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Woodbutcher & M38A1 head to North Carolina…


Nov 28, 2006
Reaction score
North of Weird
First Name
At our Thursday Austin Meet&Greet, Woodbutcher (Rusty) said he was headed to North Carolina to deliver some things for his daughter who will be attending Graduate School at Duke University for the next few years. I offered up to go to keep him company, yet he politely declined indicating his wife would be going with him. Well, a day or so later, the wife heard about my offer and turns out in the end, she really didn’t want to spend four days in the truck running to the East coast and back.

So…….. off we go on a whirlwind trip with a few twists, a wrong turn or two, junk food, and some cool things along the way.

Stay tuned.


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Friday, August 14, 2015
From: Round Rock, TX
To: Rayville, LA
Miles: 438

The general plan was to head out after Rusty got off work and just go as far as we could/wanted. The only real time constraints were Rusty had to be back by Wednesday as did I, Tuesday would be preferred and Monday would be awesome.

The night before departure, Rusty had loaded up a 5x8 U-Haul with Katie’s things to get her through grad school at Duke University in Durham NC. So all I really had to do was pack a quick bag for a few days, grab the camera, SPOT, and shave kit and I’d be ready. In a little twist of fate, Rusty had posted up on Facebook he was headed to Durham NC and within minutes, Tom (SlowOldGuy) pinged him and said “CALL ME ASAP”. So with that call, turns out Tom’s daughter had some items locally in the Waco area which needed transport to….. wait for it…… Durham NC. What are the odds?

Rusty made it home from work and by the time we got the truck loaded out with our gear, it was HOT and almost 3pm. Goodbye’s were said and we were off towards Waco to hopefully meet up with Tom, grab his daughters items and continue on.

Co-pilot's view for most of the trip. All the essentials needed:

The trip out of the Austin area was a mess as usual on I35 on a Friday afternoon. Slowdown after slowdown all the way to Waco. But alas, we finally did make the Sams parking lot where it was somewhat comical in the fact here’s two trucks pulled up side by side, a couple guys swapping large plastic containers (all hidden IN the truck or IN the bed of course), camera’s in use signs in the parking lot as well as money changing hands. We all chuckled on a drug deal happening right under our noses…..

Box one of many making the transfer (faces and plates blurred to protect the participants :deal:)

More nondescript boxes making the transfer

I don't think we were totally oblivious to the fact we were being watched either

...and the money transfer to get the 'goods' East :rofl:

So once the 'goods' were on-board, it was time to just drone the miles away..... Couldn't help but have some good conversations about the old Colin's Street Bakery and family 'fruitcake' stories. I think it was about 5:30 by the time we got to Corsicana and it was hot and dry. As in oppressive hot and dry. Everything was brown.

We made our way to Tyler for fuel and dinner about 7:30 or so. The fare for the evening? Whatburger. Man, they make a good burger when you've not had one in quite a while.

Along the way, we were both amazed at the sheer volume of vehicles and large commercial trucks on the roadways. Commerce and travel are alive and well.

We kept plugging along into the night... (yeah, that's ISO 25,000+ and no flash/available light)

...and we finally decided to stop in the bustling metropolis of Rayville, LA for the night at the Super 8 right there on the highway. The only drawback was the fact that they only had smoking rooms left and our motel choices were slim, so we just bucked up and took it. In the end, you could barely notice the smell.

438 miles for the day, good conversation on a variety of topics and tomorrow brings us our destination - Durham NC.

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Too bad you couldn't have stopped in last night for dinner - ribs and pulled pork on the smoker. Maybe next time.
Saturday, August 15, 2015
From: Rayville, LA
To: Durham, NC
Miles: 852

Turns out the Super 8 really wasn't that "Super". Sure, there was the ever so slight odor of smoke in the room, but the place really was a dive. Probably one of the worst I've stayed in so far in all my travels. Heck, even the doorknob to the bathroom was missing (as in GONE) and the front door barely closed/locked. But hey - a bed and a shower is about all that was required so it was a win-win in the end.

I really didn't sleep well - again. This on-the-road-not-sleeping-thing is getting really old now. Maybe it's turmoil in my head, stress or something like that.

And being THIS Saturday morning, it was only three short years ago I was at the top of my game at the IRONMAN triathlon level participating in IM Mont-Tremblant just outside of Montreal Canada, and turned in a Personal Best time at that distance. So in honor of the race today and many fellow friends racing at that very moment (the race starts at 0700hrs and ends at 2400hrs) I wore my "Finisher" shirt in solidarity. Probably one of the happiest days of my life that short three years ago......

