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Lone Star BMW/Triumph Thanks for everything BBQ 11/1/2014

May 9, 2013
Reaction score
Henderson, TX
Great time! We weren't there long, but did enjoy finally meeting Robert and Carla along with many others. Spending 5 hours at LoneStar today was Renee's first visit and my first visit longer than the time it takes to drop or pickup the bike or a part. We met some new and old friends, and the fraternal atmosphere was great! Lots of traffic through the store on a Saturday! Hopefully Woods will be similar after the move.
Re: Lone Star BMW/Triumph Thanks for everything BBQ 11/1/2014 6pm

I had a great time, thanks for allowing me to participate.
Re: Lone Star BMW/Triumph Thanks for everything BBQ 11/1/2014 6pm

I'm not going to speak for the other cooks, but I had a blast. Working with Phil and Andrew was just plain old fun. Starting at 0420 for Phil, 0423 for Andrew, and 0430hrs for me, we just worked well with one another throughout the day and food service time. We tried new stuff, swapped tales and all I believe learned something new from each other on how to bring better BBQ to the table. I hope it showed in the results......

I can't stress enough how much we appreciate all the help provided, especially those who brought all the 'support items' such as setups, plates, cups, and such. That was a huge help, so thank-you.

And another big "thanks" to those who brought all the sides, appetizers, desserts, beverages etc. Those were were again an incredible addition to the event.

And finally, a heartfelt thanks to Robert and CarlaCay for being such great hosts for this event. My personal opinion is they have provided a business atmosphere in Lonestar BMW much like family. We've been welcomed in their business and we've been welcomed at their home. And included in this is a heartfelt thank-you to all the employees of Lonestar who were able to attend. Without you folks, Lonestar couldn't have been able to survive, so again, many thanks to you too.

The cleaning of our pits and gear will be done today, but the memories of this event and what Lonestar/Robert/CarlaCay/Peter and the employees will remain forever in my mind.

Thank you for a wonderful run.... I've enjoyed the ride.

Re: Lone Star BMW/Triumph Thanks for everything BBQ 11/1/2014 6pm

Just got home. Stayed today till the very end.

What an incredible last get together. Great folks , food, and weather!

Will be hard to ever come across two finer folks like Robert and C.C.
These types are one in a million in the motorcycle industry and moto friends.

Thanks for opening your hearts and home to us! See ya down west!
Re: Lone Star BMW/Triumph Thanks for everything BBQ 11/1/2014 6pm

Thanks to Robert and CC and all that made this so much fun. Back home safe and sound after an early :giveup:start thanks to all our cooks...
Re: Lone Star BMW/Triumph Thanks for everything BBQ 11/1/2014 6pm

Can't put a price on honesty, integrity, and real friendship. So much of that at LSBMW and the TWT crowd. Honored to know Robert, Carla and thankful that all of our paths have crossed. :sun:
Re: Lone Star BMW/Triumph Thanks for everything BBQ 11/1/2014 6pm

Can't put a price on honesty, integrity, and real friendship. So much of that at LSBMW and the TWT crowd. Honored to know Robert, Carla and thankful that all of our paths have crossed. :sun:

Very well said Mark.
Fantastic get together! Many thanks to all the cooks.
Re: Lone Star BMW/Triumph Thanks for everything BBQ 11/1/2014 6pm


Hats off to the trifecta of Tejas BBQ pitmaster studs - Phil, Scott and Andrew. What perfect, crisp, cool weather to celebrate the closing chapter of a fantastic 20+ year journey into one of the most nurturing and responsive motorcycle communities and dealership in Texas, Lone Star BMW.

Robert and Carla, I wish you many years of happiness in the your upcoming new phase of life. We look forward to seeing you at other TWTEX sponsored events hopefully!

What a truly wonderful community we have of like-minded friends. The sheer joy of riding our two-wheeled endeavor is heart warming...quoting Robert Persig's book [ame="http://www.amazon.com/Zen-Art-Motorcycle-Maintenance-Inquiry/dp/0060589469"]Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance[/ame]

“In a car you're always in a compartment, and because you're used to it you don't realize that through that car window everything you see is just more TV. You're a passive observer and it is all moving by you boringly in a frame.

On a cycle the frame is gone. You're completely in contact with it all. You're in the scene, not just watching it anymore, and the sense of presence is overwhelming.”
Re: Lone Star BMW/Triumph Thanks for everything BBQ 11/1/2014 6pm

So glad to have made the trip for this. Made better time home than going since the wind was a tail wind today. Realized I never even pulled out the camera. Will pics be posted here or in their own thread?

