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Four-State Weekend Ride


Jan 18, 2010
Reaction score
Cedar Park
Took a 2-day ride this past weekend from Cedar Park out to Louisiana, then Arkansas where I spent the night. Then up to the Ouachita National Forest and Oklahoma before returning home Sunday evening. I'd never ridden to those states before, in fact it was my first time ever visiting Arkansas and Oklahoma.

My route took me east on Hwy 79, and actually continued the length of it into Louisiana. From there I continued north into Arkansas and to my stop for the night in Murfreesboro.


The next morning it was off to the Ouachita National Forest and Oklahoma before heading back south and home again. All in all, I traveled about 1,040 miles, 30 of which were because I missed a turn off to Hwy 79 on the way back. Doh! I did find my namesake hamburger joint. Too bad they were closed:


My favorite part of the ride was definitely the forest area in Arkansas and Oklahoma, and Talimena Scenic Drive in particular. There were lots of nice vistas and plenty of clean air and I wish I could have spent more time there. And the riding around there was super! Lots of twisties and elevation changes to keep things fun.


Not everything went smoothly, though, but at least it was nothing major. The USB to cigarette lighter adapter connection came loose and wouldn’t stay tight which meant I couldn’t have my GPS running all the time. I blame that for my 30 mile detour. I have batteries in the GPS, but they ran out of juice quickly. Secondly, one of my earpieces on my earbuds went out which meant no music on the way home. Lastly, when I arrived home I dropped my bike in the driveway. I guess I was more tired than I thought! I bent the handguard and the bike suffered a few scratches (adding a bit more character to my bike) but no real damage. I did manage to lift the bike up on my own so at least I know I can do that.


At any rate, it was a really fun trip and I can now put on three more state stickers on the bike! I’m up to five: Texas, New Mexico, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Oklahoma.

And here is a link to the route I took. http://goo.gl/maps/2R3C I guess I rode Hwy 79 from end-to-end. It's gonna be harder to get more states under my belt but I'm looking forward to trying!
Great area you were riding in. Love that place. LOL on the not knowing the camera was recording. I've done that before and when downloading off the camera I wonder what in the world! Thanks for sharing.
great trip:clap:

nice pics, it must have happened...

recommend you keep out of north western arkansas

the consequences include an addiction to twisty mountain roads, magnificant vistas & some really good food

looking forward to seeing the pics from your next adventure

shiny side up
nice pics, it must have happened.... looking forward to seeing the pics from your next adventure....

+1 Thanks for posting your report and pics. Sorry you dropped the bike, but, hey, most us have been there & done that, including me, more than once. :doh:

There's no reason not to ride the same states you've been before. I have bagged very few states as I don't have much time for extended rides. Maybe next time you can ride the Arkansas Pig Trail & add that sticker to your collection. :sun: