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Memorial Day weekend campout at my [Hardy Baker's] place - 05/24/14


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Jul 21, 2004
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Medellín, Colombia
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What a great event!
Had a great time.
First of all, thanks Hardy and Denise for opening the Bakerland, this is a beautifully maintained sanctuary.
I ate more cookies in one day than I would eat in one year. Jason (Notsofas!) is a good cookie pusher...
Ron (TxTiger) and David (Cagiva549) went out of their way to feed us. Today's double breakfast was fantastic. Dinner last night was also very good with excellent choices. But I am sure, I missed an incredible looking brisket that Ron had been cooking all night...

Here is a view of the site in the morning:


It will be interesting to hear how things went tonight when more campers were scheduled to arrive including the legendary night riders from a previous camp....

Enjoyed seeing friends and meeting new ones.

Thanks Hardy!
Re: Memorial Day weekend campout at my place.

Thanks Hardy!
Awesome. It was great to see everyone.
Re: Memorial Day weekend campout at my place.

Hardy, what a wonderful place you have, thank you so much for sharing it with all of us. What a great weekend..
Re: Memorial Day weekend campout at my place.

Hardy, thanks for hosting such a great weekend!!!!!

Dave & others...thanks for rustling up such great grub
Re: Memorial Day weekend campout at my place.

Andre telling us how big it was...
Between your fingers? Or between your thumbs and fingers?
Re: Memorial Day weekend campout at my place.

Looks like a beautiful place. I was lurking this thread and planned to come up but got sidetracked to the beach yesterday and the crabs kept me there for two days. Hope there is a next time.

Re: Memorial Day weekend campout at my place.

Thanks again for a generous Hardy to share his beautiful place with all of us!
It was a blast! Or should I say a "Splash"!


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:tab We had a great time... except for getting a nasty sun burn on top of my head! I sure miss having hair up there! :doh: Anayway, the ambiance, food, and company were all wonderful. The kids had a blast. We truly appreciate being able to take a break from our routines to relax and enjoy friends at such a great location.

:tab Beth and I arrived with the kids just before dark and with enough time to set up the tents. Not long after we got the kids put away for the night and joined everyone else around the campfire until the wee hours... As is most often the case, I did not sleep well and morning arrived FAR too soon. It did not help that Daniel had his alarm set for 6:00 freaking AM!! :huh2: I managed to find that and shut if off, then rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. In what seemed like only a few moments later, the girls come running over to the tent yelling at me to wake up! :huh2: Well, it was obvious I was not going to sleep well enough to make a difference so I rolled out to greet the day and have some really good breakfast sausage courtesy of Cagiva Dave :drool:

:tab Unlike the bikes, which were mostly BMW's it seemed, there was an amazing variety of tents. So...

The "Women's" tent, shared by Beth, Sarah, Rachel and Debbie (Snoopster)

Jamie, Rebecca (Squeaky) and Opie's tent (Opie is the dog)

Rusty's (Woodbutcher) Garagemajal

The view from his tent

Sarah found a patch of Passion flowers

Jamie and Becca's tent, pre doggie door modification by Opie :lol2:

Donnie's (fjrtx) tent? I am pretty sure that SPOTLESS GS behind it is his ;-)

Ron's (ThumperTX) tent and GS800

This monster tent belongs to Jeff (4JRanch) and Lynn. The picture actually makes it look smaller than it is :-P

The small addition to the side is for Carson, their grandson. He slept ALL night!

Steve's (RockmanTx) trailer! Very cool.

Not to be out done, this is Hardy's trailer with all manner of reflective ropes and stuff. You should see this thing at night!! :cool2:

The fire pit with everyone gathered in the background for breakfast: fried biscuits, sausage and eggs.

Andre's trailer

My humble abode, which I shared with Daniel

No idea whose this is, but I have never seen that particular kind of tent

Again, no clue whose, but I have at least seen this one (online)

Sarah modeling with Kenneth's (Hizzo) BIG tent

No clue and I've never seen this one either, looks cramped...

