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TWT RTE Bikes down on 1431?

Marc B

Oct 13, 2007
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As rick and i were headed home on 1431 east. Traffic came to a stand still just west of Logo Vista and when we got moving after about 20 min. came up on the crash scene we saw 3-4 bikes that were at the Blue Bonnet. One was the early model red GPZ Ninja and the black Suzuki motard, There was an early model Kaw.Vulcan loaded up on the wrecker with visable damage. Looked like some riders were standing and talking and were ok but there was spray painted marks all over the road and i hope no one is bad hurt. Best wishes. SZ.
Check the Pie Run report thread for details :-|
......After a seemingly long and uneventful ride through Lago Vista, I came up on some emergency vehicles at the bridge before Nameless Rd... There were a lot of cars pulled over and a Tahoe with a cruched driverside corner in the road, and I could see a group of bikes on the side of the road ahead.

My first thought was, "man, I hope there weren't any bikes involved"...then, as I slowly rode through the scene, my fears were confirmed; medics were surrounding a rider (in full gear) in the road, and it didn't look good...

I rode up to where the other riders were standing, and killed my bike despite it's ailment. As I dismounted, I immediately recognized the black DRZ400 super moto that was sitting next to my bike at Blue Bonnet... my heart sank... It sucks to see this happen to any rider, but it really hits home when it's family.

Brian "McB" approached and was obvioulsy shaken. He explained that the rider was a girl named Jo (sp?) and was with his group. They came up to the light and saw that she and her boyfriend weren't behind them, so they went back to find them, only to arrive at this scene. I asked if everyone was okay and his face changed as he looked down and said she had lost a leg. I felt like I'd just been hit in the face with a brick... Not knowing where they were from I asked, and asked if there was anything I could do, since I live just down the road. He said they were from the Hutto area and needed a truck, so I offered my trailer and one of his friends went with me to retrieve it. We brought the wrecked Virago back to my house, as well as the boyfriend's ridable GPZ1100 (he rode with her in the abulance), which he apparently ghost-rode into the ditch as he bailed to run to his GF. The plan was to just leave the bikes at my house until they could decide where to take the bikes and come pick them up with one of the rider's truck.

So here I am, looking out the window at this poor girl's bike, once again pondering whether riding is worth the risk. I'm still not certain what happened, whether it was her fault or not, but the officer that released the bike to us made a sincere comment to us, "be carefull out there, 'they' don't see you"... this leads me to believe she, as a new rider BTW, was not at fault. But it doesn't matter, you just never know when one little mistake, beit on your part, or a cage's part can really ruin, or even take your life.

I have a regulator/rectifier to fix.

I just talked to one of her friends that came to get the bikes, and she's in surgery right now. He said she'll be okay, other than the leg.
Gotdurt, thanks for you help today, we really appreciate it. Not a good scene, longest ride home of my life.

Gotdurt, thanks for you help today, we really appreciate it. Not a good scene, longest ride home of my life.


No problem Brian, anything to help. Please keep us posted on how she's doing...
Bad day. According to the guys at Lonestar, one of the BMW club riders had an accident on their ride this morning and was Starflighted to Brackenridge. I haven't been able to find any details on the local news websites.
Brian, can you get us an address where cards can be sent to her?
Bad day. According to the guys at Lonestar, one of the BMW club riders had an accident on their ride this morning and was Starflighted to Brackenridge. I haven't been able to find any details on the local news websites.

I missed the club ride (along with the TWT pie run) because of my dad's continuing health issues. I've asked Tom the president of the local club what the story is on the BMW crash. I'll see what I can find.

I missed the club ride (along with the TWT pie run) because of my dad's continuing health issues. I've asked Tom the president of the local club what the story is on the BMW crash. I'll see what I can find.


I tried Shell as she makes most of these rides, but she's on a road trip somewhere and all I got was a bounce-back email.
Here is what I got from the club president.


It was John Morrell, and a friend, on his bright yellow LT. He was
cut off by a late left turning F-150 in San Marcos. One of our riders, Greg,
brought news and a picture [aren't cell phone wondrous] - it looked really
bad - obviously a head-on collision.

Barnaby got some feedback about his condition - broken scapula and lots of
bruises - friend is also going to be okay. But, the bike looked totaled! And
the truck had to be towed away as well.

So...what has happened to these ******* that hit the riders. I have a need to send a damnation note instead of a prayer. Sorry, I needed to rant. Until there is advertised surety of punishment, there will be no change which is the classic definition of insanity. As my bud Obama says, we need change. Right? I really do hope the riders get better. Do you think any of the political types care one way or the other? bye
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Here is what I got from the club president.


It was John Morrell, and a friend, on his bright yellow LT. He was
cut off by a late left turning F-150 in San Marcos. One of our riders, Greg,
brought news and a picture [aren't cell phone wondrous] - it looked really
bad - obviously a head-on collision.

Barnaby got some feedback about his condition - broken scapula and lots of
bruises - friend is also going to be okay. But, the bike looked totaled! And
the truck had to be towed away as well.


Glad it wasn't worse. Not quite as bad as the story I was told, glad I didn't post what I heard through the grapevine. I hope that he and his passenger recovery quickly.
Does anyone know for sure what actually happened out on 1431? It "appeared" to me that someone had to have crossed the center line? I only saw the Blue SUV with the front hit. Traffic was moderate at that time and I had just come off a long stretch stuck behind a family towing a pleasure boat at around 40 mph. :roll: I had moved right earlier to let a DS'er ride by me. (I am the Cruiser by nature)

Ok, I'm getting long winded.... I'm sure a bunch of us want to know, so I'll ask... What happened?

The Grump
Okay, we have an address, as posted by her boyfriend Mic in another thread:

You can send cards in her name to my apartment as that will be the quickest way to get them to her.

12041 Dessau Rd #1208
Austin, TX 78754

Her name is Jo Alsheikh. I'll leave the address up for a few days, then remove it.

Here's Mic's thread:
He explained what happened there.
I agree 1000% with Ceddec, someone has to do something about the ******** driving cars/trucks/suvs and not being held responsible for their actions when it comes to motorcycles. Someone in another thread suggested a Million Motorcycle March on DC. If our Secretary of Transportation is so motorcycle friendly, then she should be taking the lead. Fat chance though.

Bottomline. Here's my opinion on what should happen.

Car/truck/suv causes motorcycle to crash....contact or no contact. Driver of car and his/her insurance is 100% liable for any and all damage/injury. If there is permanent injury the "at fault" insurance should be responsible for medical costs for the remainder of the persons life. Period.

If the car/truck/suv causes death to the rider and/or passenger, the car/truck/suv driver should be help accountable under vehicular manslaughter charges or create a charge "murder by car/truck/suv". And when convicted there is a single sentence with zero parole. Plus the person and their family should be responsible for financial renumeration to the dead persons family.

If the driver has no insurance lock them up for 5 years immediately. No trial. No questions asked.

If a cell phone or blackberry is involved triple the penalties.
If make-up or a shaver or other primping apparatus is involved double the sentence.
If a Starbucks or other beverage is involved double the sentence.

Until car/truck/suv drivers are forced to understand that a motorcycle rider and/or passenger can be killed because they are stupid and irresponsible they will never change they way they view motorcycles.
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I agree 1000% with Ceddec, someone has to do something about the ******** driving cars/trucks/suvs and not being held responsible for their actions when it comes to motorcycles.

As somebody who has been involved in an accident due to a four wheeler's negligence, I will say this. The judges do what we elect them to do; that is, judge. One of our problems is we seem to think there is some one size fits all for punishment, and the legislation arm of our government ends up tying the hands of the judge to issue a sentence. I don't think we really want to do that, we want judges to be that impartial party who can decide on a sentence for an individual.

