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Pie Run to Sissy's Cafe 3/2/13

Feb 6, 2006
Reaction score
Well.....myself and Tony0008 bowed out and found a heated oasis at Yankees. Hot cocoa, firebox, and chili are good remedies for cold fingers and toes. Five layers of winter gear were no match for the blustery northern wind, combined with little to no riding protection.

Next time Sissys....when it is warmer
****, I didn't even see this one. I would have joined Rod again. Maybe next time

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Re: Sissy's Pie Run - March 2

45 people by my count. 6 empty seats so we did a good job filling the place up. Glad I opted to wear my heated jacket liner this week. Learned my lesson last week.
Re: Sissy's Pie Run - March 2

Great day! I love my electric liner! Kept me toasty on the way there and I even had to turn it off on the way back. Thanks for organizing this, Greg. Good food, too. Thanks Sissy!:clap:
Re: Sissy's Pie Run - March 2

It was sunny and that light breeze helped cool all the heat from the sun this morning.

Such a wonderful day for a ride to eat.

Rusty corralled us in the parking lot and steered us to some vacant seats, after which we gorged on succulent roast and fixins.

Then, there was pie. And it was finer than frog hair, let me tell you. (but I did eat some peach cobbler too, just to make it a balanced meal).

Afterwards I found a few shortcuts on the way home that took us through one of the tunnels West of Rockdale.

Fun, fun, fun!

Great to see everyone. Got a look at the latest M38A1-mobile, a very nice find.

And did a planning meeting for Big Bend next week.

All in all a splendid day. :rider::eat:
Re: Sissy's Pie Run - March 2

Oh YEAH! Sissys was definately worth the coolish ride this mornin. Didn't get any others out from the Waco area (other than Liteitup & RZ500rich) so we stretched the bikes out a bit on the way down....just a good thing it wasn't in front of those county guys!!! HUH

The place was a great destination & will be again I'm sure. It's centrally located for a meet up with other folks too.
A good time was had by all. Thanks again Greg!

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Re: Sissy's Pie Run - March 2

So Greg, what are you organizing for next month? :mrgreen:
Re: Sissy's Pie Run - March 2

What a fantastic day this was. First off, thank-you Greg for organizing what I hope to be more of this type of event. This was really a nice treat and you did well in picking a location.

And to top it off, Sissy was great, the food was great, and the company great!

Always good to see old friends and make new ones.

...and for anyone who doubts the highway speed capabilities of a WR250R, let me say I chased and was chased by one all day at 70MPH and it hung with us. Nice scooter Robb! :clap:

The alternate alternate pie...err....chilly...oh wait, chili too run took Tony and I to aforementioned Yankees Tavern, since we felt it was the closest option to warm up. We were the first bikers there, and thus they opened for us. Combine hot cocoa, a hot firebox, and some chili; and frosty finger tips and frozen toes were quickly dispatched into distant memory. We ended up staying until about 1130, and were the only bikers there until we left...when a guy from London England and a gal from Florida just pulled in on their Harley. For the uninitiated, Yankees at noon on a saturday is usually packed.


Yup, still cold. Thanks for pic Tony

Regardless, we settled the bill and went via FM 3090 back to Anderson, and then took the scenic route to Holders in Dobbin. There we had a most scrumptuous lunch of burgers and copious amounts of iced tea while sittin inside. The wind was still cold, but at least it was a bit warmer riding. And wouldn't you know, Texans coach Gary Kubiak joined us for lunch! Ok, not exacly. Him and family (i presume) filled up the table next to us. He kinda had the aura of dont bother me, and we respected his and his family's time together.



While we were dissappointed to miss all of you, the day was not lost and we had a good time and lived to tell about it.

Edit: Heated vest purchased, heated glove liners forthcoming :)
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Re: Sissy's Pie Run - March 2

I hereby nominate Greg [Slim] the Central Texas Organizer/Coordinator/Leader Dude for RTE's. This was FUN.:clap:
Greg, As they say," No good deed goes unpunished".:trust:
Re: Sissy's Pie Run - March 2

Had a blast,

Slim, thanks for putting this together !!!

Donnie, thanks for leading the ride !!!
Re: Sissy's Pie Run - March 2

Fantasic Pie Run and a great ride up and back - Thanks for leading Donnie
Re: Sissy's Pie Run - March 2

Thanks for the kudos yall. Sissy and her crew were the ones that did all the hard work. We just had to do all the hard playing given the breezy cool weather.

ATX depart from Ken's

Sodapop & Woodbutcher

Door Prize T-shirt winner: Neveranythingwins Dirtrideroader

Sissy in action

All to ourselves

And someone's birthday ta boot!
Re: Sissy's Pie Run - March 2

Are we picking up the Sealy people on the way?

Not sure if we could have timed the meet up any better.

It was nice to log a few miles on the new bike, visit with everyone , and eat some good food!
Thanks for organizing the event Greg.
I think Sissy's may become a favorite lunch destination!
Re: Sissy's Pie Run - March 2

First timer here. Thanks for having me and making me so welcome. Good food, great group. Looking forward to the next run (and Spring).
Re: Sissy's Pie Run - March 2

Great ride, great turn out, great company, great food. I had... yep a great time. Enjoy a few of the pictures I took.








Re: Sissy's Pie Run - March 2

Brrr... I really need to get the heated grips back on my bike!

It was cold and windy, but still a fun ride out to see everyone. Thanks for the jump start Eric. Looks like I'll be ordering a new battery.
So Scott, did you eat the pot roast or did you get Sissy to make you your "usual"? I've got to get there during spring break!