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Post your Day Rides Here!

Don't worry, I demonstrated this for him last Sat. But I was atgatt and will only be down for 2-3 weeks. If I hadn't been... a bruised up knee would have been the least of my worries.

On the bright side, I get a new helmet out of the deal.

Sent from my HTC using magic.

Sorry to hear you got banged up. Hope you heal quickly and completely. It seems the last few years that injuries never really heal back to 100% anymore... :doh:
Docs orders were, "go to work or whatever but if it hurts don't do it."

No mention of not riding.

Now, pics from the weekend. Some are blatently borrowed from Mudclod because my camera remained stowed most of the day.


Stowed because I forgot my maps and was trying to remember exactly how I had planned the route. Good thing Mud brought a map.


Ready to roll... as soon as I get the camera sorted out.


Mud is attacking the "Arkysaw" Hill.


Quite a few random rocks around here.


More little rocks.


Big rocks.


Taking a break and resting my aching knee.

Except for my little spill it was a great day. The good news is all the gear worked as advertised. Without it I'd probably be in the hospital right now instead of icing my knee down and sitting on my porch. Hard to complain about that. And I get a new helmet and fancy knee braces out of it?! Without the wife complaining?! A small price to pay in the long term me thinks.
Got out and rambled around for about 70 miles on the Bandit. Stopped at a little quiet lake park for a spell. Then back to exploring some back roads. Ended up riding the Bandit on a gravel road for the first time. It was only about a 1/4 mile cut through to the adjacent blacktop. Even at 12-15 mph, I didn't like the "wiggle" factor it giving off on the gravel road. Then I found some kind of military testing range and got some pics of the Bandit and an AA gun and some kind of large tank/cannon. It was an interesting day.



:tab Sometime back in the Spring, I got a message from Roger "Rsquared" asking if I was interested in a trip up to Wyoming and Montana, near Yellowstone and the Tetons. It would be seven days of riding and camping off the bikes with eight other riders. We had been planning another trip up to SW Colorado, but we decided to do this trip instead since neither of us had ever been to the area.

:tab The next few months were spent prepping the bikes and getting all the gear together for minimalist packing and camping. We just got back Monday evening. It was 1500 miles each way. The ride started and ended in Jackson, Wyoming and went up the West side of Montana and back. Dave "Stovebolt" Jankowsky was the organizer. He did a superb job and we had a fantastic time.

:tab Below is a sampling of the shots I took. It will take me some time to go through the over 500 images and do the full report.

Packed and ready for action!


What are your riding buddies for anyway!? :-P

res ipsa loquitor


What we live for... :rider:

The ruins of fortune...

"It can't go on much further and has to top out eventually... right...?" About 13 miles later!! :huh2:

Can you guess what that is he is holding in his hands...? :ponder:

Mo betta and ready for action again!! :clap:

Relics of an age gone by abound in the area


You DO NOT want to go down on this road... It would be the CRAPPIEST experience of your life!! :eek2:

Thank God for the extendable walking stick!! :clap:

:tab Brad's KTM 525 went kaput during a ride before the start of the actual event. Fortunately, another rider that was local had a spare bike, a KLR 650, which he loaned to Brad for the trip! Unfortunately, about the middle of the second day, Brad had a get off and broke his Tibia and ankle of his right leg. Despite the pain, he finished the entire ride and was in good spirits the whole time!! Ron "Wansfel" just happened to have a collapsible walking stick and let Brad use it all week :thumb:

It would not be a real dual sport ride without this at least once... or three times... :doh:



A chance to test the weather proofing of the new Klim Badlands Pro jacket and pants?

Roger encounters one of the "road" construction crew...


"UH..... We might get a bit wet guys..."

The ever handy Brad holds the bike upright during the second flat repair


The nail that got missed while fixing the first two flats... :doh:

You just had to be there... "Hey Man... Where did your buddy go!?" :eek2: :lol2:


The Tetons

A good sign for the end of a superb ride! :clap: :clap:

:tab Roger and I broke off from the group on Day 4 and the alternate route had it all!! It started nice and easy with incredible scenery and ended with rock garden madness and complete and utter physical exhaustion. The ultimate horror of it was the hot showerS, great meal and soft bed at the end of the day :-P After another hot shower, bike repairs and lunch, we caught up to the group later the next day.

:tab The ride was great, as was the company. The route files provided by Stovey were spot on and navigation was a breeze... at least for me :trust: If you have never ridden this area, it is worth the trip!!
On my bucket list buddy.....nice seat on that katoomer....did you ride there and back? :sun:
Looks awesome.

Hate to hear about Brad getting hurt.

