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Montana 2015...

To sleep.....perchance.. to dream......

Of a nice lenghty getaway like this
No important daily decisions to make... cept for lunch n supper stops.... & which road next

Wonderful pics n story Scott


beautiful country....

Dad and I stood in this exact spot 4 weeks ago. :sun:

I'm loving your pictures and commentary. :clap:
After that, we'll head over to Ten Sleep WY to visit Justin (Coolhand) brewery in Ten Sleep.

Tell Justin that I was pressed for time last week and couldn't make it there, but to look for me at some future date for my first full glass.


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We will! Still in Billings a little longer then headed to Ten Sleep next.... Ride report updates still in the works!
Uh..... You make a mighty fine beer, Sir! Thank-You for welcoming us into your home.

Still working on the report updates, so stay tuned. Fun stuff coming up for sure.

Looks like you are having an awesome trip.

I am really enjoying the photos.
Thanks for the pictures and narration. Bought back floods of memories from my trips to the area. Funny story on my last trip to Montana and Glacier Park a few years back. Was actually headed for Washington and just meander along the PCH to California before coming back home. Met an old bike guy and he asked where I was going. Told him I was thinking of the Left Coast and down. Asked if I had been there before. Yes, this would be about my 3rd trip the length of it. Then asked if I had ever been to Bear Tooth. No, done Chief Joseph a few times but never the Tooth. Said I need to get there as at out age we never know when our riding is going to have to stop. So , Bear tooth was it. Did both ways as all great highways should be done. Glad I did, next year a crash in the Davis Mountains of West Texas put a stop to my LD riding.
Keep it coming, Lovin it.
Thursday, July 23, 2015
From: Red Lodge, MT
To: Billings, MT
Miles: 64

Probably my second best nights sleep of the trip so far, the KOA we spent the night at was nice and there was a very slight rain that happened overnight. Everything was reasonably dry in the morning, so it much have not been a lot of moisture. Besides, we’d be setting up camp inside of 90 minutes today so it really didn’t matter.

Our ‘gurgling creek’ to lull us to sleep…

Donnie before packing up and heading out

Who says you can’t use a GS for a clothes line/hanger?

Part of the prior nights festivities

The whole gang broke camp a bit later than normal and we all headed in to Billings under the threat of ‘hit or miss’ showers. We got lucky and missed them all along the way.

Some of us were pre-registered and the rest of us (me included) wound up having to join the BMW MOA to attend. So some $100 later, I got my wristband and gained access to the event. Wow, a TON of people there already and it wasn’t even noon yet. We found a spot in the ‘back 40’ as it were behind the show barns and we all set up camp. We were really out of the way back there which was kind of nice but kind of far to all the events.

Setting up camp in the “back 40”

Along the way we ran into ThumperTX (Ron) and RockmanTX (Steve) with a couple of their friends (note the No Parking)


Actually, the did find the right spot to camp

We did the vendors walk in one of the show halls and made some purchases and looked at all the products offered to support this hobby of ours. I joke that I rode 1500 miles to purchase an iPhone USB charger plug that fits the BMW accessory port. The lines were long at the food vendors, and just before the concert a huge front blew through with significant wind gusts which tossed a few tents and canopy’s here and there.

One of the many personalized plates

Nice older hack rig

yeah, all sorts of things to look at

The gang (Nadeem, Debbie, Donnie, Camillo, Rusty and Thomas on the ground)

One of half-a-dozen little guys that kept us entertained

Who says you need a Beemer to attend?

But Beemers did rule the event

Debbie and Rusty debating purchase of a new bike cover

Another plate

Debbie getting a new seat

Seat Concepts

At dinner just prior to the music/festivities

One of the acts for the night



Is it a row of port-a-cans?

Or a row of GT’s?


Debbie assuming her normal pose (handheld in hand!)

Sunset before the ‘storm’

A little panning practice

The ‘storm’ as it passed

Tomorrow brings us Ten Sleep and a visit to a fellow TWT member’s brewery….

Friday, July 24, 2015
From: Billings, MT
To: Ten Sleep, WY
Miles: 294

Again, another beautiful morning and again, another light shower came through but everything was dry and ready to be packed for today’s journey.

A beautiful morning in the “back 40”

Had we opted to camp with the masses, we’d be in the middle of this somewhere

Found hiding in the tall grass

Most of us got up and either scattered to look at some of the vendors again and make last minute purchases, or signed up for the various events/seminars later that day or the next day.

