer quarters have been restored.


And enlisted barracks. Some restored and some really cool ruins.





We meandered on out of there on Toe Nail Trail? Would like to know more about that name.



So we are cruising along some dirt and I see some elk in pens but they are kind of far off. Then I see a bunch of deer, but they are hopping on their back feet. Australia looking deer.


We took a really obscure county road, but it played out, no longer a county road I guess. You kiss some frogs sometimes.


And here we are doing the gas dance. Ross’s bike holds like a pint of gas. But he brought a couple supplemental containers. All good.


Not sure what is going on here, some kind of he-man pose.


Not sure what is going on here, some kind of Betty Boop pose.


The yellow flowers were certainly popping today. We grabbed some lunch in El Dorado and kept on riding, threading the needle on the rain.




Dear Abby….can you do something about the deer?


We were really having a good ride. The temps were great and the dust pretty tame all day.


We worked our way back towards Junction and found ourselves back in Ross’s home county again. He explained he was back on the clock and looking for some overtime. Understood. He said this was a level 3 out rigger crossing and that we needed to be really careful. Copy that.


This one, he warned me upon approach, said he had a feeling. Easy does it. Copy that big buddy.


Ross proceeded stating this one had the potential for exponential slime saturation and that he should go first to confirm for safety’s sake. I already knew his expert assessment from earlier in the day, please proceed sir.


He almost cleared it, then spotted some slime and took aggressive measures to eradicate the hazard for the next riders. Commendable.


He can be seen here riding with one hand and cleaning the slime off with the other. I heard him yell, it’s another level 5 double black diamond dadgumit. Dude was passionate about his work, second to none I tell you.


More petri dish samples were gathered at this location as well I believe, for future studying.


Our work complete in his county, we kicked it on to the house. We are regrouping for tomorrow and I’m staging in Ingram tonight. Smell y’all tomorrow. You might let us go first in the morning!



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That is better than watching a dunking machine. Sorry Ross but you should have known better than to ride in front of Steve. :-P
Here was the sunrise and start to my day in Ingram yesterday.


Pretty big group amassed at Ritas. I was planning on staying loose and slipping into the back of a small group. Next thing I know, I’m at the front of a pack of 9 😊.


JT put together several tracks, but it seemed the entire TWT forum was going to ride the west track, the Dirty Nueces or whatever the nick name is these days.


We went counter clockwise as JT designed. Kind of nice to get the most boring concrete over with first. I was just happy to be on a bike and in good weather.


We stopped at Garvin’s Store for a quick break, let the little gas tanks fuel up. Onward.


Our group…..quite diversified, bikes and people. We had everything from 250cc to 1100cc. Everything from 4 months experience to 40 years. Age ranging from 36 to 64. I kind of laugh when people worry too much about being on the right bike. You can have fun on anything. Main thing is to just get out there and ride!

@k-dubya Keith Africa Twin
@LicketySplit John EXC350
@rlejr Ross WR450
@GT Dude Greg 390
@Tbucket Hiurick 390
@PP186515 Pat T700
@1manwolfpack Michael KLR
@jsb Jeff Crf250l

Hackberry Rd and the water features started off pretty graceful and pretty.



There was a lot of water this trip, meaning a lot of the dry crossings were flowing.





And…..as a result, there was more opportunity for the slimy crossings. We weren’t in Ross’s county, so he declined to be the primary slime statistician. We had a discussion about who would take lead and decided to have a competitive bid process. Several in the group were enthusiastic about proving their investigative skills. Below was right after a slime sample was taken with the KLR.


And another rider collecting his own samples with an Africa Twin.


We managed to squeeze in some pretty riding as well, not just water crossing slappers.


But…..the competitive bid process was really pushing some folks. This guy was initially reporting this as a level 1 slime crossing and no match for a T7.


Right about here I think I heard him yell a classification change, level threeee.


And his final assessment was level 5 single black diamond. This was almost a level 5.5 with a slide right off home base.


He can be seen here gathering petri dish samples for further study. Bonus points.


We had some successful crossings as well.



We hopped on someone's sister and headed towards Rocksprings.


Fuel and then went to jail for lunch.



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Man...when I saw this thread I just KNEW I was going to seeing some sweet

I was disappointed for a minute, but this was a pretty cool thread after all!
After lunch we head for the county road to take us deeper into Nueces country and bump gate city. Here is the scene of one of the many gate conversations.


We finally get our toes in some water.


The KLR was thinking of augering in, but a recovery dab was made. This was probably the perfect balance of the day for him, still has some energy and putting newly learned skills to use.


We took an obligatory break here. Seems like the right thing to do, to pay respects to such a pretty spot.


Break over, we rolled towards Barksdale.



But…..the KLR guy was really pushing to win the bid on the slime contract and wanted samples from the Nueces River. This was the same crossing that took out @bwdmax several weeks back. Pretty soon there shouldn’t be any slime on this one?



Couple more pretty scenes.




We transitioned over to Bullhead Creek. This is my favorite of the dirt roads on this trek.


Fellow KTM brethren getting jiggy with it.


We took a break here, another spot that is just down right pretty. Rlejr dumped some gas in, he had used the pint of gas his bike holds.


We came out of that valley, had a few hiccups but got under way with the entire group intact.


Stopped at a normal photo opp on 336. This is where @rlejr finally agreed KTM is superior to Yamaha and gave us the thumbs up standing between two KTMs…..that weren’t about to run out of gas.


And that was about that. Most everyone in the group slipped up to my mysterious uncle’s house and had a cold beverage or two as we looked out over the Ingram River Valley.


So who won the bid to be the county river crossing slime assessor? It was close between the WR, KLR, AT, T7, so we did a drug test. Everyone failed. Honorable mention to @rlejr for the intent focus though, I’ve never seen someone use the bottom part of their glasses to study it up close. Catch yall on the next ride!!!

Man...when I saw this thread I just KNEW I was going to seeing some sweet
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I was disappointed for a minute, but this was a pretty cool thread after all!

You should have come down and brought a bike like that for this ride.....I would have run blocker for you!!

"This is where @rlejr finally agreed KTM is superior to Yamaha and gave us the thumbs up standing between two KTMs"

Translate to......The Hill Country is beautiful even with smatterings of egregious 'I drank the Kool Aid orange' in the foreground. Notice how the Yamaha anniversary yellow in the bottom right corner redeems the photo and perfectly matches the amazing yellow wildflowers.
That is better than watching a dunking machine. Sorry Ross but you should have known better than to ride in front of Steve. :-P
Yeah, but I prefer the video. The still photos don't convey my swan-like-grace of execution. Plus a 'master' ride reporter would have intertwined a musical theme.....I'm thinking Steve Winwood, "Arc of a Diver".
great write up, Steve. I see even your mom approves!

where is this crossing?

Also, I’m glad you moved to create a new thread, not bc it didn’t belong in the other one, (it did), but because it deserves its own thread so more folks can enjoy it.
Thanks. It was taken east of Ft. McKavett, west of Menard, on Bois D Arc Rd on the San Saba River. Pretty cool little spot!

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Toe Nail Trail….it was named after a Texas Ranger’s mother-in-law’s foot:


Just kidding. I found the below on a geocaching site:

Geocache Description:​


Howdy Pardner
My moniker is Handy Hank. But ah answer to most anything, ‘specially when an invitation to share some grub is involved. Welcome to Toe Nail Trail. In the late 1880’s, folks a-traveling’ up to Christoval from Scabtown-- That’s what they called that collection of brothels and saloons that “serviced” Fort McKavett ‘afore it became respectable-like and re-named itself Fort McKavett -- had to follow a trail fifteen miles north of the old fort through the Toe Nail Ranch. The ranch, by the way, was named “cuz it angled in a funny way across the corner of the county. Them people in Austin done give the trail a number. Don’t rightly recall what it is. Nothing interesting about a number. Pshaw, most folks still call it Toe Nail Trail and iffen ya ask for it by that ridiculous number, you likely to get a blank stare. Lotta folks have traveled this route over the years and still do. Give ‘em a wave iffen you see some while yer out thar.
Dang, Steve...I've seen dead people, even seen people killed in front of me...but there's something relatively sickening about that toe pick. Glad I had already eaten breakfast. :lol2:

Just for reference, is that a real pic of a real foot, or is it a photoshop joke? I hate to doubt you, Steve, but I couldn't find a source for the Texas Ranger's mother story. I know you like to embellish your tales of daring do, but is it real or is it Memorex?...LOL!

You know...I've never been to or through Christoval and didn't know about the neat swimming hole. I'm gonna have to address that when fall rolls around. I did find this interesting, short pic and story deal on the town.

Here is the Mazda that crossed the line. I think this was on 337 on our way into Leakey. He pulled back into his lane pretty quick, but several of us had a high butt pucker factor.


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Here is the Mazda that crossed the line. I think this was on 337 on our way into Leakey. He pulled back into his lane pretty quick, but several of us had a high butt pucker factor.

Dang it man. I saw him as I passed him right before that. Older guy with trophy looking wife, we are supposed to get out of his way I guess. Scary. Glad yall were paying attention.
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Dang, Steve...I've seen dead people, even seen people killed in front of me...but there's something relatively sickening about that toe pick. Glad I had already eaten breakfast. :lol2:

Just for reference, is that a real pic of a real foot, or is it a photoshop joke? I hate to doubt you, Steve, but I couldn't find a source for the Texas Ranger's mother story. I know you like to embellish your tales of daring do, but is it real or is it Memorex?...LOL!

You know...I've never been to or through Christoval and didn't know about the neat swimming hole. I'm gonna have to address that when fall rolls around. I did find this interesting, short pic and story deal on the town.

It is a real picture, full disclosure it's my mother-in-law's foot.
Dang it man. I saw him as I passed him right before that. Older guy with trophy looking wife, we are supposed to get out of his way I guess. Scary. Glad yall were paying attention.
Yes, she looked more freaked out than he did. Everyone did a great job moving to the right side of their lane while making the sharp left corner. Not a lot of room for error.
Here is the Mazda that crossed the line. I think this was on 337 on our way into Leakey. He pulled back into his lane pretty quick, but several of us had a high butt pucker factor.
Yeah, he was hugging the the line a curve or 2 earlier and running a spirited pace. Glad y'all were alert.
But…..the KLR guy was really pushing to win the bid on the slime contract and wanted samples from the Nueces River. This was the same crossing that took out @bwdmax several weeks back. Pretty soon there shouldn’t be any slime on this one?

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That is the exact spot even, just running the opposite direction. That spot should definitely be slime free now that it has been scrubbed from both directions.
Dang it man. I saw him as I passed him right before that. Older guy with trophy looking wife, we are supposed to get out of his way I guess. Scary. Glad yall were paying attention.
I have nothing against trophy wives. We all have one if they are still putting up with us.