So we grab a quick banana/coffee/oj downstairs (complimentary of course) and under the threat of rain and gray skies pack and get ready for the long day ahead.

I DID however find this somewhat amusing before departure..... As in "Guest", not "Guests"? What if you have a friend or family, or framily as it's sometimes called? Sorry - no pool for you.

I wouldn't recommend this one in Rayville.... Just say'n. But the sky was pretty on the way out.

And as we headed East into the sunrise, it just got better....

We continued East with good conversation (Rusty is a heck of a great guy BTW) and crossed over the "Mighty Mississippi" river

And that means into the State of MS

Shortly afterwards, we were getting hungry. Our trailmix worked well, but it was time to really 'eat'. So the nearest Waffle House in Brandon MS was the choice for the morning.

Turns out they have a really cool hash brown thing you can make. Pick your size serving of hash browns then choose your toppings. I was kind of partial to the sauteed button mushrooms and melted cheese myself. :eat:

Rusty wound up with a big breakfast instead.....

And we were off across the 180 or so miles of MS and on into Alabama

By now we are both thinking our breakfasts were putting us in a grease coma of sorts.... We Could Not Keep Our Eyes Open At That Point. It was serious... So when serious travel issues come up, serious solutions needed to be acquired. And fuel. We needed fuel. What's that up ahead? A gas station in Cottondale AL? And??????

Well, that got us down the road a short bit. As in really short because we decided it was time to eat lunch. So we spot this in the distance:

And opt for the kind of the "Mystery Meat", Arbys for lunch. Again, hadn't had one of these in FOREVER. And I don't want to know what's in that 'horsey' sauce of theirs, but it sure it tasty.

So after lunch we wander over to the Starbucks and get one final fill of caffeine for the next eight or so hours we 'think' it will take to get to Durham.

The conversation was again great. Two Wheeled Texans, our recent Billings/Ten Sleep WY trip, past trips and possible upcoming trips, relationships, photography, camera gear, SmugMug - it was all fair game. It was good and we kept eating miles.

So we continue and cross into Georga.

Coming into Atlanta was horrid. There were sooooo many cars and the traffic was pretty much at a standstill in two places for us. The first was where a car or two decided to stop quickly but the cars behind them AND the big 18-wheeler truck just didn't want to play that game. One SUV was really smashed in the back and you could see it was stuffed with 'family' stuff like toys and the like. I hope everyone was OK in that one.

South Carolina was next.....

And we saw this cool old Land Rover. Had some stickers on the side about an "Official Photographers" vehicle... :ponder:

....and it was starting to look like rain. What's that stuff coming from the sky?

Around Spartanburg we saw this GIANT peach. Or that's what we wanted to think it was...

About fifteen miles from North Carolina we were beginning to get a bit hungry. So more junk food was on the itinerary this time. Since today was Saturday, we figured since they are closed on Sunday we had to get it now or wait a few more days....

And before we could burp, we found ourselves in North Carolina... Now just a quick run up to Durham to call it a night.

Let's hear it for the GPS. I've always been a map person, but I have to say - Rusty's GPS was awesome. He just plugged in his daughters location and blindly followed the lady telling him where to turn. A few hours later and by 10pm we were at her apartment. The trip was half over, and a carpeted floor with nothing but a pad felt pretty darn good for the night. Yet again, I found little sleep though. Boo.

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Too bad you couldn't have stopped in last night for dinner - ribs and pulled pork on the smoker. Maybe next time.

Gary, there's ALWAYS next time.... We were just on a mission to get up there, deliver and get back pretty much as quickly as possible.

Sunday, August 16, 2015
From: Durham, NC
To: Meridian, MS
Miles: 676

Sunday morning was time to unload the truck and trailer, get the big stuff setup, make arrangements for the "Waco Packages" to be picked up and have breakfast.

Here's the little trailer of Katie's stuff for school.... Man there was a LOT of stuff in that little bugger. Rusty is a master-packer for sure. And HUMID! Wow. I couldn't believe how much we were all sweating when that little thing was actually empty.

When we got the truck and trailer unpacked, we got to meet Briana and her folks. Briana is Katie's room mate and she seemed quite pleasant. Then it was time for showers, breakfast, drop the trailer and start the trek back to hot Tejas.

Turns out, Katie is only a few miles from a hot spot of activity, eating establishments and guess where we found ourselves again? Yep.... And the same hash browns with the same toppings. lol.... see where this is going with the grease coma? Here's the "Daddy/Daughter" pic. Yeah, they were all smiles about her next adventure.

From breakfast, we needed some items for the apartment like wasp spray and carpet cleaner. Once secured (and more caffeine) we made our way over to a friend of Katie's who was going to loan her a couch for the apartment. Well, it was fairly easy to get the couch in the trailer along with her bike, but man - three flights of turning stairs getting that futon couch UP was a real chore. But we got it inside and setup and it looks great.

After that, we got showered/cleaned up and were finally on our way to drop the trailer, we passed this building and couldn't figure out was it was. I guess I'll have to go google it.... Corner of I40 and Chapel Hill Rd.

So now it's about 12:30 EST and we're FINALLY getting on the road and the grease coma sets in along with being hungry - again. Only one thing to do, right?

Along the way we again had great conversations, and all through NC were these enormous flower beds between opposing lanes of traffic. And each flower bed was a different type of flower. Very beautiful.... And these were flowerbeds probably 3/4 mile long by a hundred or more yards wide!

We droned on back through SC and Georgia and had to deal with yet another traffic mess in Atlanta. We both agreed that based on the traffic woes, we would not consider Atlanta a nice place to live....

One observation we both made was the sheer volume of PT Cruisers. lol... Seriously, you couldn't go more than 30 minutes without seeing a couple of them. Slick painted ones, plain ones, woody versions. They were everywhere. Rusty said it was because they were cheap/affordable. I really didn't have an opinion other than I WAS amazed at the number of them.....

Rain started to settle in in on us at times and that's about where I conked out for the night. We found a little dive hotel in Meridian MS that really did fit the bill perfectly (less than $50, tax included, no-smoking, two kings) and called it a night. Again, I wish I could have slept better but it just didn't happen this time again.

I think that land rover whizzed on the car under it... :wary:
You noticed that there weren't many pictures around Atlanta on the return trip. I finally let Scott drive so I could play. However I was wiped out when we got home last night and didn't even pull my shots off the camera. I'll slip them in as soon as I can.
Monday, August 17, 2015
From: Meridian, MS
To: Round Rock, TX
Miles: 612

The final push to get home was gong to happen today, but there would be a little 'detour' which was highly recommended by a few folks as well as Rusty....

Last night's sleep was non-existent. yet another bummer for me

We packed up the truck under cloudy skies and checked the radar. Yep, there was rain out there. It's been so long since we've seen rain, in a twisted sort of way it was kind of welcome to hopefully get into some.

By 7:45 we were on the road again headed home. And this time we opted for McD's instead of the Waffle House down the street!

Along the way back we (Rusty) decided I needed to see Vicksburg and the battlefield. All I can say is "Thank you Rusty" for doing so. I was simply blown away by the history there as well as the sense of scale for what was with little doubt a very dark period in our nation's history. Scale as in the sheer loss of life, and the minimal distances between fighting forces when in battle.

Upon arrival at the visitor center, a gun emplacement

And the other side....

In the museum, a variety of timed fuses and a cutaway view of ordinance

A Union cannon in an array. In a few more pics, you'll be able to see the scale of the battlefield. I think many of us have regularly hunted deer at greater distances.....

The monument just over the cannon barrel would be the distance to the Confederate forces. Over 3,500 rounds were tossed from this position alone during one battle


Throughout the park there were many statues and buildings dedicated to both sides. This was one of the largest from Illinois troops

Here's a sense of scale.... On the left were the Union soldiers and on the right Confederate. There's not 300 yards between the two sides and those hills between them which soldiers from both sides had to traverse.

The Shirley House which served as a smallpox quarantine house during the battle. Heavily damaged, was refurbished to this condition.

You can make out what life was like inside the Shirley House here

I thought a Confederate cannon with the Vicksburg water tower in the background was interesting

Random cannon's in the park


There were many statues like this as memorials

And I believe this one was of Grant

This bust was of the captain of the US Cairo, an "Ironclad" ship sunk in the Mississippi river

Here's the "Ironclad" under cover

And in her remaining glory



Note the reactive armor. Instead of just being heavy plate steel and relying on a 'bounce' or 'repel penetration' affect, a shell would hit this and bend the exoskeleton therefore losing energy upon impact. Kind of looks like railroad line material if you ask me....

We then drove through the cemetery. I felt strange looking for a shot, but felt this best described the sacrifices by soooo many people. Nondescript markers with simply a number for those unidentified and if so identified, the marker was inscribed. There were thousands upon thousands of these in and on the surrounding hillsides. Yes, we DID have a civil war in this great country of ours and here's just a little bit of the cost of such a war.

