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Seat mods for a broken butt

Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Exit. Stage West.
....or any other purpose.

The process began last year.

Started modifying the seat again recently because of comfort issues riding with a recovering broken pelvis. But, as many of you know, when you start construction/repairs/moving things, there's usually half a dozen others tied into it.

First, I had to have a support welded onto the Turbocity rack for the new sidebags (roll-down Ortlieb drybags). So, Big Little Brother Bill, known for his welding magic, bent and welded solid bar onto the right side of the rack. It was bent and placed to support the right bag off the exhaust, and positioned just under the edge of the side plastic panel to keep that off the exhaust as well. Several of us have personal experience with melted plastic side panels.

Bending the bar:


Bill's welding mojo:


After an inspection after some finish touches:


Okay, now that is done, attack the seat!

The day after the Welding Party, I removed the seat to take a knife to it. This had already happened once before, with same Partners in Bike Crime, last year when the seat was shaved down.


At the time we thought it might be a good idea to leave a ridge 2/3 of the way back on top the seat. As it turned out, this was to be right where my butt bones sit. That had to change, especially after last week's ride.


Sunday morning I took the seat off the bike and brought it in the living room where it went under the electric knife again. After removing staples from the pan, the rear half of the cover was peeled back to reveal the foam. I shaved off the ridge on the foam, gradually smoothing it into the rear 1/8th of the seat.
(before attacking with the knife)


Since it was a solo job this time, not very many photos. I have only so many hands and they were covered with foam dust/chips. Ed helped me stretch and staple the cover back on (pretty much a 2-person job) and I put it back on the bike.


After sitting on it and moving around, I don't think I need to add any foam to it. But the next modification happens next weekend: a Sore Butt sling (based on a modified Sweet Cheekies)
Today's accompishment.
Next step: seat sling. Just finished it (almost).


From the back. I ran out of webbing, so will need to finish attaching the left buckle at the back.


A close-up of the right pocket with a 1 L bottle is below. I sewed a casing in the inside edge and threaded shock cord through it, adding a toggle clamp to close the ends over the bottles. The red is binding along the inside edges of the canvas to prevent fraying and add strength (and a bit of color). The central pocket is slightly open to show that there is room for sliding a few folded maps inside. I don't mind sitting on maps. :mrgreen:


All four connecting points have quick release buckles. In the rear, they attach the the stock rack under the TurboCity rack where a dry bag will sit. This makes it more accessible and convenient.

Next weekend is a two-day camping dry run with all the stuff we plan to carry for almost two weeks in the Oregon back country.