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01/21/06 TWT Maintenance Day

Nov 16, 2005
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Re: Maint Day 01/21/06 10:00am Huntsville

thanks for hosting Scott :clap: also good to meet some new twt folks ...carb mods make a big difference ...jury still out on the h/o headlight harness

Hope everyone made it home b4 it started raining
Re: Maint Day 01/21/06 10:00am Huntsville

Thanks Scott and Beth! Good to meet a few of the TWT folks and talk bikes with others of like interest. Learned that I need to get started earlier so I can go riding, too.
Re: Maint Day 01/21/06 10:00am Huntsville

Scott -

Will you be doing this again? I'd like to make the next one.

Re: Maint Day 01/21/06 10:00am Huntsville

I would like to thank Scott, Beth, and Sarah for hosting the maintenance day. It was good to meet everyone, the TWT gang what a great bunch of people. I really enjoyed the DS run Scott took Desmo and I on, those were some fun dirt roads, that is the kinda of stuff I bought my KLR to do. I just wish we had more time. The storm was coming it started sprinkling on me around 7pm for the last few miles on my ride home, as soon as I pulled in the garage it started pouring. Here are the photo's I took of the day, sorry for the blurry ones of the before dark run the battery in my digi camera was about to go.
Ahhhhh it's Snoopster and Sarah what cuties....

The gang is starting to gather

Here is cruzintexas and hurrican ritas sweet ride

KLR's are everywhere the true six fiddi

Stevenspring getting ready to do some mods

Ahhh the gs Scott you sure you want to sell it?

Wasabi is telling little Sarah that when she grows up she can have a KLR

Stevenspring is shimming the needle in his carb

Here is my KLR with the fairing off it really looks like a rat bike now

Wasabi is putting new boots on his forks

DannyRoth is getting ready to yank his tank and put the IMS tank on

If your reading this you know you want a dual sport bike

Desmo on the trail

Woops we aren't supposed to be here


Blurrry I was eating Scott and Desmo's dust

Heading back before it gets dark

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Aaakkk! I really wanted to come up, but we had a boy scout thing yesterday afternoon. So what happened with that Rancher, was that really a private road?
:tab I've been up and down that road numerous times and have often encountered other people. Quite a few times I have come upon a trail ride with 50-60 people, presumably property owners. In all cases but this one time, they have always been friendly and never said anything about us being back there, not even looked concerned. We always slow down and creep by the horses so as not to spook them.

:tab There aren't any signs at the open gates. Actually, I don't even recall there being a gate, just an opening in the fence row with a road going through. There are a bunch of property for sale signs though. We passed this guy once on our way through and he just waved like everyone else I've encountered back there. However, when we turned around to head back and passed him the second time, he flagged me down. He was obviously not happy to see us, BUT he also was obviously going out of his way to not take an attitude with us. He just asked what we were doing and told us this was a private lease. I asked if he minded us riding back through to the other road and he said go ahead. However, it was quite clear he did not want to see us back there again.

:tab I don't ever go back there during hunting season. Now that a property owner has objected, I will probably stay out for good unless I find out from other owners that the road is open as long as you stay out off the woods on either side. It really is a fun little road that runs through some fast changing elevations. It has little bridges over the creeks. LOTS of sand!!
Is it really private? This wouldn't be the first case in Texas of a rancher or hunter falsely claiming a public road was private, or equestrians falsely claiming a multi-use area was "horses only".


"We just want to be free to ride our machines without getting hassled by the man." Peter Fonda
Wasabi is telling little Sarah that when she grows up she can have a KLR

That picture with Sarah looking up at Bill is priceless.
Scott I am looking :roll: for the pics you took of the maintenance day where are they? Hehe just kidding, did you take a bunch? I just remember you saying that you where getting a shot of everyone that was there. I say why not take that rode again, it was too much fun. With all the land for sale signs that were posted all we have to say is we are out scouting property to buy.
Okay okay... here you go :-P

Wasabi on the left getting ready to drop his forks... :oops: Stevenspring on the right getting ready to shim his needle and install a new wiring harness. Yes, the color in that pic is for real, the bike really is that green! :shock:

Greg and Bryan shorting the clutch safety switch on the KLR. They have a tendency to go at the worst possible time...

