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Prayer for Zac Chapman - family needs help


Nov 11, 2004
Reaction score
Boonsville, Tx

I received a call Saturday 8/8 from the Weatherford Tx CMA chapter that Zack Chapman was seriously injured in a road race in Virginia. All I know so far is that he was taken by helicopter ambulance to a trauma center with head injuries. His Dad, Fred was in Hallet with his younger son, Jake and drove from there to Roanoke, Va. I have known Zack almost all of his 19 or 20 years and he his a fine young man and he needs all of our prayers. I will update when I know more.
Re: Prayer for Zack Chapman

I met Fred and Zack many years ago at CMRA and raced with him in his early years. He turned out to be fast rider.....very fast. Prayers to him and his family.

From RRW>>>>>>

WERA Racer Chapman Critically Injured At VIR

Aug 09, 2009, ©Copyright 2009, Roadracing World Publishing, Inc.

From a press release issued by Team Velocity Racing:

Zac Chapman, a WERA racer and team rider for TVR/EBC Brakes Yamaha, was critically injured in a sprint race on Saturday during WERA’s Cycle Jam at Virginia International Raceway.

Chapman supported TVR during the endurance race on Friday, although he opted not to ride. He is recovering from a broken ankle and felt the hour-long stints might be too strenuous. After the endurance race, Chapman stayed to compete on his own bikes throughout the remainder of the weekend. During his first race on Saturday, Chapman crashed in turn six; it was a single-bike incident.

Chapman received head and neck injuries in the crash. He was initially lucid, but he was taken to the hospital in nearby Danville as a precaution. After arriving there, however, his condition declined and he was airlifted to the Carilion Clinic in Roanoke, Virginia.

As of Sunday night, Chapman is in a coma due to his injuries—including fluid buildup inside his skull—and is listed in critical condition. He has already undergone two surgeries to relieve the pressure in his skull and to accommodate swelling. More information will be released as it becomes available.

Chapman’s family is by his side, and they, along with his TVR teammates, request prayers and thoughts for his recovery. “Zac is more than a teammate; he’s also a good friend,” said TVR team owner Chuck Ivey. “The whole team is pulling for him.”

Anyone who wishes to send cards should address them to:
Carilion Clinic
Zac Chapman, Room 972
P.O. Box 13367
Roanoke, VA 24033
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Re: Prayer for Zack Chapman

Not much of an update but I did get an email from monday that said Zack's fever had broke and his brain had stopped swelling. Wish I had more and better news. Keep the prayers going!
Re: Prayer for Zack Chapman

From Fred this morning:

This is zacs dad. I wanted to let you know that zac had a bad crash at VIR this past sat and suffered a severe head injury. He was air lifted to Roanoke Va. Memorial Hospital. Right now he is still in a coma after having emergency brain surgery. The doctors dont give him much of a chance but his family & I are not giving up on him. We need you to pray hard also to our Lord for a Superntural miracle.
I would also ask you not to call I have been overwhelmed will calls and text msgs and right now I need to focus on Zacs care. You can watch for updates on the CMRA & WERA message boards, also after lunch today I will have a msg set up on Zacs voice mail so you can and get an updates. I will do my best to post updates at 11:00am & 8:00pm daily. I want to thank you for the out pouring of love and prayers for our son. I am sure that you know Zac loves you and you know his relationship with Christ is strong and he wants the same for you.
Resting in Christ-Fred

I can't imagine how his Dad and little brother are handling this, my heart aches for them. I had a good conversation with his Dad last Saturday (basically just before he got the news) about how Zac mentors his younger brother and how their house is 'all motorcycles all the time'. The smile he had on his face, beaming with pride, when he talked about his kids...

I know we all take risks when we get behind the handlebars but this kid, this family, doesn't deserve this.

Zac, you can do it, you can pull out of this.
Re: Prayer for Zack Chapman

Not much of an update but I did get an email from monday that said Zack's fever had broke and his brain had stopped swelling. Wish I had more and better news. Keep the prayers going!

ok good, the latest news is similar but still nerve racking

Zac's swelling has gone down and his temperature is closer to normal. They are planning to do an EEG shortly.

Fred requests all prayers be very specific as to the doctors finding brain activity when they perform the EEG.
Re: Prayer for Zack Chapman

The whole Chapman family are just about the best folks one could hope to know. It pains me to hear of them having to go through this, but I know their faith is strong. All I can say is that twice I have had riders I personally know go down catastrophically where doctors gave very grave prognosis for recovery. In both instances they made almost complete, and certainly miraculous, recoveries. Never give up faith. There is nothing impossible for Him.
Re: Prayer for Zack Chapman

Received the following email from Koinonia riders today.

This status update is per Bruce (I'm sorry that I don't know his last name). He goes to church at New River with Fred and is a dear friend of his.
Zac's status has not changed much. Heart rate & temperature stable. He had developed an infection in his mouth, but is on antibiotics. He is being given nutrition as well. The EEG did not show any seizure activity, but little to no brain activity at this point, which could change with decrease in swelling. Continue to pray for his healing, free of infection.

The family is doing well. They look to be returning to their respective homes Friday. All of them except Fred. He will remain with Zac. Pray for his faith and strength to be sustained and to continue to lean on God in his decision-making.

Bruce and Chuck are returning from there today.

