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Assignment #170 - Beverage [ASSIGNMENT]


Nov 28, 2006
Reaction score
North of Weird
First Name
Let's switch this back to the old format as that approach seemed to generate more interest/opportunity with considerably less overhead. This will run two weeks+ and I'll select a winner who I think best met the assignment. That winner then gets to identify the next assignment, post it, select a winner. Rinse and Repeat. An ENTRY thread will be opened shortly for your submission to be considered.

Beverage - We all have a favorite, so lets try to create an image of your favorite beverage be it milk, soda water, beer, alcohol or whatever wets your whistle. Let's try to be creative and present that beverage to really stand out in an awesome way. Take your time to consider the composition of this single shot submission, lighting, angle, depth of field and such.

This assignment will close at MIDNIGHT/2400, Monday, May 16th, 2016. Entries submitted after this date/time will not be considered as part of the assignment. Forum time stamp is the official time.

Specifics for this assignment:
1) Camera phone, point & shoot, DSLR, iPad, or even film; all shooters are welcome and encouraged to participate!
2) Post processing is allowed for this assignment.
3 All forum posting rules apply regarding suitability of an image to post.
4) Your photograph for the entry has to have been taken between now and midnight/2400, Monday, May 16th 2016.

Here's a few to get you thinking.....





Best of shooting to you all! :photo:
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I was really into this a few years go, mainly shooting my own homebrews. It might be time to revisit.
