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Pie Run Rider Down - Prayer Request

Feb 24, 2005
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Panorama Village
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As most of you probably know, we had rider from the Conroe group go down on our ride to Sealy. I don't have the latest info but should be hearing from him or his daughter on his condition. In the mean time, I'd like to request prayers for John for a complete and speedy recovery.

The info I have is a possible busted up shoulder and a rib cage injury. There was no road rash that I know of other than a small scrape on his right hip. The EMS crew did call for LifeFlight due to an issue with his memory while they were attending to him in the ambulance but the report was he was he had regained his senses by time the Flight Nurse had taken over his care prior to being loaded in the helicopter.

By looking at the leather jacket he was wearing you would not know it had been involved in a accident other than some dirt on it. The paramedic didn't want to cut the jacket off of him and was able to work it off without having to make any cuts, said he rode too and knew how much a jacket cost. His helmet had some dirt on it but other than that I saw no damage. There was, if I heard correctly, no contact with the pavement as he wasn't ejected until after the bike was in the ditch. t didn't think to get a photo of the gear, the EMS crew wanted to take the helmet to the hospital with him but when LifeFlight took over his care we loaded the gear up into the truck that was called to transport the bike.

John was a former co-worker of mine up until he retired about 14 years ago. I know first started riding bikes in the 1950's.

I will update this post or the Pie Run report when I have additional information.

I just heard from John's daughter. He is doing good, has his sense of humor back. No surgery will be needed for the shoulder but he will be in a brace for awhile. The 2, 3, 4 and 5 ribs on his right side were fractured and lung was punctured. They will be getting him up shortly to get him moving around.

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Thank you for the update Tony. Prayers being sent his way. I'm sorry that his first TWT ride ended up this way. I hope he heals up quickly.
Thanks for the update. Praise God for his minimal injuries and no-need for surgery. Prayers for continued healing.

When we came by, the professionals were already on the scene so there was nothing we could do but stay out of the way.

Thanks for the update I am glad to hear John is on the mend. :sun:
Sorry to hear this; hope your friend heals fast.
Glad to hear he'll be okay. I was really concerned for a while there, having been on the scene of the accicdent.
Good news on his progress. I hope he doesn't give up on the Pie Runs and perhaps can make one in the future ;-)
I haven't heard from him. I was hoping to get an update but haven't yet. I may try to run out by his place tomorrow to see if he may have gone home.

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Prayers sent for John and a very speedy recovery!!
I just heard from John's wife...

John is home. Doing good but still hurting quite a bit. Has to wear a neck brace for 6-8 weeks. His cracked ribs are hurting him the worst. IHe hasn't got to the computer yet but as soon as he does I will tell him to contact you, You can call if you want. Most of the time he can talk for a little while. I have told him to keep his cell phone on him so he can probably get to it. Thanks for checking on him.

I spoke with John this afternoon. He reports he is doing as good as can be expected at this time. Says he is getting bored with only being able to have his body in one of two positions, either flat on his back or sitting straight up in a chair. Right now his best friend is the bottle of pain killers. Said he had a good time on the ride up until the accident.

He was released from the hospital at 18:00 11/25/2010 and then he spent a couple of days with his daughter before heading home.

He did say he learned one thing due to the accident; he's "not 10' tall and bulletproof, only 8' tall and bullet resistant."
Good to hear he is doing better. I'll be praying that he not suffer from restlessness too bad. I know that was a real problem for me when I was in a cast and could not get around well. I felt pretty useless and had to rely on the kids to help me out with really basic stuff. The upside was that they were happy to be helping when they weren't jumping on me and causing lots of pain... :doh: :lol2:
I forgot to add that John asked me to tell all that he met that he enjoyed meeting and riding with you and looks forward to talking to you again. He also said to tell you he was sorry he messed up your ride and made you late for your pie.

Also James, John said you owe him a piece of pie and a cup of coffee. With that and his comment about not being 10' tall let's me know the old John is back at least on the mental side.

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