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JT.- Mexico- "Danger, Danger, Danger!!!"

Scott, Israh and I had a lunch snack by the shade of the canyon and decided that walking all the way to the end would take longer than the time we had left and still make it to Startlight and have dinner. We talked about the possibility of making it a destination during Uncle's around the bend. Kind of day trip that would include some hiking. After we packed up our lunch we headed back to were JT was, by the bikes. He was not wearing boots that would allow him to walk for too long so he stayed back with the bikes taking a nap after his lunch. We met up with him, dressed up and headed out of the canyon toward Ojinaga.

Of course we had to go the same way we came in so.....

Thank you Red Brown, SpiritAtBay, and Bigdon55, I do appreciate your complements.

Like Hector Lavoe used to sing, " Todo tiene su final, nada dura para siempre, ....", our adventure was coming to an end. We headed back to Ojinaga and spent some time doing our crossing. Izz and JT had to declare some items they had purchased and made us wait for an eternity. Well, may be it was not their complete fault but one of the agents was taking their sweet time checking people through. Eventually we all made it through and met at the place where we had left the truck. We loaded the bikes and gear and headed to Terlingua for some good food and great interrogation sessions done by Izz to the visiting artists. Izz almost water boarded the poor guy whos was the entertainment for the night at Starlight. The fellow finally confronted Izz and asked him between breath, " what its is with all the questions? Who are you? Izz only smiled and dunk him again in the spit bucket.

[ame="http://youtu.be/LGJ3a9KD6fc"]FILE1320 - YouTube[/ame]

The fellow that is eating behind Izz's head is the poor fellow that later got interrogated. I wonder with he is nowadays.


I forgot, Izz had a plethora of this babies. May be that's the reason why he leaned so hard on that poor fellow.

Those Prickly Pear Margaritas are very smooth & the count rises quickly. Go Izz

Thanks again Edwin for the :rider: report.
:tab Meeting people out in the middle of nowhere is always kind of an odd experience. We had a few of those when I tagged along with Richard and Uncle on a trip South way back in 2007. We encountered the magic horse riding caballeros that just appeared out of nowhere and kind of spooked us. Then, after visiting with us briefly, they vanished into the surrounding desert just as quickly as they had arrived. I don't recall any of them being obviously armed though... I think that might up the stress level a notch or two :wary:

:tab Excellent report and vids!! :thumb:
Ouch !
Did it nick your face shield ?

Darn mezquite branches! That was bad, but not as bad as this one :eek2:
Bushwacking has its price!


Although Norb was not present on this ride, he was with us in spirit.


and yeah, I guess whatever hit my face nipped the shield. But that was a few years back!;-)
Y'all know it's doggone hard to take the time/effort to video/take pictures on a trip while wanting to just ride and see what's over the next ridge. Even tougher to get back and spend a lot of time sorting it all out and putting a report together. Most folks don't.

We're very fortunate to have folks who do it - for no other reason than to give back a little to the community. Very enjoyable read! THANKS EDWIN.
Y'all know it's doggone hard to take the time/effort to video/take pictures on a trip while wanting to just ride and see what's over the next ridge. Even tougher to get back and spend a lot of time sorting it all out and putting a report together. Most folks don't.

We're very fortunate to have folks who do it - for no other reason than to give back a little to the community. Very enjoyable read! THANKS EDWIN.


Yes thank you gents, for recording and then sharing. Excellent all the way around.
Just re-read this report.

if anything, I enjoyed it more this time around and figured it deserves a bump
Agreed. I like seeing the cool pictures at the forum top, blinking on one....and then reading the story. Lotta good stuff here. :thumb:
I too, got snagged. I suddenly longed for the days when I used to go mountain climbing on a motorcycle back home in CO. I loved the switch repair on the Honda. I'd have had to build a home and learn a new language and get a job if that had happened to me.

So again that silver box on izzs bike left side, what is it, for fuel? And the bag coming way down low on the left side had also fuel in it ? Its almost down to his pegs 😅?
Where's this canyon again, in Mexico north of ojinaga?