Sent from my HTC using magic.
Beautiful country and great pix. Looks like a really good ride. Glad y'all made it back in one piece. For the chap riding with a broke leg... :hail:
Breaking in a new helmet, squitching around a local small town waiting on the NAPA to open......found:
Pic 1, a cool small renovated theatre
Pic2, a Jewish Cemetery!!
Pic3, friendly neighbors??


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Living for a while in Wisconsin, I decided it was time to take a nice long ride on my 2008 1250S Bandit, which I bought 2 months ago or so. I went to a small town just outside of Montgomery, AL, where I have friends and family.

I traveled about 730 miles the first day, stopping at a friend's place in Monteagle, Tennessee. I learned a lot that first day. The biggest lesson imprinted on me was that while it's been a long time (about 20 years) since I took a long bike trip, I still love it. The second was that Corbin Gunfighter seat notwithstanding, my backside was very unhappy for almost all of the trip. I have to find something to modify it before I do another long ride -- I had an Alaskan Leather sheepskin buttpad; however much relief it provided, it wasn't nearly enough.

I learned that, mostly because of having to give my butt a rest too frequently, I could only manage about 50 miles traveled per hour, although many hours of my trip were spent moving at an indicated 80-85 mph. And while I would have liked to have taken photographs, the stops required would have reduced my net travel speed considerably more.

I had left my current abode around 0530 on Thursday the 12th, and arrived at my friend's place in Tennessee around 1915 that evening. Despite nearly 14 hours in the saddle, we wound up staying up until 0330 Friday morning, drinking beers and telling lies. A great time!

I left Monteagle around 1000 on Friday the 13th, after sleeping about 6 1/2 hours. I only had about 230 miles to go, and it again took me nearly 5 hours. Sigh... Still, some of the back roads (US 21 & 231) in Alabama afforded some great riding.

After carousing with friends and family for nearly a week, I departed Wetumpka, AL at 0615 on Thursday the 19th. After riding about 5 hours, it was too hot for my leather jacket; since I didn't have a place to put it, I wrapped it around my old duffle bag, which I had strapped onto my back seat after filling it with things I was bringing with me from Alabama.



I rode, mostly on I-65, to South Bend, IN. Yes, still making roughly 50 miles per hour of travel, I arrived at a friend's house 745 miles away that evening at 2115. Very weary and saddle-sore to say the least, I was asleep within the hour.

I finished my trip by traveling from South Bend back to the small town in Wisconsin I am living in, again making about 50 miles per hour of travel, but again seeing some beautiful country on the lesser-traveled roads.

A lovely adventure for me. The Givi windscreen isn't quite tall enough, despite being at least 3 inches taller than stock; I could never travel without earplugs, as even with them the wind noise is strong, although not uncomfortable. I was able to listen to music from my phone via the Sena SMH10 on my helmet, which was quite nice, although I think I will get noise-canceling earbuds for it, as it was often (although, oddly, not always) hard to hear above about 80mph, due to the earplugs.

With my tankbag full, my Givi saddlebags full, my dufflebag as full as I cared to fill it, and my own 260 lbs, my Bandit did an admirable job of safely and efficiently getting me from place to place while carrying about 400 lbs.

Although I have a Throttlemeister 'cruise control', I found that I didn't wish to use it much; I like a constant speed, and the throttle lock simply could not deliver that. I was surprised that my arms, hands and back were not very sore at the end of the two 750-mile days, but they weren't.

The entire trip was 2046 miles, over which I got almost exactly 48 mpg.

On the bike is the best way to travel, unless you are in a hurry; I try not to be in a hurry these days.

Dave Kelsen
"The true secret of giving advice is, after you have honestly given it, to be perfectly indifferent whether it is taken or not and never persist in trying to set people right." -- Hannah Whitall Smith
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:tab You need to grab the "Direct" link on Photobucket to use with the
tags in order for your image to show in the post. If you use the IMG link provided on PB, it has the tags instead of the [img] tags and...y because the Bandit is such a great bike ;-)
Thanks, Scott; I'll keep that in mind. I saw they didn't show properly, but I didn't research why.

I had to stop at least every 100 miles, as the discomfort was too much past that distance/time. I did not try ibuprofen or aspirin, however. I'll keep that in mind, too.

Thanks again for fixing my pics!

Dave Kelsen
Peace. Something to shoot for.

Had a lot of fun there today. There were two Trikes there when we showed up around 11AM but they took off as soon as we had parked on the ramp. Other than the Trikes we appeared to be the only Ultralights there today. The little planes were real popular. Matt and I probably spent more time talking about our birds than out walking around looking at other people's birds.

