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Need prayers for Graeme's wife Angela following BAD accident

Mar 5, 2008
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Where the road leads ya.... Or Waco
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Re: 2011 Roll The Bones Rally - Ride Reports/Pics

I'd like to re-post this message here on TWT regarding an accident that happened to one of the Roll The Bones Rally participant's wife. While the accident did not happen at the rally (happened in McKinney) It was a sad happening that cut short any Rally riding plans Graeme Peart had begun on Friday afternoon.
The info is from an email sent out thru BMWDFW Group. Dahveed posted it on ADV Rider & it should go here too. Please read it at your discression....Some of the info is pretty intense.

Scott....If you think this needs to be moved to a different location...please put a link to it in this thread...

I’m so scared. The reality of the seriousness of Angela’s condition is setting in. I’m dreading tomorrow, today already. The ride on the rollercoaster, like the ride on her bike, seems to be going the wrong way. I write the remainder of this message with much trepidation. There is still much hope. Some more time will allow further healing. I guess I am getting myself ready for wherever the ride goes.
Yesterday I mentioned that Angela had a fever. Today they took samples for a culture. The concern is that she may be developing pneumonia. The results of the culture won’t be known for about 72 hours – that would make it Saturday.
One of the staff who works with the surgeons in the neurological team came to talk to me in the waiting room while they were doing the EEG. She explained for the type of brain injury Angela has that there is nothing that surgery can help with. She was there to provide hope and encouragement – Angela is young (I’ve heard people say that many times and I look forward to telling her so), fit and strong - but also to start the discussion on the realities and possibilities related to Angela’s outcome. This is the beginning of the discussion I have been dreading. Wednesday is Day 6 of Angela being on the ventilator, on life support. In two more days, thereabouts, if Angela does not begin to follow simple commands and consequently be taken off the ventilator I’ll be asked about whether to move the breathing tube from her mouth to a hole in her neck – a tracheotomy. This is more comfortable and less irritating for long term life support. This is where decisions will become both easy and difficult. From many years ago and as recently as last year we reaffirmed our desires should the worst happen. The Advance Directive, as it is known, states Angela’s desire to keep her comfortable while any life sustaining treatments are discontinued should she suffer a terminal or irreversible condition. I am hoping that those words are not part of any discussions in the next few days.
Angela’s blood pressure has stabilized but she still doesn’t follow simple commands, even with the new sedative. This morning they did an EEG. While I don’t have the official results from the neurologist, the high-level view is that her brain function is slow possibly caused by a lack of oxygen at some point. I was told on Friday that she had trouble breathing by herself at the scene of the accident. I didn’t realize at the time that it might have been this serious. Her actual brain injury, the bleeding and swelling from the concussive blow to the helmet, was shown to have resolved to a great extent as shown on the CT scan yesterday.
This evening, Angela had what is probably the last of the planned surgeries for treating the wounds on her hip, thigh and knee. It went well. One of the docs showed me the work done on her hip. Wow, it looked neat and tidy but if there is going to be a scar it will be a whopper.
Angela is such a beautiful girl, even on her bed in the CCU. The sedatives make her so relaxed there is barely a wrinkle to be seen. She looks at least 10 years younger. Her simple movements even make her look baby-like: a slight shrug of her shoulders, mouthing of unsaid words, her frown when having her lungs suctioned. Bugger that! I want the cranky Angela back.

Mr2mch :
We're all thinkin of Graeme & Angela in this really tragic time. Hopefully they will make it thru this & be able to enjoy the cycling sport again.

Heart-breaking - sending strength to Graeme and Angela.
I read this yesterday and I can't begin to say how sorry I was to learn of this. Needless to say they are in our thought and prayers.