More craziness


A bit of coffee and a monster breakfast burrito later, Rusty/Debbie and I found ourselves back at the exhibits…





Wandering over to watch the BMW Challenge course, we ran into Thomas


The BMW Challenge course….. Wow, what a learning experience that was. Big bikes and little bikes alike, the participants started out on ruts, then had to navigate a steep short hill followed by a sand/gravel pit which led them into a series of very tight barrels to do tight turns. From there, they ran down the tops of telephone poles buried halfway in the ground, then did a series of uphill sharp u-turns. Some did very well, others not so well.


The tight barrel section

The hill u-turn section



The steep “go down and stop on the hill” section

…but ‘ya gotta make it UP the hill first

The sand pit section

More fun

Rusty, Debbie and I broke camp, loaded up and saw this before heading to Ten Sleep.

The ride was what I’d call high desert. It was browner in color than the rest of what we had seen, had more sagebrush and generally void of everything except hay and corn.



We rode along the Big Horn mountains which started to turn a rich red in color. I knew we were getting close at that point. Sure enough, we made a turn and there it was, the Ten Sleep Brewery nestled just under a big red rock formation like the pictures I’ve seen. We pulled in and geared down and out comes Justin (Coolhand) with a hearty “Welcome”.

We went inside and started to sample the various offerings he has and took a quick tour of the facility. Some randomness….




Debbie, Rusty and Justin






Friday nights were also dinner nights and we feasted on Indian Tacos (a piled high type of nacho on freshly fried bread or freshly fried tortilla chips)

So it’s off to poke around some more…..




Yes, hops




Seems only appropriate that a KTM rider (Justin/Coolhand) keeps a new tire with his beer supplies, right?

They make a mean shandy

Before it got dark, we geared up and made our way back to Justin’s place, unloaded, then piled into some vehicles where he and his lovely bride Jody drove us to the top of their property to watch the sunset. Although not as spectacular as it could have been according to Justin, what we did experience was in my book pretty darn nice.



I could get used to this….

Justin and Jody, Suri and Yoshi

Yoshi, Justin and Rusty



After the sun had set, we headed back to the house where we had to navigate up a long rutted hill that was filled with silt. Justin’s 4x4 truck had a difficult time getting up the hill, and he had to simply blast his way up the tracks in the Subie.

The subie…

The hill…

And the little Subie that could…

A very large storm was headed our way for the night and we were all glad to be safe inside their home.

Sleep came quickly for all of us.

Saturday, July 25 2015
From: Ten Sleep, WY
To: Denver, CO
Miles: 511

Man that storm last night was good. Tons of beautiful lightning with a little bit of thunder and cool breezes. And you can’t beat 56*F in the morning with the sound of geese in the background to help get you going.

Another perfect morning to wake up to

Jody made a wonderful spread of scrambled eggs, coffee and sautéed mushrooms along with home made salsa, while Justin cooked bacon on the cast iron skillet. Just can’t beat bacon in a cast iron skillet for sure.


Ever wonder where Ten Sleep got it’s name?

The three of us (Rusty/Debbie and I) said our goodbyes and wandered South. We passed little towns like Thermopolis (worlds largest hot springs) and ran along the Wind River and Wind River Mountains.

Kind of boring compared to what we’ve been seeing

The Wind River Indian Reservation area and mountains


During our fuel/lunch stop in Rawlins WY right on I80, Rusty pulled out his map and we decided what route I’d take to finish my trip. I have a friend in Denver who I’ve not seen in some 16 years, as well as others in Fairplay CO who I just had to visit being this close to them. So with that, I dead-headed East on I80 to Laramie and caught 287 down to Ft. Collins and then I25 to Denver.


Along the way

The trip to Laramie was FAST and the run down to Ft. Collins pretty quick until I got IN Ft. Collins and then it was a traffic jam every street I was on. And it was hot.



A quick fuel stop and thought the run to Denver would be easy. Wrong answer. It was literally stop and go for 65 miles. I’d say it was probably the worst part of the trip so far just getting that short distance down I25.

I made it to my friends place early evening and I was gross, hot and sweaty. A quick shower and we wandered off in search of something to eat and drink. Again, sleep came easily and I’m thinking the harder/hotter the ride, the better the sleep.

Tomorrow is a ‘down day’ in Denver. Should be fun.

If you are viewing this thread on a phone, you are missing out. Fire up the biggest monitor you can find to view it on.
What a refreshing ride report and with excellent pictures too. Good job, Scott!

I look forward to seeing more soon.

