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A week in West Texas: Big Bend and beyond!

May 28, 2013
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I’d like to tell you about a journey I made, a “giant loop” (if you will) through West Texas which took me to Big Bend…



but as only one of many destinations. The first day started in Houston, but ended at Seminole Canyon State Historical Park…


where, as the sole occupant of the campground I witnessed a sublime sunset!


There, the next day, I would see an archeological treasure known around the world…


A knowledgeable local guide told us of a people…




and culture that dates back over three-thousand years…




I hope you’ll come along for some riding…


restoration and reflection…


and stunning West Texas beauty!



Day 2

Seminole Canyon State Historical Park is phenomenal! I’ve passed it several times headed to, and returning from Big Bend and have always wanted to give it a closer look. Their website revealed the park features abundant pictograph sites, something I’ve taken an interest in. Let me say, it’s an adventures paradise with $8 primitive campsites a short walk from a hot shower, incredibly friendly staff, a first-class museum, and plenty to see and do if you’re into geology, archeology, anthropology, paleontology, (or any other “-ology” for that matter). As a bonus, the landscape is stunning and you are at the gateway of the Big Bend region.

Day two was pretty much devoted to seeing as much of the park as I could, with plans to attend the guided hike to the Fate Bell Shelter at 10 am, and again at 3 pm. A friend with only the weekend to spare was riding his super-ten from Houston, all the way, to the park with plans to make the 3 PM tour. He would then camp for the night and return to Houston the next day (a Sunday). He’s from Europe, which probably accounts for his intrepid spirit. So, the pictures that follow feature Seminole Canyon, the shelter, pictographs, fossils, and miscellaneous curiosities. More on the people that occupied the site, as well as other sites in the Pecos River Region, can be found at www.rockart.org. I hope you enjoy this installment, and thanks for looking!
















Great pics.
I live in Lubbock, which isn't too far from Big Bend. Camping there is WAY high on my list of things to do.
What time of the year were these pics taken? I'm thinking an early Spring trip is what I'm looking at.
Great pics.
I live in Lubbock, which isn't too far from Big Bend. Camping there is WAY high on my list of things to do.
What time of the year were these pics taken? I'm thinking an early Spring trip is what I'm looking at.

Howdy, Bug,

Yep, not a bad ride at all for you from Lubbock! Spring should be excellent. Your route might take you through Monahans, and I camped at the state park there during the trip I'm reporting here. The sandhills are really neat (pictures to come).

I just made this trip (departed Dec. 13th), so the pictures are recent.

Day 3

A very cold night…


…begs a camp-stove breakfast and hot coffee! After, we pack up, and motors are running by 9 am. My buddy turns right on Hwy. 90 and points his super-ten towards Houston; I hang a left towards Marathon.



This stretch of highway, to me, is one of the most scenic in the state. My goal is lunch at my favorite dive in Marathon, then on to the Chisos Basin campground to find a home for the next few days.










Howdy, Bug,

Yep, not a bad ride at all for you from Lubbock! Spring should be excellent. Your route might take you through Monahans, and I camped at the state park there during the trip I'm reporting here. The sandhills are really neat (pictures to come).

I just made this trip (departed Dec. 13th), so the pictures are recent.


I don't think I've ever been to Monahans or it's state park. I'll look it up on the map.

Your pics have really given me the "itch". :drool: May not be able to wait until Spring.

My little Unigo trailer that I haul my camping gear in is disassembled for painting. I'll have to wait till that project is finished before I can go.

Thanks for posting the pics. I thoroughly enjoyed them.
I don't think I've ever been to Monahans or it's state park. I'll look it up on the map.

Your pics have really given me the "itch". :drool: May not be able to wait until Spring.

My little Unigo trailer that I haul my camping gear in is disassembled for painting. I'll have to wait till that project is finished before I can go.

Thanks for posting the pics. I thoroughly enjoyed them.

You will love Big Bend, and the Trans Pecos eco-region in general; but be careful, it can get in your blood and you'll end up going out there one or more times a year! Keep us posted, and I'd dig seeing pictures of your bike and Unigo all rigged out for a trip!
You will love Big Bend, and the Trans Pecos eco-region in general; but be careful, it can get in your blood and you'll end up going out there one or more times a year! Keep us posted, and I'd dig seeing pictures of your bike and Unigo all rigged out for a trip!