Forget the tent, dig that bike!!! (oh, the tent is an MSR Hubba Hubba) This belongs to TxTiger

This also belongs to Ron (TxTiger), a pretty cool setup

Camillo (cdc)

Jamie (whose username I can NEVER remember :shrug:)

Al (Moose)

This would be the elusive Rebecca (Squeaky), who used to be spotted everywhere snatching rides on other people's bikes but is now only rarely seen :-P

Beth and Rachel

Josie, who belongs to Curtis, who works for Hardy to make and keep this place so nice! (Curtis is in for a WORLD of trouble when she hits dating age!!)

Dave (Cagiva549) doing his thing and working on lunch already

Hardy helping out with the cooking

Daniel (my son) bottom left, the two above him are Al and his son Sam, then cdc, Opie (dog), Jamie and Rebecca

Hardy and his beautiful wife Denise

Dave making gravy for the biscuits

Dave's daughter, Cindy, on the left helped with a lot of the food prep and she informed me that she's the better cook :-P :cool2:

So the kids waited until maybe... 15 minutes after I woke up to ask me if they could go swimming... I think it might have been 8:00am... maybe... :brainsnap

Josie and Daniel racing to the boat dock. She's fast...

But he starts catching up to her...

Sarah beat both of them!

Lots of kayaks for putting around the lake

The view from the dock

The boat dock was still on land and under construction the last time I visited. It is really nice and the kids really enjoy using it for swimming...

And jumping in the water... "On 3!"

Well... except for my little cowards! :doh: :lol2:


They decide to "test" the water first... (I should have tossed them in for making Josie go alone!)

They eventually get in a bit at a time, then Rachel comes to see what's going on


Trying that whole jumping off thing again... Josie is going before I even hit 3 :lol2:

He never had any intent to go... Sarah masters the belly flop... As always, Josie gets the distance award!


Jamie decides to try out one of the Kayaks...

with Opie the reluctant passenger! It took Daniel giving him that "extra" push to get him in the boat :lol2:

Rachel decides the others are having too much fun without her and decides to give it a try with encouragement from the others.

She never ventures far from the ladder, which is fine with Daddy ;-)

Sarah trying to hitch a ride with Jamie and Opie

Opie manages not to fall in despite his precarious perch on the front of the boat

Rusty decides to try his had at the kayaking thing

Jamie tormenting Opie by trying to get him to jump in and swim.

Opie is having NONE of it! Until he gets an extra little push...!

:tab I should have kept taking pictures, but the dog was wigging out and trying to climb back in the boat. I wasn't sure if Jamie and the boat were about to capsize and I might have to lend a hand. Opie did eventually manage to swim the short distance to the shore and give everyone a good shakedown shower. He never got near a boat after that...

Curtis (Josie's Dad) and Hardy

Hardy said something about dog snacks in his boots... This guy got his head WAY down in those boots but kept coming up empty :shrug:

Daniel and Hardy took pity on him and helped him out

I'll have to let Hardy tell you how he met the guy in the middle, a cool small world story.

Sarah decided she needed to try the kayaks

and she gets the hang of it pretty quick, zooming all over the lake

:tab A little before lunch time Mark "Gravel Guy" Drumm and his crew show up. The last week for their family has been a nightmare after the accidental death of his younger brother. I was a bit surprised to see them, but I am glad they came. It was good visiting with him and I think they had a good time, which they no doubt really needed. They brought more kayaks and more kids :clap:

I think the floating head in the center is Mark

Sarah still at it...

This is Andre's stove - The BioLite Stove

:tab I've never seen anything like it. It burns small branches. There is a small blower down in it that gets the air moving so it burns pretty hot. But, it also has a thingy on the side that converts heat to electricity and has a USB output that he uses to charge his cell phone. That white chord is the phone chord. How cool is that? I think the Altoid can contains cotton balls permeated with Vaseline for use as fire starters.

Daniel saw Sarah do it, so...