Total round trip time was about 4.8 hours on the Hobbs meter. And wayyyyy too much fuel burned.

One thing I really liked about this event was they were welcoming to EVERYONE. We had e-mailed to make sure up front that Ultralights were welcome to the event. They not only invited us in they encourage even insisted we make the fly-in. Big thanks to Ambar Mote for the invite and the welcoming upon our arrival. And to all the ramp workers and young volunteers from the (jr?)ROTC there directing ramp traffic and getting everyone parking spots.

At Hemet-Ryan getting fuel. CDF sent out a OV-10 Bronco two tankers and a UH-1 while we were there fueling up.

Gotta love the sound of a big radial.

The Flabob Express


A recently completed full restoration



More pictures and hopefully video coming soon.
This weekend I attended a Tech Day with the Louisiana Airheads group down in sugar cane country in Avoyelles Parish:

This weekend I attended a Tech Day with the Louisiana Airheads group down in sugar cane country in Avoyelles Parish:


Looks like snaky country! :eek2: you know I wanna ride those levees someday! :sun:
That is a good looking sidecar setup! Post more pics of it! ;-)
Hi Texas!!!

Some photos from a day riding in centre Greece,around three beautifull

mountains,two rivers and a lake,a big number of villages and IN the

nature!!!That is what our motorcycles give us.Freedom!!!







































900 km of riding,full of cornering,nothing more to ask for!!!

Have fun guys,i'll catch up with u soon!!!:rider::rider:
I won't call it a day ride. But I did take her out for a few hrs today. It sure made a bad day better. If anyone lives close to cedar park and wants to ride after work pm me.

By the way, man that seat is hard!
Looks like Greece has a lot of nice dual sport riding opportunities! Thanks for sharing!
12,000 Mile Birthday

Great stuff guys! Love the teaser shots from Scott's big ride (seems it may have been a (Multi) Day Ride ;-) ) and the fly-in shots. And photos from Greece!

Getting late in the year here and I've been working way too much, but I snuck out for a quick loop last week. I was curious if I'd be able to make the eastern portion (read, mountain portion) of the loop due to snow.

It started out epic, too epic, in fact to take any pictures. It was ground I've been over many times, but fabulous at that, as the geography changes quickly from red dirt bottom country to rising terrain, canyons, limestone, and high altitude pastures.

It also didn't take long before things started a little greasy. And then.... very greasy.

Pretty soon I was picking my way through the snow and sagebrush in order to maintain forward momentum. Desert tires + mud = slickery snot.

After taking a big Over The Bars roll through the mud, snow, and sagebrush, I started to wonder if I was going to be forced to turn around and back track out. Fortunately I knew I was only a mile from the top, so I kept going and hoping it didn't get any worse. I did come upon a white Chevy pickup, also *very* stuck, right at the crux move... some very snowy/muddy bottom ground before a very rocky climb out of the valley. We had a big storm coming in a few days and I knew that guy needed to get out of there ASAP. Kind of funny, because I went to a barbecue that night and one of my brother's friends said "Hey, did you see my truck up there? We saw you on the way back in to get it..." :lol2:

I managed to power through the muck to the rocky climb out and get to the turn to Deer Haven Lodge. It reminded me of winter riding in Bend. Snow covered icy roads... Evidence of my little mud-nap can be seen on the Giant Loop, which makes a great bumper by the way.

Once I made it to the lodge it was easy sailing. Obligatory shot of Ten Sleep Canyon on the way back down the "Old Road".

On the way out I noticed I was about to hit a milestone and since I'm allergic to pavement, detoured to some red dirt for a better way home ;). The dirt was perfect and I was in roost heaven as my "high maintenance, finicky" KTM hit it's 12,000 mile essentially trouble free birthday.

Change the oil and clean the airfilter and these things are pretty happy, who knew?? :rider:
Great rides everybody. Keep it up. Texas is finally comfortable to ride in. I hope to add some rides to this.
You are so spoiled Justin... Such awesome riding right out the back door... I am not envious at all... NOT NOT NOT!!! :tears:
Was not sure where to put it... Dallas area... Who are you? :)

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZUfH9ko9To"]Bikers on Highway - YouTube[/ame]
Thanks dudes. Scott I'm about to get very envious of you guys.... probably starting within the next week or two :giveup: But until then... You'd get an absolute giggle out of the little loop called the "Dump Run" I have. Dirt road two track that somebody had way too much fun putting in... up down up down turn left turn right jump up down....

Kelsen I still can't view your pics but MAN those are some long days in the Saddle!! :eek2:

Hughes, I missed what kind of bike you're riding but there's some good stuff up there by Cedar Park and lots of TWT dudes on here who ride it ;-)