We all agree that both weekend accidents were simply stupid and totally avoidable if four wheelers had been paying attention. The problem is it is way too easy to get distracted in a car. We put radios, CDs, GPS, iPods, make-up, phones, etc. at arms reach so we can do those things while driving. A rider can have their fair share of distractions too, so riders are guilty too. However, the point I was going to make is that we simply have drivers with way too many distractions, and they need to wake up and realize that riders are way too vulnerable.

Since reentering the riding scene a couple of years back, I think my driving skills have increased because I'm simply more aware of my surroundings. And that's the key. I tell people I work with who always question my riding in Austin traffic, that riding is a contact sport. However, the idea is not to make contact. While meant to be funny, it's really true too, which is why we have to continually sharpen our riding skills, just as much as drivers need to sharpen theirs. It's a two way thing.

I agree 1000% with Ceddec, someone has to do something about the ******** driving cars/trucks/suvs and not being held responsible for their actions when it comes to motorcycles. Someone in another thread suggested a Million Motorcycle March on DC. If our Secretary of Transportation is so motorcycle friendly, then she should be taking the lead. Fat chance though.

I like what Europe (at least in Italy) has on the books when it comes to car and motorcycle meeting unfortunately. Just like if a car strikes a person walking, the motorcyclist has the right of way. It is up to the car to do everything to see and avoid the biker. NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND!!!
My first solution to cagers not paying attention is to put a Stebel horn on my bike and my partner's bike. If 130db don't get their attention nothing will. Next comes headlight modulators. Too bad phasers and photon torpedos have not been invented yet :lol2:

I like the idea of a cell phone interlock on cars. Once you engage the starter a blocking signal prevents the phone from operating. They have these for restaurants and theatres. If you need to use the **** thing while in your car you're going to have to pull over and turn off the engine. You could use the phone with the ignition on "accessory".
My first solution to cagers not paying attention is to put a Stebel horn on my bike and my partner's bike. If 130db don't get their attention nothing will. Next comes headlight modulators. Too bad phasers and photon torpedos have not been invented yet :lol2:

I like the idea of a cell phone interlock on cars. Once you engage the starter a blocking signal prevents the phone from operating. They have these for restaurants and theatres. If you need to use the **** thing while in your car you're going to have to pull over and turn off the engine. You could use the phone with the ignition on "accessory".
Wow, this really sucks. I offer my best wishes to all involved.

I like the idea of the interlock device for cell phones as drfood mentioned. They should be mandatory!!
I like the idea of the interlock device for cell phones as drfood mentioned. They should be mandatory!!

Not me. From there it would be speed reporting software and other intrusive measures. All for the sake of the children of course.
Not me. From there it would be speed reporting software and other intrusive measures. All for the sake of the children of course.
I would want my daughter or wife to be able to dial 911 if somebody was following them and not have to pull over and turn off the car.
Technology isn't the answer. Personal responsibility is. If someone is using a device that impairs their ability to drive then they are negligent. Call it DWI (driving while impaired) to cover any activity that impairs a driver's ability to drive safely.

I think the fact is that there are a bunch of lousy drivers out there, and only the realization that their actions will have consequences are going to change the behavior.
Perhaps the solution to Tracker's concern is to allow the use of 911. With our electronic capabilities there is a way to program the phones to work only with 911 calls.

The real solution to that is what was suggested before society became addicted to 24/7 contact via cell and text. Drive to the nearest police or other law enforcement station. Or get the attention of a LEO.

At some point our society must realize that we did have lives before cell and blackberry and iphones. We simply used the brain God gave us to solve a problem. Afterall, what did we do before cell phones and blackberries and iphones. I think we survived quite well as a society.

And Kurt, unfortunately GM and other manufacturers already has that technology built into each and every one of their vehicles with On Star or the other services. They can track you very easily. Remember they can lock and unlock your doors as they commercial states. And any vehicle with factory GPS can also be tracked. Plus the "black boxes" store data on the vehicle. It's not like they don't know where we are anyway.