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Things I learned @ Camp Claibourne

Apr 22, 2006
Reaction score
Death Valley Louisiana
Lesson #1 The KLR was not designed to climb steep hills.
Lesson #2 Continued from lesson One Getting up and personal with the earth hurts a lot more now then it did 20 years ago.
Lesson #3 My KLR No longer requires the use of it's front fender..
Lesson #4 The KLR hates sand like a fat girl in a thong at the beach..
Lesson #5 Girls are fast.
Lesson #6 Do not rely on cellular service to locate your party. We never did find Kenny and Hunter.

But we hooked up with Navaho and a few of his Buds. <----- Those guys are fast. Here are a few pictures.

The Load out at the fuel pump.


Kevin and Ted swamping schematics


DJ fine tuning her Thumper.


Taking a much needed break from the Action.


Here DJ is again probably waiting on me to catch up. The only time I saw this chick was @ the start of each new trail.


Brother Kev ready to roll out.


I can't remember these guys names. Ted Maybe and the other big Guy was DJ's boyfriend


And our fine Host Patrick (Navaho) Thanks12 Patrick we had a blast.


Group shot







Kev Confucius say "While riding up steep grade try to avoid big root":giveup:




Thats all that I have. I think kev shot a few pictures as well. I hope that Hunter and Kenny made it ok. Till Next time around. :rider:
So where is this? Was it some kind of event or just folks getting together? You guys were dragging those big fat heavy KLR's down single track trails...?
Its in the Kisatchie National Forest near Pineville, Louisiana. There is about 60 miles of single track. People say that the pig heavy KLR is to much for these trails, but I never cared much for people telling me what I could and could not do. (those people were right:giveup: )

Here is the link and a few more pictures. If anyone is interesed. Maybe we could met you guys there one weekend. Its only about a 1 1/2 hour drive from the Texas Line.



Following the race route for next weekend:

Over the hill and through the woods:


On the hairy side:

The wound:

I rode my bike all the way to the middle east!!

Where all good dirt rides end @ the emergecy room:

Tourmeister said:
So where is this? Was it some kind of event or just folks getting together? You guys were dragging those big fat heavy KLR's down single track trails...?
juicemonkey said:
Its in the Kisatchie National Forest near Pineville, Louisiana.




I rode my bike all the way to the middle east!!
That is a training area in Ft. Polk. One of the building complexes is named Shugart-Gordon in honor of the two Delta operatives that were killed defending Mike Durant's helicopter in Somalia in 1993 (Blackhawk Down).
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Uh... 1973? :scratch: Perhaps 1992-2000? Clinton was the Prez then and this happened under his watch ;-)
^^^Roger that. I've been "killed" a couple times at that little town.

Great pics! Really making me want to buy a real off-road bike.
big fat klr's hangin' wit the real dirt bikes????? hmmmm sounds like fun....... and some hard work too.......
ft puke? (i mean ft. polk)... i was there in 1972 in basic training and ait.... in july...... and it was very hot and humid......

memories, memories..... :-P
I worked at Fort Polk the summer of 1985 doing a gas distribution survey. Let's just say that I didn't know what hot and humid was until I spent a summer there :eek2:
hond330 said:
ft puke? (i mean ft. polk)... i was there in 1972 in basic training and ait.... in july...... and it was very hot and humid......

memories, memories..... :-P

You poor, poor, soul:-( Polk is one of the worst places to be in the summer.