After the park visit, we drove through the old town of Vicksburg which was quite pleasant. Even outside of the park, you could see markers and remnants of the battle pretty much everywhere.....

Another junk food lunch at Burger King and we both concluded we were "burgered out" for this trip! So on the road again we go.....

We hit LA and everything was still so GREEN.


...and then the rain began. Radar showed them as Pop-up's or "Hit or Miss" as I like to call them

I found the town of Start, but never did find the town of End....

Approaching Bossier City/Shreveport I saw something off in the distance. Big, slow, and moving..... :ponder:

Sure enough, I know Barksdale has a large fleet of the B52's and bingo - it was one.

Even with the windows up and A/C on, you could hear those eight engines whining as it flew overhead. Always a real treat to see one of these flying....

Shortly after seeing the BUFF (Big Ugly Fat Fellow) we saw a VERY welcome sign....

We ducked off to catch 79 and run it all the way home and ran into more showers.... Yay rain!

And as soon as the showers were gone, the temp started its rapid climb

Getting closer to Round Rock, all I could think was "Hi Hardy"

We were crowding dinnertime again and as mentioned, ruled out burgers, McD's, Burger King and The Waffle House. Let's go local this time in Rockdale. Pretty tasty indeed....

The sun was setting on 79 and this was turning out to be a lovely ending for this adventure

In Thorndale, I had to say "Hi" to GravelGuy (aka: Mark) too!

....and in the end as we approached the Austin/Round Rock area - a fitting image for the trip. A wonderful sunset indeed

I can't thank Rusty enough for allowing me to accompany him on this trip. I needed a trip like this at the moment. I witnessed true Father/Daughter love, saw a lot more of this great country of ours, had some shallow nonsense and whimsical as well as wonderfully deep and meaningful conversation with a true philosopher, learned some more about myself and others, and how to treat people better, and ate some good and not so good food.

Yes, three and a half days and over 2500 miles with a good friend is indeed, a good thing.

Thank you Rusty.....

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I always find long rides in a car/truck is harder on me than on that bike form a ergonomics stand point.

So, you have been to Montana in the North, North Carolina to the east... Time to head to California in the west now?

I enjoyed seeing the trip through your photos... You have an eye for story telling!
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So, you have been to Montana in the North, North Carolina to the east... Time to head to California in the west now?

All in the same year or just over time? :ponder:

As of now, I've visited (as in drove through/done something other than an airport) all 50 states and half a dozen Canadian provinces as well as a few States in Mexico.

To be a bit more specific, I've now been to 49 states on my motorcycle with every visit originating from Texas. Only HI remains for a motorcycle ride and if I ever get back I'm renting a scooter to ride for an hour to be able to say I've ridden motorcycles in ALL 50 states. I'm close.... So very very close.

It's so clinical ... historical to think of troubles 150 years ago. But that has to wrench your focus from a distant textbook description when you're up close enough to touch it. That shot straight down the canon says a lot. I can easily imagine men wishing they were tending stock in those fields, instead of dealing with their job at hand.

Nice post and some great pics. Thanks.
You guys better get a motorcycle pic in here or the mods are gonna move this to Off Topic. :-P :lol2:

Oh, wait, nevermind ...

Thanks for sharing the pics and trip with us. :clap:
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You guys better get a motorcycle pic in here or the mods are gonna move this to Off Topic. :-P :lol2:

Oh, wait, nevermind ...

Just like you parents might have told you when growing up..."Do as I say, not as I do"! Lol

Travel all you can , while you can. Such an education! There is beauty in every state if you let it come to you. ;-) And, Yes, for me at least, once you spend a good deal of your traveling days solo on 2 wheels, 4 wheels just don't get it. But, you gotta do what you gotta do at times.
Glad ya'll had a great and safe trip.
Travel all you can , while you can. Such an education! There is beauty in every state if you let it come to you. ;-) And, Yes, for me at least, once you spend a good deal of your traveling days solo on 2 wheels, 4 wheels just don't get it. But, you gotta do what you gotta do at times.
Glad ya'll had a great and safe trip.

+1. Thinking about the quote above, even "tough" trips had good things come out of them. I wish I had traveled the world more. My trip to Indonesia in 2004 still impacts my life in many positive ways. All my motorcycle trips were good to great.
Scott, you're a good story teller. Two guys traveling around the country and sharing a room reminds me of a favorite scene from...

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2pu0m9iTo4"]Scott and Rusty's Adventure[/ame]