Congrats on running a great shop and wishing the best is still ahead for y'all.
Re: Lone Star BMW/Triumph Thanks for everything BBQ 11/1/2014 6pm

So glad to have made the trip for this. Made better time home than going since the wind was a tail wind today. Realized I never even pulled out the camera. Will pics be posted here or in their own thread?

Congrats on running a great shop and wishing the best is still ahead for y'all.

I would love to see some pictures too.
Re: Lone Star BMW/Triumph Thanks for everything BBQ 11/1/2014 6pm

I was honored to cook alongside Scott and Phil, and humbled to be invited to cook at Robert and CC's place. After an 18-hour day on 4 hours sleep, there was nothing I would change. Myself and the other cooks exchanged tips and techniques, used each other's gear, and even resuscitated Robert's backyard smoker to cook the chickens, but not before ejecting a live but somewhat groggy snake from the firebox! It was great visiting with everyone; particularly Rusty, Gravelguy, Scott Friday, Ulybrad, Robert and CC, Rich and Linda, TWTourist, Dody, and even playfully ribbing CC's Harley-riding son Jay.
Thank you to all who turned out, and thank you to those who invited me. I hope we get to get together sooner than the two years since Trice's last bbq!
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Re: Lone Star BMW/Triumph Thanks for everything BBQ 11/1/2014 6pm

It was a great event, with great people! Thank you to everyone who worked to make it happen, and also to everyone who attended. Here are a few photos. I'll put up more tonight.





Re: Lone Star BMW/Triumph Thanks for everything BBQ 11/1/2014 6pm

Was going to post pictures but first try didn't work! Mmmmm Will have to figure this out!
Re: Lone Star BMW/Triumph Thanks for everything BBQ 11/1/2014 6pm

A few more...











Okay, here come a bunch of pics :photo:

:tab A BIG thanks to Robert and Carla for hosting a gathering in their own honor! :lol2: I figure that is fitting because it so perfectly epitomizes the attitude that made Lonestar such a great dealership, the heart of a servant. Just as folks felt welcome at the dealership, everyone was made to feel welcome at their home. I am just glad I was able to get out of work long enough to make it over from Huntsville. I had a great time, enjoyed visiting with so many folks, and ate WAY too much food... :twitch: I just couldn't help it... and those ribs... :drool:

:tab I am NOT even going to attempt telling you all the names of the folks in the pics. We all know I am name recall impaired. So, if you see yourself and want people to know who you are, just quote the post and edit out everything but your pic and tell us who you are, or who someone else is. Easy peasy :-P


We arrived a little after 4:00pm and a good crowd was already gathering

Andrew's really nicely setup cooking trailer

I think this is Phil's trailer

The serving area

Ghostrider1964 on far right, host of the Roll The Bones rallies (Happy Birthday Dody!)

Don't know who it belongs to, but it sure is nice :thumb:

Debbie and Caroline setting up camp

Richard, Ed and Linda(? - Richard's wife)



Robert and Carla's dog - he got a LOT of attention

Scott prepping the serving area. These guys really have it down to an art.






RickM's Tenere

The couple on the left just completed about 6 months of traveling around South America, Central America and the U.S., on 125's and 200s!! They leave for Australia (home) next week. Then it is Robert, Brad and Thomas


SodaPop's little princess

Compliments of Caroline :lol2:



BUSTED!! Carla claims she was helping with the deserts... :cool2:

A better shot of the couple from Australia - Kath and Rob. Enjoyed visiting with them.

The only Harley I saw at the gathering... getting worked on... hehe... I believe that is Carla's son, Chris (?) Adding some new farkles to the bike.

Scott and Gina

Almost time to eat...

Robert and...?

SodaPop's wife and daughter

Gina and Debbie

Debbie, Gina, and Scott the photo bomber

RickM patiently waiting to eat

Almost there...

Linda and Richard

Dave and Jeff (Thanks to Jeff for reminding me :thumb:)

Phil slicing the first brisket... :eat:

Are we ready yet...? :drool:

Mounds of pulled pork! Andrew, Scott and Phil doing their thing!


Jeff and Lynne (4jranch & LynneST)

Brad... not talking if you can believe it :-P

Ed and Mark :lol2:

Andrew carving up the chickens

Never actually met these folks and got names


Carla's chocolate dipped peanut butter balls :drool:

Homemade chocolate chip cookies

Phil's pit

And it's time to EAT!!




