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Cloudcroft 14 - UFO's & Area 51


Forum Supporter
Oct 9, 2009
Reaction score
Bryan-sort of-Texas
Home Sweet Home


Yard sale on the Rim trail :doh:


Philosophical lessons along the Sunspot highway... :zen:


More to come as time permits :rider:
Classic carnage...

meh I've looped it better, only hurts to look at
OH Heavens NO! The KTM wasn't a real UFO...this was :shock:


Yep, a wee small silver dot way up in the sky. Picture was taken with a 400mm lense plus digital mag. OK, we could pretty much throw a rock into White Sands. Go figure... :ponder:

But...now back to those fluffy groomed forest trails and some leisurly two wheeled sight seeing. :rider:


Just a tad of bushwhackin to connect some remote dots


Our gracious organizers for this adventure are Lulu7404 and LucyD. Truly, two great camping neighbors and riding mates. :thumb:

Lulu7404 cheerfully tolerating our harsh surroundings


Here's the gentle and kind LucyD with her hounds out for a quiet walk in the woods.


She has another not-so-gentle hobby too... the girl can ride motorcycles and goes looking for the rough stuff to play on. Did not back down from nuthin. :hail:


We'll meet the rest of the crew as we go along. Time to explore. :dude:

looks like yall had great time rg love your report .nice stunt show james who taught you that soo i can stay clear of them LOL see ya tony d :rider:
Courtney mine?

Great stuff!

Yes, Courtney Mine. This was going to be the start of our planned epic Friday ride, but we got stymied by rain on the only day the forecast had 0% chance. No worries, next time we will make up for it.
I love it! Keep up the good work RG and James... I will add my pics as soon as I can. We had to deal with a little mess today...but I should be able to start tomorrow.
Had a really good time riding and camping with everyone.
Courtney mine?

Great stuff!

Yep, this is a fun trail. I wouldn't try it alone since it takes several folks to help pick me and the 530 up off the ground along the way. :flip:

This is the TH on Westside rd. - where we came out. We rode from east to west. It's not a long trail but it takes a while to get from one end to the other. Number 64 is my friend Joel. He and Johnf3 were leading the ride. They know these trails - well - like they were in their own back yard...cause they are. :thumb:


Monsoon came early - with ice. We stayed just to the edge of it until it passed. :storm:



This is the same TH a little later after the rain. That wonderful dirt I so enjoyed earlier turned into slick red goo. :nono:

We certainly wouldn't want our gentle readers to mistake us for a group of undisciplined dirt-crazed roughians who show little regard for the subtleties of nature. :angel: So, in that effort I'd like to take a moment to share some softer images of the Lincoln National Forest as we enjoyed our time there. :photo:



Bluff Springs waterfall






Most Cloudcroft panoramas we see are looking west toward White Sands. This is looking south to east from high on the Scott Able trail. The image just doesn't do justice to the real thing. There are huge mountains to the south that are bleached out by sky light in the picture. Pretty sorry photography...I took it. What can you expect?


Oh, alright! Truth is - I had nothing to do with taking most of these. My dear wife got her a camera and went walking in the woods while I was out riding. For all I know the cute little chipmunk thing could have been one of the bumps I felt going down a hill. Now, back to our story... :duck:
Keep it coming.....:popcorn:
Destiny finds a way to make things right. :zen:

No cell signal, no internet, not even any smoke signals to communicate with our folks near CC. :giveup:

So...First morning, we took off into the woods on the Willie White trail. Chilly air and the scent of pine...ahhh Cloudcroft. :pirate:

Trail's rough. Mucho rocks - like somebody's been hauling them in. Softball size and up with the regular assortment of cross trail roots, random gulleys, tight switchbacks and tighter trees. Good stuff but takes a little while to get acclimated to hanging onto the bars and letting the rear bounce and slide around.

No initial carnage and everyone was clearly up to the terrain. Tech51 soon discovered oil seeping from a fork. If a seal ever had ambitions to leak, this is a grand place for it to happen. Lulu7404 just happened to have a seal cleaner in his pack so all was good. :clap:



We'd just gotten down a few trails when we ran across a couple fellers waiting in the shade for us at a trail intersection. Yep, Conner and his Pop, Johnf3. The very folks we hoped to hook up with but had no way to communicate to. Cool! :dude:

Off we go toward the Rim trail. 8-)


Turns out, trail 105 was a little soggy in places. JBay and I got caught going up a slight hill and couldn't get moving again. Not loose or silty - just slick rocks and black clay. Finally had to bushwhack level across the hill to gain some speed and then turn up...never letting up on the gas. Wasn't pretty and thank goodness everyone (and their cameras) were already up the hill. Nope, never happened. :shrug:

The Rim trail is such great all around stuff. Truly a gem for off-roaders. :rider::rider::rider:


This is Johnf3's son, Conner.


He can ride a motorcycle with a young man's legs and abilities. He's also an unusually intelligent and respectful young man. If you ever meet him, you'll know the world still stands a chance after-all. His Dad is a blessed man. Nuff said. :thumb:

With daylight fading, the Bluff Springs crew beat it on back to camp. No major bleeding and the bikes still ran so it was good day's ride. :chug: