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2012 B.U.T.T. at Big Bend Ranch State Park

Aug 9, 2009
Reaction score
Austin, TX



This year’s Big Ultimate Terlingua Tour (B.U.T.T.) at Big Bend Ranch State Park, Texas was one of the best yet! Thanks to a great crew of about 25 riders plus spouses and some kids, along with several who doubled up on mountain bikes.

Big Bend Ranch State Park staff were incredibly welcoming and helpful to us as always. We understand that dual sport riders are the second largest user group next to mountain bikers, and we have maintained the trust and good will of the park staff, so keep up the great job! Showing that we can enjoy the park responsibly, stay on designated roads, and obey the rules has paid off.

If you have not yet had the chance to ride Big Bend Ranch State Park, we highly recommend it as some of the best dual sporting in Texas! What you spend in the park, and locally, is of great benefit and appreciated, especially since the State's parks budget has been drastically cut.

So many people and groups to thank:

- Lone Star BMW who contributed great door prizes, they are a true supporter of dual sport riding, so look them up! http://www.lonestarcycle.com/

- Busted Compass – Stovey, the maker of his famous GPS and SPOT cradles, and huge contributor to RDS! http://bustedcompass.com/

- Mati who took some incredible photos for us, and is very talented! http://www.matikrimerman.com/

- KosmicKLR for all his work organizing, orienting the riders, and working with Park staff to make this a great success!

- Ulybrad for his fireside stories and relentless coaching!

- Frostbit and ML who made a return visit to from Alaska, along with a whole Alaska crew!

- SoloRider for bringing his cool Ural sidecar rig, taking the kids out for spins, hauling out a downed rider, and keeping a great attitude as his Ural gave him fits!

- The East Texas Crew, who rode like the wind, showing great skill and navigation abilities that saved our bacon! Plus they brought steaks for all! Seeing their fleet of Husabergs was a treat!

- JFGlobetrotter who came from New Mexico and showed us how a KTM 990 can be piloted on the roughest BBRSP roads, and keeping his wits about him!

- Webnel for bringing his big grin and great attitude, his Honda was perfect for the roads!

- Ebbs who went the extra mile to show up, but took a hard one on the noggin early on. Thanks to using full protective gear and the fast acting and park staff, he checked out ok!

- Many others, from noob riders to highly seasoned who all got along great, helped each other out, and shared their wisdom and tips.







[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWZ3yzX7IQQ&feature=player_embedded"]RDS BUTT Ride 2012 A - YouTube[/ame]















Son and father combo from Eagle Pass! Pleasure to meet you and at 75 I want to be doing the same thing!


See you next year, BUTT you dont have to wait till then! Come on down!

Looks like a great trip...I havent been since 2009 but def plan on gettin back into DS for possibly the 2013 trip

Landman, hope your doing good dude! I hitched a ride with you to the very first RDS ride at BBRSP! I have fond memories of watching you roost your XR650R on Pinto Canyon road also, and remember well the very spooky ride we had back to Marfa on our bikes, as we worked our way to BBRSP.

Landman650R 2009


Since that time I have learned a ton about XR650Rs and am loving mine....
Landman, hope your doing good dude! I hitched a ride with you to the very first RDS ride at BBRSP! I have fond memories of watching you roost your XR650R on Pinto Canyon road also, and remember well the very spooky ride we had back to Marfa on our bikes, as we worked our way to BBRSP.

Since that time I have learned a ton about XR650Rs and am loving mine....

Yeah man, I remember. I see that you have one now! Great pick. I'm going to be lookin for a e-start ds like a ktm or crfx when I start lookin during the summer.
Sandra's cooking sure hits the spot after a long dusty day riding doesn't it? Entire staff there at Saucedo is top notch.


Yes, BBRSP has the meals down, every day was awesome and plenty of it. Its a bargain for the quality, the time you save, and the home-style lovin they put into it!

If you visit BBRSP they will provide meals for people camping in South Leyva and of course those staying in the bunkhouse.

However your meals must be confirmed a week in advance by calling the Sauceda Park Headquarters: (432) 358-4444. , not the Austin line where you make the camping or bunkhouse reservations.
My New Year's resolution for 2013. Get a proper bike and make it to the 2013 B.U.T.T ride!
Great shots! I sure missed this ride, but I don't think I could get away with missing two wedding anniversaries in a row :wary: I sure miss the food!! :drool:
Landman, that sweet machine is a 2010 530 XCW.

What realy makes it haul b.u.t.t. is the alamo coffee cup on the seat.