From: ladyghostrider1964 (on ADV)

Those of you that were at the rally know that Graeme Peart had to leave early due to getting a message that his wife had a wreck on her motorcycle on her way to work. Dody talked to Graeme this afternoon. He said that Angela, his wife, was in ICU and on a respirator. Right now, they are waiting to see what is going to happen. I was thinking as a motorcycle family, we could pull together and take up a donation to help out the family! You can send them to me thru the mail at Ginger Belknap 10245 FM 929, Gatesville, Texas 76528. Or, if you would like, you could send some flowers to Angela Peart at PLANO MEDICAL CENTER, 2105 W. Spring Creek Pky #A300, Plano, Tx. 75023. Also, PLEASE KEEP THE PEART FAMILY IN YOUR PRAYERS!!!

I haven't seen any posts on updates for Graeme's wife Angela. Someone in the DFW area is bound to know them & can give us an update.....


Graeme has posted a few updates on the Lone Star BMW Riders Yahoo list and are remarkable in the calmness and detail. I would be a basket case if I had to deal with something like this. I hope it's the prayers that are helping with his strength, I will continue mine.

Graeme's update from last night...

I am cautiously optimistic about Angela's condition. I've heard everything
from "she may not get any better than her current condition" to "she'll be
back to her old self". Not literally these words but perhaps the sentiment.

To put things into perspective, the CCU doctor, Waheed, asked me this
morning about what I wanted the trauma team to do should Angela go into
cardiac arrest or some other such life threatening condition. Did I want
Angela resuscitated by all means necessary (burns, broken ribs, etc.) or
left to die peacefully (DNR - Do Not Resuscitate)? It's odd how such
discussions sound like "Would you like cream in your coffee?" At that point
he wasn't very positive about the level of functioning that Angela would

What I wanted to know was what do you believe are the extent of her brain
injuries? The EEG showed reduced brain activity. I'm sure that's what mine
would look like by 3pm at work (sorry boss - he's probably reading this).
The CT scans look reasonably good. The simple physical tests such as
response to pain indicate basic brain functioning. Response to commands is
nowhere near as clear as you would get from a small child. It is all

The CCU hadn't yet received the EMS report from the scene. It would show
Angela's vital signs when the EMS team arrived. I wanted to know how long
Angela may not have been breathing to help guide my decisions. If she was
breathing when found that is one thing, if on the other hand it had been ten
minutes since her last breath, I would conclude something different. I went
on a quest to get this report, but that is another story. As I discussed
this with Dr. Waheed, I asked him about what an MRI would show. He agreed
it should indicate whether there was hypoxia and should also show the brain
in more detail than a CT scan so that other injuries may become visible. I
asked if the MRI could be done. It hadn't up to this point because of the
bone stimulator from back surgery a few years ago and because of the
external hardware that was stabilizing Angela's broken femur. Yesterday,
the orthopedic surgeon said the hardware was compatible with an MRI. The
notes that they had just received from Angela's back surgery didn't provide
enough information about the compatibility of the bone stimulator with MRI.
A quick question from Waheed to the radiologist about whether the bone
stimulator seen on X-rays was compatible came up positive.

They did the MRI immediately. It showed no hypoxia, that's good, and some
contusions (bruising) of the brain. On a relative scale, that's good too.
Bruising in many cases, I'm told, is recoverable. Based on this
information, I asked them to go ahead with the tracheotomy and the feeding
tube (I expect both will be done Friday) and to hold off on the DNR order.
I now am cautiously optimistic.

What I have learned from this experience is that while the CCU staff is
competent in their particular specialties, there lie gaps in communication
and teamwork. My role as a husband and father just grew to include the
recently recognized role of patient advocate. I have learned that there is
something I can do for Angela instead of being a passive observer and
fatalistic decision maker. I wasn't sitting back - I just didn't recognize
the role was that of being an advocate. Now, with a fresh perspective, I
want to see the CT scans, EEG, X-rays and MRI and have every detail and
every consequence explained to me. It seems it is my job to get the team
working toward the best outcome, whatever it may be.

I have a great deal of respect for this man. I hope I'm never in his shoes, but if I was ever in a tough place, he is one I would want beside me.

My very best to both of them.
I have a great deal of respect for this man. I hope I'm never in his shoes, but if I was ever in a tough place, he is one I would want beside me.