Our prayer support has been a great comfort to the family during these past few days. At this point, most of what we can do that would benefit besides pray is to give tangible, necessary financial support to help offset the financial strain this accident has and will continue to cause on Fred. As you may know, if he isn't working on a computer, no money is coming in. He wants to have a house to bring Zac home to when he gets to bring him home. I know that New River Church is looking at setting up an account through the church at some point, but now is a critical time of need. If there is enough of a need for it, we could open an account at a local bank that would allow donations to be directly deposited. If anyone does feel led to give now, let me know and we will see how we will handle it. I would love to see an outpouring of support large enough to warrant the account being created!
Re: Prayer for Zack Chapman

This is Zac's mom. My name is Jenny Truitt. I want to thank everyone for their prayers for our son and family members during this tough time. Zac continues to fight fever and they were going to test his urine and cerebrospinal fluid to rule out another infection that might be present other than the pneumonia. When Zac's pressures are good and stable from the ventricular drains that are in place in his head, they will do a tracheostomy. If there is no fear of complications, the procedure will be done in his room. If anyone wishes to contact me to give Fred relief from numerous phone calls that he receives, my email is eviltwin65@sbcglobal.net. Zac has an older sister who's name is Jennifer, a younger sister who's name is Julia, and his younger brother Jake. Please remember all family members in prayer. Those of us that could not stay by Zac's bedside are struggling with guilt as well as the significance of what has happened.
Re: Prayer for Zack Chapman

This is Zac's mom. My name is Jenny.

Glad to have you on the forum, just sorry for the circumstances. We will continue to pray for him. Please keep us updated on his progress and maybe that will help relieve the extra phone calls.

God bless.
Re: Prayer for Zack Chapman

Thank you for the update, Mrs. Chapman. Prayers for the entire family and all of his friends.
Re: Prayer for Zack Chapman

Thank you each and everyone for your prayers. There are 5 of us that hope to travel back up to Virginia on passes given to us by a friend that works for Delta. This will be a quick trip Thurs-Sat. Zac's older sister Jennifer has 2 school age children and I have 1. As I said, we are thankful that Fred can stay with Zac in Virginia, but fight guilt that we are not able to do this. Our prayer is that if Zac becomes stable enough, we can hopefully get him back to Texas.
Re: Prayer for Zack Chapman

P.S. Zac never had an infection in his mouth. There must have been some confusion, but the only infection that we are aware of is the pneumonia.
Re: Prayer for Zack Chapman

Thank you each and everyone for your prayers. There are 5 of us that hope to travel back up to Virginia on passes given to us by a friend that works for Delta. This will be a quick trip Thurs-Sat. Zac's older sister Jennifer has 2 school age children and I have 1. As I said, we are thankful that Fred can stay with Zac in Virginia, but fight guilt that we are not able to do this. Our prayer is that if Zac becomes stable enough, we can hopefully get him back to Texas.

As a Friend, my heart goes out to you for a good outcome.

As a Father, my soul aches for peace of any kind.

Fred led many a prayer after the rider meetings at the event's I was involved in. Then we watched as Zack raced with a tiger tail on his helment if I remember correctly. (it was a few years ago and I've slept since then)

I remember him visiting in the pits, always ready to lend a hand to whatever needed to be done, quite often after he had finished a race himself.

Come back Zack, there is still quite a bit you need to teach this world.

Re: Prayer for Zack Chapman

Zac had the tracheostomy done today. He did not do well during the procedure; his blood pressure dropped very low and his intracranial pressure went up. He is better now, but continues to fight a temp. of 103.5. They are planning on putting in his feeding tube (G tube) in on Wed. It was hard to hear the news that he struggled during the trach. and have to be so far away. Please cont. with prayer for all family members: Fred, who is able to stay there, and those of us who were not able to do so. Of course we ask for continued prayer for Zac, who is worthy of a miraculous healing!
His place of employment, Family Powersports, is putting together a benefit for Zac on Aug. 29 (Sat.) from 11-3. There is to be food, entertainment, and stickers/bracelets with Zac's racing# on them. Their address is 1811 Fort Worth Hwy. Weatherford, TX 76086
Re: Prayer for Zack Chapman

His place of employment, Family Powersports, is putting together a benefit for Zac on Aug. 29 (Sat.) from 11-3. There is to be food, entertainment, and stickers/bracelets with Zac's racing# on them. Their address is 1811 Fort Worth Hwy. Weatherford, TX 76086

Sounds like a destination after the Pie Run in Fairfield for us DFW riders. I'll see about adding that to the Pie Run thread...

God bless him & continued prayers. He needs to be back in Texas.

BTW, I was talking to another CMA rider who knew Zac on Friday night - Marty Johnston. He made sure we had seen this thread.
Re: Prayer for Zack Chapman

Zac's mom Jenny asked me to post this flyer for Zac's benefit. Unfortunately the file I got is too large to attach to the post, so below is the link to the flyer. If any of you are more tech-savvy, it would be great if you could post the actual flyer in this thread.


It would be appreciated if this thread could get a sticky until the event passes.

Zac Chapman is a 19 year old who is madly in love with motorcycles. Zac’s passion for anything two wheeled led him to a career in motorcycle racing and a job at Family PowerSports in Weatherford, TX.

On Saturday, August 8th Zac was injured while racing his motorcycle He remains in a trauma clinic in Roanoke, VA. Because of his strong Christian Faith we have hope he will be home with us soon.

The benefit will be August 29th at Family Powersports, 1811 Fort Worth Hwy, Weatherford, TX 76086, (817) 596-3244.

Send your donation to
Zac Chapman Benefit
C/O First National Bank
PO Box 730 Weatherford, TX 76086

Please spread the word and share the flyer with other groups you are active with.

Sending Zac healing thoughts..

Re: Prayer for Zack Chapman

Prayers for Zac, his family and the medical staff.