He has to sit forward to clear the width of the boat while paddling and is soon zooming around just like she was



Josie gets to do this all the time since she lives so close by and comes over with Curtis, she's a pro

Jeff and his grandson, Carson

Not content to pilot the small kayak...

:tab Daniel made it from the dock all the way over to the camping area and managed to reach the shore. He was trying to get turned around so he could paddle back to the dock. What he failed to grasp was that it was the WIND that got him across the lake. It was blowing pretty good and I could see that he couldn't paddle hard enough to overcome it. So in a fit of insanity I got in the boat and had him sit behind me while I paddled back to the dock. That was a mistake...

:tab After a recent trip to Arizona at the end of April, my left shoulder started bothering me and has only gotten worse since then. One of the muscles from the scapula to the head of the shoulder is inflamed and rubbing on the rotator cuff. I can barely lift the arm more than 45 degrees from my side. But you know... paddling is a pulling action, not a lifting action... right!? :doh: Well, needless to say, when I reached the dock I was regretting the ride, but Daniel sure enjoyed it, so it was worth it. But I declined when Sarah and Rachel started asking me to give them rides :nono:

Carson has missed his afternoon nap :-P

There is just too much going on for him to miss!!

Sippy makes it all better :chug:

Erik (Rainmaker) shows up about lunch time. No, that is NOT a kilt. He's wearing shorts ;-) But if it WAS a kilt, I think he could pull it off if he had a horned helmet and sword :lol2:

Steve disappeared early in the day only to reappear on his GS. Apparently some new KLR farkles arrived earlier than expected at the house so he scooted over to Bryan to play with them.

If you like flames, you gotta like this! One of the best flame jobs I've seen!

Hardy and Ray discussing the finer points of flames and hacks

He wisely went back to the smaller and lower profiled kayak :thumb:


Dave takes a break from cooking... for a short while...

Debbie (Snoopster) and Erik (Rainmaker)

Dinner... well, at least for some folks... Just the smell of them makes me :puke:

This one is holding on for dear life... literally :lol2:

It doesn't work out like he planned :doh:

Curtis relaxing while waiting for dinner

Dave's son in law chowing on the mud bugs

Different strokes for different folks...

For the mud bug aversive crowd... incredible brisket and pork roast :drool:

More folk showed up for dinner


It must have been a good ride. It took him three Shiners to come down off of it, or did he fill the Camel-Bak with them :wary: :-P

Dave (Ouroboros) and Steve (Tripp)

Jamie and Donnie (fjrtx)

Rusty (Woodbutcher), Al's (Moose) son Sam, and Kenneth (Hizzo)

Steve (RockmanTx), Rick (RickM) and Al (Moose)

Caroline (KamLeeR) and Ron (ThumperTX)

Ron (TxTiger)

Gaylan (she goes with Andre), Katie (Woodbutcher's daughter), Nina (really Negaar, and she goes with Hizzo), Sarah, Katie's friend, Daniel and Rocket, one of the many dogs that got along amazingly well with each other the whole time.

:tab And that's all folks!

:tab I tried to visit with as many different folks as I could, which is why I am having such a hard time remembering names. I have a two register FIFO brain. So it is usually the last two things I learn that I can remember :doh: If you want me to remember your name, make sure you are one of the last two people I speak with before I leave :-P I tried to get as many shots of people as I could, but amazingly I still missed quite a few, including Jeff's wife Lynn who I was around fairly often all day :shrug: I was too busy visiting with Mark to think of getting shots of his clan. Pictures just weren't on the brain at that time. There was also a couple touring the world two up on a KLR, he from Italy and her from Russia. They were basically accidental guests through the twists of fate and fellow riders lending a helping hand. We had people from Japan, Iran, South Africa and Canada as well.