:tab I played a similar role for my father in law a few years ago. Docs can sometimes forget that they need to put things in terms you can understand. I was the go between person between the Docs and mother in law. She would never stand toe to toe with them and demand answers she could understand and would just passively accept what they told her without asking questions. Having someone that can do that for the patient is VERY important. It was stressful, but when the life of someone you love is on the line, you get it done or find someone that can. Like you, I hope I never have to be in this place again with any of my loved ones and I have great respect for those that do it.
I just emailed the President of the LS BMW Club Lloyd "Bud" Eastburn requesting status. Hopefully, he'll have something and respond..
I'm sure Bud will respond to you, but until then here's Graeme's update from the 14th.

Graeme has posted several updates, and as you read along you'll see they are a type of therapy for him.

Some are hard for me to read. They make my heart hurt.

I haven't posted all of them. Don't know how much I should spread Graeme's words.... or even if I'm supposed to... I'm just hoping the power of prayer will help and have asked for yours. I think I'm doing the right thing - I hope.

Angela was breathing by herself today. No ventilator or CPAP, just oxygen enriched air. It is now time to move her from the CCU to a hospital that caters to people in Angela’s condition. It is expected that Angela will be at one of these long term care hospitals for a month or so and then be transferred to a rehab hospital where she will be for who knows how long. Angela’s brother Chris will be arriving from England late tonight. One of our friends at the BMW motorcycle club is retrieving him from the airport. Chris won’t have much rest before I put him to work. I’ve asked for a meeting with the key people involved in Angela’s care. I won’t know the time until I call the hospital at 8am.
The social worker gave me a short list of three facilities with the one in Carrollton being geared more for those having neurological conditions. If any of you know anything about these facilities or can make recommendations then please let me know:
1.Select Specialty Hospital: 2329 W. Parker Rd., Carrollton, TX 750102.LifeCare Hospital: 6800 Preston Rd., Plano TX 750243.Plano Specialty Hospital: 1621 Coit Rd., Plano TX 75075One of the criteria is that our present health insurance is with Aetna. In 2012 it is supposed to be with United Healthcare. The transition may complicate things but I’m aware that there is some option to stay on the existing plan.

Other than an improvement in her breathing, there has been little change. I suppose the rollercoaster ride has slowed. I’m not looking forward to the long hard slog to recovery. I don’t know what recovery means. It could be that we have the Angela we all knew back at home enjoying her garden, riding her bike or scolding the kids for the mess in their rooms. I’m too much of a pragmatist to believe we will have that all back. At the other extreme, we have the Angela we know from the critical care unit; a rag doll, all floppy and unable to communicate – it looks like Angela. Her shell is healing well. The soft center, who she is, is barely visible. Looking into her right eye is scary like vertigo when standing on top of something high with little to hold you there. There is no spark of life when looking into that bottomless well – be careful not to fall in. I am scared. Is this our future?
Her left eye holds more hope. It opens, looks around and responds to the world in ever so simple ways: bright or dark, a response is visible; it might even follow movement in the room. What does it see?
The new Angela will be somewhere between the blankness of her right eye and the girl we knew, somewhere between gloom and sparkle. I feel like I’m looking in a mirror and I’m afraid of what I might find.
Wow... :brainsnap

You are right, that hurts to read. Amazing that he can write about it like that.

I wonder if he has seen the prayer thread here for Zac?


You just never know what is possible... That can give you hope, but it can also drive you nuts. We will definitely continue to pray for them!
Hello Everyone - I emailed Graeme that Angela's report was on here - He had no idea. He wanted to share that Angela is at the Medical Center of Plano, 3901 West 15th Street Plano, TX 75075-7738. Angela be moving soon to an LTAC facility. Her bike was a 2010 Triumph Bonneville, and totalled, per the insurance.

If you do not know, both Graeme and Angela are from England. They have no family living in the states, with the exception of their three daughters. Angela's brother arrived yesterday (I think), from England and will be here for threeish' weeks. He is in the medical field and will be of great help to Graeme in deciphering all the medical terminology.

Please keep them all in your prayers.