Pulled pork, sausages, chicken, brisket, and ribs later for those that hung around!

Beans courtesy of Rusty and Veronica

Carla and Robert



:tab Thanks for all the folks that worked HARD to put this together. Events like this, that bring so many folks together from so many different walks of life, are the heart of why I started TWT all those years ago. Lonestar worked much the same way and with the same goal. It was more than just selling bikes, parts, and service. It was about building relationships and community. It was about a place where people felt welcomed. In age where so much emphasis is placed on bottom lines, performance targets, efficiency, etc,... it is nice to find a refreshing oasis and it is a sad thing when we lose one.

:tab Thanks to all the folks that made Lonestar a great dealership :clap:
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Scott your pictures and comments made me feel as if I actually made it there. Sorry to have missed such a wonderful event for such great people. Robert and Carla (C.C.) your new adventure is just beginning. Thank You for all you both have contributed to the TWTEX family and motorcycling in Texas.

" I never worry about getting lost.
I just change where I plan on going."
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well, nobody can accuse me of being prompt. But as I type this I'm in Lake Charles settling up the estate of my mother who passed away on October 31. So it's been quite a busy and stressful two years for me. My Dad fell and broke his hip in December, 2014. He was 87 so this was the beginning. He passed away in July, 2015. But I spent almost every weekend over here with him and we had good quality time together. My mother's dementia was progressing so I was still coming over several times a month. And then in October we sold Lone Star BMW. As it turns out my mother was requiring more and more help. This year I have spent over six months here with her. Due to her dementia and cancer returning I had to put her into a nursing home July 31. But, this turned out very well. She received excellent care there and was really doted on. On her last day two staff members came up on their day off because they knew she didn't have long. And the hospice nurse was the same nurse who took care of my Dad in his final month. I can't say enough about these people.
So, between all this I just haven't been able to get around to answering this thread. I don't really don't know how to say it but it was truly a wonderful event for me and CC. Lone Star was my life for over thirty years all together and the customers were truly my friends and my social life. I miss it greatly but fortunately I'm able to keep in touch with many of them. Hopefully in the coming year I will have more time to get to more of the events and rides.
Our place in Terlingua is coming along nicely. Camping is available at any time now and soon we'll have a guest trailer along with spare bedrooms. Hopefully we'll be able to keep them full.
Wish I was more eloquent but we really, really appreciate everyone and everything they have done for us.
I'm sorry about your mother and father passing and REALLY miss you guys at LSBMW. You earned your retirement and I hope you can now fully transition into it. Hope to see you there soon!
^^^ +1

.. we really, really appreciate everyone and everything they have done for us.

Robert, it is the motorcycle community here in Texas that owes a debt to you. Thank you for everything you have done for us. Your service was impeccable, but more importantly you created community. You set an incredibly high bar for those who would follow you. Best thoughts and prayers to you and CC in this time of loss.

Also, Robert and Gay Stallones drove from Houston for both my folks memorials. And Rusty drove over 600 miles round trip in the rain to come over last Saturday. What can I say? Grown men ain't supposed to get all teary eyed but.........
I'm sorry about your mother and father passing and REALLY miss you guys at LSBMW. You earned your retirement and I hope you can now fully transition into it. Hope to see you there soon!

My thoughts exactly. Thanks for supporting the riding community at large and in particular TWT. Your devotion to your parents speaks volumes about their character and how they raised you. What better testament could they have asked for? :bow:
Delores and I are very sorry to hear about your mom and dad passing.

In the spring try to save the date (May 21st) to make a trip to east Texas for the 4th Annual Texas National Picnic.

We have room if you and CC would like to stay in the area and ride some of the Piney Woods.

Ron & Delores
Wow, it is hard to believe that the party was a year ago! The past year somehow just disappeared. The care that you gave your parents is something that doesn't seem to happen as often as it should, and like others have said it shows the strong character that you have. When you get back to Terlingua I hope that you will be able to quickly get the peace and relaxation that you deserve.

After going to Lone Star exclusively from Houston for over 20 years it became part of my lifestyle. I met many people and enjoyed my trips there. Lone Star was a unique dealership that catered to riders and everyone appreciates everything you did to make it that way. My garage is a small shrine to Lone Star, filled with memorabilia from the dealership collected over the years.

Robert, Jr.

Also, Robert and Gay Stallones drove from Houston for both my folks memorials. And Rusty drove over 600 miles round trip in the rain to come over last Saturday. What can I say? Grown men ain't supposed to get all teary eyed but.........