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Post your Day Rides Here!

Good stuff dudes! The dizzer sounds good Mud, but what is the drafting table you have set up in the cockpit?? :lol2: Downs love the Cali report with the big Tejas flag flying, too funny.

I finally snuck out for my first real ride since the "Cliff Incident" a few weeks back. I took off around 5:00 for my first attempt, trying to race an aggressive line of thunderstorms to the treeline. When it became apparent that lightning was successfully flanking me and would possibly beat me to the treeline I turned around and fled back home. Made another attempt an hour later and it was hero dirt all the way. Here are some locals I met on the way up.

Started breaking out into the higher meadows, flowers everywhere.

The view back towards town.

Big lonely country out here. I'm OK with that.

Self portrait, Hi Texas!

It was really hard to make progress on this ride because I kept stopping to take pictures. The colors were just stupid, right after a drenching and right before the sunset. Wow. I like it here.

Nice rocky little exit over slimy stones at the top of the valley. Don't fall here... pretty good walk out. Got into a bunch of mud trying to go higher and had to bail out. Lots of fun hitting the water bars on the way.

Ran into this guy at Deer Haven and had to quiz him about where he's found singletrack because that's a singletrack bike. Unfortunately no luck... the singletrack he knows is over in Sheridan. So far the only other bikes I've seen on the trail out here have been KTMs.

Ran the old highway home past hundreds of climber camps, and stopped in town just after they shut main down for the 5th of July street dance. Mom bought me a beer. Life is good.
This was from earlier this week. I would have done more but my body was already aching and I was completely worn out after only a few hours of "recreational" riding after I got off work.

Saw these guys early in the morning before heading to Gatesville for work. Note the random rabbit in the foreground.



This section of gravel near Meridian never seams to get old.




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It can. I can't after working my tail off all day and then riding for 3 hours in 100ish degree heat. Still a ton of fun. :beer:

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Can't wait to visit Wyoming. I was there once as a young pup riding shotgun in my great grandfathers 18 wheeler. Can barely remember any of it. There's lots of the Midwest and western parts of the US I saw as a kid from that truck that I can sometimes vaguely remember. But it was all a long time ago

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We enjoyed a relatively cool July 6th to explore some oiltop/gravel/dirt roads in Harrison & Marion counties in ETex. One of the first things we found is that Harrison County has filled in the mud-hole that was so enjoyed by hizzo3 and friends Beemerless Bob, sKatZ & solorider during last fall's TURD at Caddo Lake :mrgreen::


Our riders included John (these pics taken from same spot a hizzo's :yawn:)

And Bob:

And Barry the "OldTimer" -- but you sure can't determine anything "old" from the pics -- and his riding either :rider::

And Rod following the cloud of dust on his GS:

And me lurking in the shadows.

We got to see a castle:

We didn't find the drawbridge, but we did cross the rail-car bridge over Black Cypress Bayou (after John left out a little early to make it back to town for a birthday party):

These dead trees along the east side of the Black Cypress bottoms are remnants of the 2011 wildfires -- OldTimer should be up about to top the hill in the dust in this iPhone pic:

We concluded our day with a stop for refreshments in Jefferson:

Where we joined the local mules for a rest in the shade:
Cool reports, Downs and Lee! :sun:
And You too, superMud!!;-). :sun:
Just a quick little post here... I went on a half day ride with my son for the first time today. He's got Muscular Dystrophy and can't walk any more but with a little practice and assistance, we figured out how he could get up on the bike.
Once we knew he could get on and off, I took off the top box and found some hooks that his manual wheelchair can hang from real securely and mounted them to the factory luggage rack holes. Used a strap to lock the wheelchair down and off we went. He did great as a pillion actually, Seemed to have a good sense of how to move.
We just went out 1431 into Marble Falls and then down 281 a little ways and stopped at the Horseshoe Bay Marina for some snacks and relax time.
The KLR did well. Between the two of us there was 400lbs of dudes on that poor bike! I just did some maintenance on it and even though it was pretty hot out, the temp stayed pretty close to the middle for the whole trip. I had some overheating problems recently so I was happy to see it performing well in that regard.

Looking forward to riding with Sean again!








Way to go, Dad. You did real good. And kudos to Sean, too. Took guts. I wish you two many more adventures.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVaW2oA7tAc"]bike trip to coast - YouTube[/ame]

day trip from Austin to Galveston this past weekend. reason for the song is because that's what was playing on Pandora the moment the ocean came into view. not sure why video quality suffers towards the end; could be combo of dust and salty air that collected on the camera case. tried to fix it in post as best as i could.
Jay, Ken & I set out to explore north Bossier Parish Saturday 7/13/2013, including gravel road thru the upper Black Bayou watershed - yep, that's me:

We soon wandered across the Red River and stumbled upon this closed bridged over Scott's Slough - Ken & Jay:


Ken had to head back to town a little early, but Jay & I continued until we found Daizy Dukes :mrgreen: in Garland, Arkansas in the Red River bottomlands - unfortunately, Daizy wasn't up yet:


The best line of the day was, when we stopped at a c-store in Ida ~40 miles out and a fellow asks: Did y'all ride them bikes ALL the way up here?
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KLR Backrest Modification, and then off to Wimberly!

I don't like building things that LOOK like someone built them... but I couldn't wait around until I could afford an aftermarket solution. I wanted to get Sean riding :rider: (My son is in a wheelchair). I posted our first ride last week after I put the hooks for the wheelchair. This time I added the backrest so he'd be more comfortable and secure.
IKEA provided a solution, twice! I looked around the house and in the shed... the backrest is from an office barstool swivel chair, and the hooks that hold Sean's wheelchair are a pair of utility hooks for storing folding chairs on a wall.
We got good and rained on :storm:, on our way back to Cedar Park, which felt GREAT after the hot ride :sun: to Wimberly. Brewsters pizza was VERY good :eat2:. I highly recommend them.
Sorry I don't have any photos in and around Wimberly. I need to get set up with an easier way to take photos on the fly... GoPro?





My daughter shot this of us rolling out from the house to Wimberly
Excellent!! Here's to many shared adventures. :pirate: :photo:

SwampFox, with your user name, here is a place you may want to avoid for obvious reasons. The outcome may not be pleasant, LOL.:eek2: It's toward the east end of Sligo Road in Bossier Parish.


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Pulled some stills from the GoPro after I temporarily revived my old XPS laptop. These are from a Roll the Bones scouting trip I made last week.

The road goes on forever...


and the party never ends (for about 15 miles anyway).



This road is punctuated by random rocks and narrow cattle guards...




and hills that will get you off your seat.



This is a fun little road. Some of you locals may know where it is. Sorry for the low res but my internet is terrible and my good computer died.

[ame="http://youtu.be/0_Ye8O7RYDs"]Super Enduro scouting for RTBIV - YouTube[/ame]