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Bastrop County Loop in the morning, Bastrop Trails in the early afternoon. 11/3/13


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Jan 8, 2011
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Lake Charles, La
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I'm riding a great loop on Sunday 11/3/13, followed by lunch at the Roadhouse and a quick blast through the Bastrop trails in the afternoon, and you are welcome to join me.

There will be a $2 fee for riding Park Road 1C from Bastrop to Smithville that I will need to collect in cash at the rider's meeting.

We will meet at the soccer fields near the corner of Hwy 71 and Hwy 95, across the street from the new huge Bucee's. Parking is no problem, so trailer your ride if you desire. Please schedule your arrival for 8:30 or earlier, because your bikes need to be warmed up and you need to have your gear on at 8:45 when I start the rider's meeting. Kickstands are up at 9 sharp.

The morning loop is about 40/60 dirt/street and is the best Bastrop County has to offer. The park road is rolling, twisty and paved and worth the trip in itself. In the gravel parts afterward there is one stretch about 300 yards long of rutted sand, but most is paved or well-maintained gravel. This loop is about 80 miles and should be doable on any bike calling in the dual sport category, including the Versys, Vstrom, and the big GSs.

There is a scary bridge with missing boards at the end of the loop if you are up for the challenge.

Here's the loop: http://goo.gl/maps/jN2RD

Lunch is at the Roadhouse and we will most likely eat on the porch. I hope to make it to lunch around 11am and be finished around 12:30. You know how that goes...

After lunch I will lead a group around the Bastrop Trails. I will not post the track for the trails, as they are my baby and I don't want them overrun. The trails are much more suited for smaller bikes with knobbys. There will be lots of loose round rocks to kick your front tire around and a fair amount of mud. There will be serious ruts to navigate and or cross, hills to climb and puddles to jump. There is about a 90% chance of dropping your bike. We should be finished around 3 or 4, depending of how many riders we have.

If you are not TOTALLY COMFORTABLE in your offroad riding skills, you should call it a day after lunch, having had a great ride in the morning.

Please post your intentions if you are planning on attending.

I hope to see you there!
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Sounds like a great ride J. Unfortunately, I already have plans on Saturday. :headbang:
Have fun,
gratuitous bump, see if we get more interest...

This would be a fun ride, although short for the distance I'm coming from. (I would not be up for the afternoon, off road portion.)
I'm working sunday but will be keeping that loop for a future ride. Thanks for sharing.
Here it is converted to.gpx and filtered for your 60csx...

Sweet, thanks.
I found the chip you made me for NM in my house by the way. Thanks again.
TravelDiva and I are going to do our best to make this ride. Gotta get our ducks in their rows. Our ducks do not like being in rows....
Well, unless some unknown catastrophe occurs between now and Sunday morning TravelDiva and I are definitely IN. It would be a sin to waste what looks to be a beautiful weekend doing just about anything else.

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I poached a small section of the route, using it as a shortcut on the way home today, which only added about half an hour to the commute. :rider:

From the Park Rd. I went up Alum Creek Rd. until it hits Gotier Trace and followed that East for the entire length. Despite the new culvert at the biggest water crossing there were still at least four water crossings on Gotier Trace, all shallow, but fun. Maybe they'll still be there Sunday. :trust:

Gotier's road surface should be fine for street riders on dirty bikes and dirty riders on street bikes. Dirty riders on dirty bikes will naturally enjoy it too. Street riders on street bikes probably won't like this at all. Got all that? ;-)

Next, I deviated from the designated course by passing St. Delight and following Frerich Rd (147). Then headed South on 2104 to Circle Rd. (411). The low water crossing after the League Line intersection was particularly muddy and rutted on the approach and exit. Schweet, and a bit of a hidden jewel on an otherwise paved section.

Next, a left on Krchnak Rd. (183) (Really, I didn't misspell it) to Karisch Rd (398) and up to the pièce de résistance, Center Union Rd. (263) which always delivers a short and interesting ride. This time it offered quite an extended submerged section. Whoo-wee! This led back to Karisch Rd. and left to 153. Karisch has two, count 'em, two connections to 153, one paved and one gravel, and the gravel section always has a water hole after a rain. Today it was long and wide.

Just thought I'd share this extracurricular activity for those in or near Bastrop County who might be foraging for interesting gravel between now and Sunday. :rider:
I should make it, trying to decide btwn riding the versys up there or hauling the KLX...
I am looking forward to the ride. I'll see y'all in the morning!
If you are riding the trails in the afternoon, you should bring the KLX, Justin. I'd bet knobbies would work a lot better since we have had a 'little' rain this week, and I have a little surprise planned for the exceptionally brave or foolhardy.
I am 50/50 for this one... Going to completely depend on if and when I go to sleep/wake up... :)
Been piddlin with the trailer and the scoot most of today. We are all loaded up and ready to ride. Looking forward to meeting y'all and riding somewhere new.

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Thanks for getting the video up so quick Joel. I had a great time, and I really envy the fact that you live where you can tie all that off-road together through Bastrop. Keep it up the way you do- small groups and quiet bikes- it would suck for those areas to get closed off.

See you next time
Thanks for getting the video up so quick Joel. I had a great time, and I really envy the fact that you live where you can tie all that off-road together through Bastrop. Keep it up the way you do- small groups and quiet bikes- it would suck for those areas to get closed off.

See you next time

Double the quiet bike sentiment!!! :rider:
Stealth is by all means our friend...