:tab We hung around until about dark-thirty before rounding up the crew and heading for home. I had to be back Saturday night so I could take over being on 24 hr call for work. My Dad graciously covered for me Friday night and Saturday so I could camp out Friday with Beth and the kids and then hang out with everyone on Saturday. The kids were worn out and barely managed to stay awake for fifteen minutes or so by excitedly chattering about all the fun they had. Even Sarah, who normally stays up way too late like me, was out cold by 10:00pm. I lasted maybe another thirty minutes before I too was out cold :sleep:

:tab I really enjoy this kind of event. I like that I can bring the whole family and not have to worry about inappropriate stuff for the kids. I like that I actually get time to just visit with folks without feeling like I am rushed for time. I enjoy the Pie Runs and other similar events, but people come and go so fast at those that it is hard to spend more than a few minutes at most talking with them. That is barely enough time to get my brain to realize there is information coming in that I would eventually like stored somewhere that might be reasonably accessible some time in the future. I like that it is just a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere. I like how folks come together to help and get things done. I like how so many people from so many places and so many different backgrounds can come together as friends and enjoy exploring our differences rather than drawing lines and building fences because of them. I like that someday, years to come, we and our kids will look back on events like this and they will be fond memories. Let's face it. Life can be hard. We all need to store up as many good memories as possible to buoy us for those inevitable times we'd rather forget after we've been through them. To that end, thanks to everyone that attended and made this weekend such fun! :thumb:
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the guy in the guzzi shirt is Moose. he is the one selling the black '07 KLR and rides a really nice Stelvio. cool guy.

looks like a REALLY good time. i hate missing things like this...
the guy in the guzzi shirt is Moose. he is the one selling the black '07 KLR and rides a really nice Stelvio. cool guy.

looks like a REALLY good time. i hate missing things like this...

AKA as Al.

Great pictures and comments Scott!
Looks like a great time! Hardy and Co. are very generous!
Thank you for letting us live through another awesome Hardie camp via your photos Scott. Memorial Day weekend was wide open, until I found out that one of my heroes in the fire service had his retirement saturday afternoon. Add to that a couple kids in law birthday events and it was done. Next time, because that swimming dock sure looks inviting...

Happy Memorial Day everyone.
What a great way to spend Memorial Day weekend camping with friends in such a beautiful place. Food, weather and fun was excellent. Thanks for the many weeks of work put into this Hardy it is much appreciated. Special thanks to Ron (txtiger) David (cagiva549) and family for the many hours of preparing food.

CHILI & i wish we had been able to join in on the festivities

many thanks to HARDY for throwing/hosting the event

and many thanks to SCOTT for bringing it to those of us, who couldn't make it

sw & CHILI
Great pictures Scott! Hardy, you are a generous giving spirit. I wish I could have made it, but my 1930 pup tent is not very comfortable. It looks like a good dousing of rain has arrived.



looks like all had a good time. Hardy from what i can see you have a nice setup there. wish i could have came out. weather was great this weekend up till today's rains. Maybe i can make the next event you graciously hosts. I would have felt out of place with my travel trailer
:tab We never had any rain while we were there Friday evening through Saturday evening. Did any roll through after we left? I was thinking as I was leaving and driving back up that hill to the drive way that if it were very wet, it would be a tough drive for most of the cars/trucks and the RV... :ponder:
Rain, What rain. Me and Clingon (Gaylen) stayed over until Monday morn, left at about 10 and had maybe a spoonful of rain all the way back to Fort Worth.
It was so wonderful to meet all the people we barely see and finally I met Tourmaster too. To confess, I don't realy like kids but man, was this an eye opener. My appreciation to all the parents and grandparents (I know Jeff and Lynne is way too young for the role) who had the best behaved kids I've seen in ages. Even went fishing with a couple. The cooks made such tasty food and LOTS off it and nobody ran out of beer, 'shine and whiskey and other assorted concoctions. I feel blessed to have met all of yu I did not know before and to see old (no pun intended) friends again. Thanks Hardy and Denise for your hospitality and I will not miss any future campouts.
It was a blast.
Ahhhh!!! Denise, Denise, Denise... Must remember!!