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Stafford Air/Space Museum Ride

Jun 9, 2013
Reaction score
Memphis, Texas
First Name
**********security token issue fixed. pictures added starting @post 4. ***********

Today I made about a 350-ish mile round trip. I headed out about 9am and made it home around 730pm. The old KLR performed flawlessly as usual.

The first stop was one of the refurbished fuel stops on the old Route 66 in Shamrock, TX.

I left Shamrock, TX and headed to Weatherford, OK via I40. I got a little wet but only had to contend with light showers. After 1130am the weather broke and it was smooth sailing.

I made it to the Stafford Air/Space Museum around 1230p. I am a space buff so I can't get enough of that stuff. If anyone ever makes it up that way, the air/space museum is really well done. I highly recommend it. I was surprised by how many full-sized exhibits they have on display. Everything from full sized aircraft, to landing capsules, to bombs/missiles, to rocket engines...they have it all.

On the way home I swung down south (I hate taking the same route more than once...especially if I can get off the main roads and check out come county/FM roads). I ran through a little town named "Corn"...seriously. I stopped by the spaceport at Burns Flat, OK. It was not quite what I was expecting but still cool. The runway is 4100 meters long!!! A lot of the buildings were in a state of disrepair and the whole place looked disheveled. That being said, I really enjoyed checking out a cool facility.

I headed the rest of the way home via Mangum so I could stop for dinner at the Hamburger Inn. This restaurant is also highly recommended. It is housed in the old dr pepper bottling plant there in Mangum. Great food and a cool piece of history.

Here is the route I took for all those map ppl out there:
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:popcorn: BTW Corn was originally Korn. Settled by German immigrants who changed the spelling owing to anti-German sentiment during WW I. My GG grandaddy was a country doctor in that area.
I think I have this picture deal figured out.


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Some museum pictures.
It is difficult to show scale in these photos. The first two are the business end and the top end on an F-1 rocket engine (used on Saturn 5s). In an attempt to show the scale: I am 6ft 6in tall. My head was just above the #12 sticker.

Most of the museum exhibits are full sized pieces. The F16, several other planes (including a full sized model of the wright flyer), 90% of the space rockets/capsules/etc, and other items are all "real" size which I really appreciate when I visit a museum. I love looking at engines and engine design (and learning how everything works) so I appreciated the fact that they museum had full sized models evem more so.


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:popcorn: BTW Corn was originally Korn. Settled by German immigrants who changed the spelling owing to anti-German sentiment during WW I. My GG grandaddy was a country doctor in that area.

small world! Interesting history tidbit there too.
Here is the picture I snapped on my way into the booming metropolis known as Corn (Korn).


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