Here's a pic from last Summer. We were heading to a campout in the San Angelo area.

A few months ago, I had the wild idea of painting my trailer to match my bike. :lol2: I learned that painting is a true skill........ one that I don't have. I decided to let a pro paint it for me, but I had to put the project on the back burner until after Christmas. Sooooooooo, my Unigo is in the garage in parts with a messed up paint job. Hopefully, I'll have it finished next month. I'll post a pic of the "new" paint job when it gets finished.

Day 4

Wanted to do some riding in the park, wanted to do some hiking too. Rode from the Basin to the trail head for the “Chimneys” via the Ross Maxwell Scenic Drive. Fantastic ride, even at the parks strictly enforced 45 MPH. Made to hike to the Chimneys, checked out the pictoglyphs on the southern most pinnacle, had a Clif Bar lunch, and photographed some desert plants and wildlife. I’ll leave you all with a few pictures, and wish you Merry Christmas!








Day 5

I left Big Bend reluctantly, but I wanted keep moving. I considered staying a night at “El Cosmico” in Marfa, but settled on Fort Davis State Park since I wanted to do some more hiking. I was packed and moving by 9:15, and had a great ride descending from the Basin, through the park, to Marathon…


…then on to Marfa. Some time ago, I had heard about this Swiss café called “Squeeze Marfa” and was intrigued. I was hungry, it was lunch time, so after wandering around the town a bit and getting directions from two locals, I found it tucked away in a little alley on a side street.


Nothing fancy, but the food was delicious and the folks that helped me were very friendly. I highly recommend it (provided you can find it!).


…Feeling sluggish, and enjoying just sitting in the café, I checked availability for a campsite at Fort Davis State Park. To my chagrin, the park was closed for renovation. So, what to do? I considered camping locally again, but I really wanted to hike, or at least see something I’d not seen before. I’ve always wanted to visit Monahans Sandhills State Park which is the site of an extensive system of inland sand dunes. I called the park and they had plenty of campsites available and it was only about three hours from Marfa, putting me there well before sunset with plenty of time for a hike. I was off!

I arrived at MSSP around 3:30 pm!


So I queried when I checked in if it was a long hike from the camping area to the dunes (I was really anxious to see Texas’ famous inland sand dunes). The clerk gave me an odd look, and replied that the dunes “spill into” the campsite. I wasn't exactly sure what she meant, but I would find out as soon as I arrived at site 22.
Great pics and trip report!
I'd love to see more pics of Monahans SP.

Thank you! And you got it! It's a fascinating park, and it turns out that that park facilities were built "in" the dunes. Sand sand everywhere! But the sand (of uncertain origin according to park interpretive exhibits) is fairly coarse and made a soft and excellent base for my tent.


After setting up I began to explore and quickly appreciate the unique beauty of the landscape! The dunes are still active, shifting and building here, disappearing there; except where stabilized by vegetation, especially by a unique stunted tree called the “shinoak”.




The landscape seems harsh, but signs of life are everywhere…


A couple of families were parked in a day use area and partaking in “sand-surfing”, apparently a popular local activity…


As it began to get dark, I took advantage of the facilities (my first hot shower in a few days), cooked supper, and hiked to the top of a dune behind my site to watch the sun set. As I sat there, I began to think about working my home starting in the morning.


Great pics. Looks like I've got another destination to check out.
Desert areas have a certain beauty that I love. Of all the places I've ridden, the area around Alpine, Balmorhea, Big Bend are my favorite.
Great pics. Looks like I've got another destination to check out.
Desert areas have a certain beauty that I love. Of all the places I've ridden, the area around Alpine, Balmorhea, Big Bend are my favorite.

I'm with you Bugslayer! :rider:
Looks like a nice trip. I am jealous. I love that area.

Seminole Canyon Park looks really cool. I've never been there. Maybe I can make that a family trip and also make it a homeschooling field trip :-P I think my kids would enjoy it.