Beth, Rita, Erik and Debbie

Desmo's KLR on the left with tank panniers. He picked them up at Tractor Supply for under $40!! I'm heading over there to have a look ;-)

Desmo's KLR and Cruzintexas' R1100S(rs? :shrug: )

Not much under the skirt...

Wasabi's KLR hanging from the garage door rails

Steve and Desmo trying to remember how it all came apart so they can get it back together again :-P

Wasabi replaced his fork boots, here he is trying to get the fork back into the triple clamp.

Making progress... Steve is reattching his throttle cables

The hostess checking the grounds

Allen's R1150RS, he met some of the Dec Pie Run crew at the Starbucks here in town in a random encounter. They assimilated him quickly :borg:

"There's some good dirt over here Dennis..." She still puts everything she picks up in her mouth if it will fit, dirt being a real favorite :roll:

Looking for better dirt...

Greg and Bryan happy to have completed their project. Greg is not officially part of TWT, just a lurker. Hopefully he will sign up soon. He has a very nice XR650R!

Allen and Steve "Cruzintexas"

Beth does not drink from sippy cups... I promise ;-) Rita is trying to warm up with a cup of coffee. It was a nippy ride up!

Erik "Rainmaker" helping Bill "Wasabi" get the second fork boot on.

Squidboy giving it a test ride :flip:

Dannyroth's XR650L. He showed up a wee late needing to install his bigger gas tank. We abandonded him to go riding before it got dark :oops:

Draining the gas and getting ready to start the disassembly.

:tab It was a great time! Thanks to everyone that made it out. Thanks to those that just lent a hand, always good to have some of those around ;-) Sarah loved seeing all the bikes. I hope that nasty head smack on the concrete did not freak everyone out too bad :shock: Amazingly, she does not even have a bruise :brainsnap I thought we were gonna be heading for the hospital :doh: Wish I could absorb impacts like that and cry them off in five minutes and then never know they happened :lol2:

:tab No pics of the ride afterwards, but it was fun. The rains came shortly after I got home. I did manage to stop near the University here in town to assimilate another rider that was getting gas :trust:
Is it just me or do Beth and Rita look like High School Seniors?
(nice to be young)...
Nah couldn't be... They're not holding beers :-P
Hey love the pics, those of Sarah are classic. Dirt is some good stuff, roughage....I myself I prefer worm dirt.:lol2: Glad to hear she is ok, I thought I heard a couple of head smacks that day.
Thanks for hosting this maintenance day, Scott. Although I got virtually nothing accomplished with my KLR, I had fun and met some new folks too.

You guys that left early missed a good ride. Scott led us to the "lease" where we met a nice rancher. He was eager to show us around his property (well show us the way out at least). When Scott pulled away, he whipped out his cell phone. I just knew we would meet another rancher at the exit. But hey, what fun is is a bike that can go anywhere if you do not get in trouble once in a while!

Bryan, it was good to meet you and thanks for letting me use some of your dielectric grease. It worked great. Lets do some more riding together. Glad you made it home before the storm. When I got home it was lightning like crazy. I wheeled my bike in the garage and then it started pouring rain. Talk about lucky.

You guys may want to post a report and some pics on KLR650.net too. We may attrack some more converts to TWT.

I wish I could have made it to meet everyone. Looks like fun was had by all and even some work was accomplished. :clap: Oh well, painting nursery in preparation for "new arrival" next month ;-)

I would double-check about the road being private. He may have been looking out for hunters on private lands that don't like noisy hudlums buzzing around scaring off the deer but if public road... too bad. Granted, I would venture there during hunting season but that's over so shouldn't be a problem. How much do you want to push back against someone warning you?

Hope to meet everyone soon.... like this Sat at SHNF if the rain holds off.
:tab Being that I am the admin here, I am wary of posting too much on KLR650.net specifically about TWT. Some admins are picky about that. They think you are trying to "steal" their users :roll: I don't think I have ever encountered a forum surfer that visits only one site all the time...

:tab That rancher was on the phone when I drove up the second time. He hung up so he could flag us down. The second guy was nice enough to pull over to let us by. Of course, when we first encountered him, I thought he was going to run me down. He was yakking on his phone and obviously not expecting to see anyone else on that road :eek: