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Photo Tech Day reports - 2016

Bill "DFW_Warrior" Carmickle (spelling on that last name right?)
You got it!

Bill gets that flash right up in there! I've no idea what power level it is set at.
If I recall, we were shooting at 1/2 power. It seems like that would be pretty bright considering the lack of distance we were shooting at, but to compete with the sun; the little speedlight has it's work cut out for it.
Klb1122 motivated me to play with a wide angle lens for portait work, as he uses a 35mm like a pro that he is. I had my 20mm on the camera and thought I would try a couple of shots since I had volunteers handy.

They look good to me! I'm guessing no one said, "Dude/Duke, back up!" :lol2:

Those macro shots are quite impressive. I really like your pano of the capital as well. Very nicely done, sir!

TM, looking forward to the rest! I almost feel like I was there, and it really makes me wish I could have made it. The BTS shots of Scott and Duke getting those macro shots is good stuff! :mrgreen:
Mine aren't too terribly different than the others.... Here's a few:

The Pfluger Pedestrian Bridge

Scott F, Rusty and Nathan

Cesar Chavez St


I've always liked the P40 Warhawk 'teeth' on Stroms and other things



Graffiti Park




The Capitol getting new windows?

Overall, this was a really fun event. We need to do more of these.

Not in chronological order.

Flags at the Capital:


The dome:


Some from Graffiti park. Check out the stars in the last two.




Two shot stitch from the nameless hill south of Town Lake.

:tab Okay, downtown walkabout time...

:tab It has been YEARS... like maybe 20 or so, since I was last wandering around anywhere near downtown Austin. I generally avoid big cities because I am not a big fan of congestion and crowds. I got that out of my system living in NYC and LA. Anyway, I was actually kind of looking forward to this evening because I've never done any kind of urban walk around, alone or with other photo nerds. We found a place to park and walked over to this pedestrian/bike bridge. Fluger or Phluger Bridge? I don't know. It's Austin so I figure it is likely spelled weird. We dodged the bikes with blinking lights to get on the bridge and setup our cameras.



I started out at f/2.8 and then started stopping down to get more DOF and also to get the star bursts on the lights. Most of the f/2.8 shots sucked and I nuked them.

A few shots of the bridge behind us. Light trails don't work well edge on...


Still on the bridge, but over the street instead of the water

The straight part of the bridge

The Motley Crew

:tab We eventually wandered back over the bridge and down the street to a big hill. There is a concrete sidewalk that spirals to the top of the hill where there is a concrete bench that goes around the top. This gives a nice view looking back over the river toward downtown. The few shots I took there just didn't do anything for me... So I looked behind the hill to see what might be there,


:tab Done with the hill, we wandered back across the street toward the river and followed a path that eventually led to the statue of Stevie Ray Vaughn. I still remember being in L.A. and getting the news of his death. Most of the people there were like, "Stevie who...?" :doh:

Rusty working his magic


:tab It was pretty chaotic light wise with six or seven people trying to shoot the statue at the same time, some with flashes and others doing long exposures with flash lights to paint the statue. It seemed like every time I looked in one direction or another a flash would pop off and blind me :huh2: The two shots above were almost black when I pulled them into Lightroom. I cranked up the exposure and BOOM, there was my shot! :lol2: I'l like to say I planned it that way, but...

:tab Done with Stevie, I wandered over to have a look across the river and work on getting some decent skyline shots with the water in the foreground. Back on the bridge, there was a train bridge blocking the view and the light on the water just wasn't very pleasing.


:tab The D750 has a "Night Vision" setting. It is not real night vision. It is just a setting that cranks the ISO to 112000 and writes a black & white JPG to the memory card. However, it can give some pretty cool images despite the fact that they are NOISY!!

Bill, Scott, Rusty, and Casey

:tab The decision was made to head for downtown. We'd visit the graffiti park and then the Capitol, before calling it a night. We started back toward Scott's suburban and this little scooter came whizzing by us. At first, I thought it might be pizza delivery since the tail bag was so BIG. Turns out it is Chinese food.


:tab We reached the park and were warned by Scott not to leave our stuff laying around unattended. There were people all over the place. It is an interesting spot. I got lazy though and didn't feel like digging out the flash. I stuck with the night vision setting and long exposures.



People everywhere, many spray painting. The sounds of shaking rattle cans of paint were echoing among the slabs of concrete.

Scott trying to set up for his LOVE shot.

EVERYTHING gets painted!


I was hoping that person with the flash light would wander around a bit more and make a cool light trail. Apparently they were not receiving my mental transmissions :shrug:

Some scale. See the kids above that face with the gas mask? Speaking of that image, it appears in several places and is the same in each. It does not look like a free hand image. I've no clue of any possible significance of the image.

This is for Scott. Clarity to 100! :-P

No clarity adjustment

Apparently, some of the "artists" get a bit philosophical at times...

Don't ask... It is just some bizarre statue on top of a telephone pole :shrug:

:tab We headed over to the Capitol building to find that it is surrounded by construction equipment and TONS of scaffolding! Nonetheless, we grabbed our gear and wandered around for a bit.

Something to do with Cuba, but I neglected to read the plaque

Did I mention LOTS of scaffolding?

It looks like they are replacing all the windows


Park area in front of the building


Probably the best image I got of the front.

This shoot just SCREAMS, "Get a tilt shift lens!" :-P

No clue, just an old building back behind the Capitol

:tab We regrouped with Duke and Casey. They had wandered around the back side of the Capitol. Then we drove back over to where Casey had parked so we could drop him off before heading back to Rusty's place. I think it was sometime after midnight by the time we got back to his house. Rusty made some killer Margaritas, we had a great bull session, and then Scott and Duke left. The rest of us were soon out for the night.

:tab I got up later than I had planned, but it was nice to sleep in. I think I got on the road just after noon. One the way home, I did spot a few interesting places that might be cool to revisit with the cameras when I have time to stop. One is in Coupland. Lots of oddly carved and shaped chunks of granite. Another was somewhere along FM 112 near Lexington where there are a couple of really cool old cars begging to be photographed. Then there is an interesting old tractor collection somewhere on FM 696 between Lexington and Hwy 21. Never enough time... never enough time...


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Not Dave lives out in Coupland. He can chime in about photo spots there.
Sorry i'm so late to post up in the this thread. First of all, thank you Rusty for hosting this event at your house! I had an absolute blast all day and feel like I learned so much from being around so much talent. I'll include my best photos from the day, although they don't even compare to you guys above, but hey i'm still a n00b!

Teamwork makes the dreams work!

I got to use Rusty's fancy zoom lens, I NEED one now.

Fixed the link.

And thanks. I really think it was the help that Bill gave with the flash that made those images, my favorite Macro shots so far that I have ever taken.

The macro shots with the flash are beautiful. I would not have thought to use a flash on a bright day ...
You are correct on the Cowboy Studio trigger set, however the flash that they were hooked up to was the Yongnuo 560ii. That particular flash has long been out of production as is the 560iii, but now there is the 560iv which supports it's own wireless flash communication. The link for the flash is [ame="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00PGTOX26/ref=pd_lpo_sbs_dp_ss_1?pf_rd_p=1944687642&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=B0079M711S&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=1YZ6J3FWAWR78G79WY11"]here[/ame].

Now why is that important you might ask? That is because you can now control your flashes with [ame="http://www.amazon.com/YONGNUO-YN560-TX-Transmitter-Controller-Cameras/dp/B00NIDWTIC/ref=pd_sim_421_2?ie=UTF8&dpID=41b6JLNSLQL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR160%2C160_&refRID=18K2WCP8497RWZ0GKCG8"]this little guy[/ame] which is a HUGE step forward, and one that if I were buying flashes today I would spring for in a heartbeat. Basically you can now control your flash power on your "budget" flashes remotely just like with the expensive triggers.

Again, if I were buying flashes today and knowing what I know now about working with them; this is a big step forward and it will make things so much easier to mess around with.
You are correct on the Cowboy Studio trigger set, however the flash that they were hooked up to was the Yongnuo 560ii. That particular flash has long been out of production as is the 560iii, but now there is the 560iv which supports it's own wireless flash communication. The link for the flash is here.

Now why is that important you might ask? That is because you can now control your flashes with this little guy which is a HUGE step forward, and one that if I were buying flashes today I would spring for in a heartbeat. Basically you can now control your flash power on your "budget" flashes remotely just like with the expensive triggers.

Again, if I were buying flashes today and knowing what I know now about working with them; this is a big step forward and it will make things so much easier to mess around with.

:tab Nikon FINALLY takes notice and makes a poor response...

[ame="http://www.amazon.com/Nikon-4815-SB-5000-AF-Speedlight/dp/B01A7Q0N9Y"]Amazon.com : Nikon SB-5000 AF Speedlight : Camera & Photo[/ame]

:tab This flash will work on older bodies with the optical trigger like old flashes. I am not sure though if it will also work as a master flash in radio mode on older bodies. Regardless, given the price, why bother? I could buy a whole three or four flash setup with stands from Yongnuo for the price of ONE of these flashes! On the plus side, maybe the SB-910s will drop in price significantly. It would be nice to have one for on camera TTL work.

:tab I really think Nikon is trying to bank on their name to get high prices. I suspect that might end up costing them in the long run. It is the same way with the extended battery/grip I got for my D750. The [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Nikon-MB-D16-Multi-Battery-Power/dp/B00NJ0R43O]Nikon version[/ame] is something like $350!! I bought a [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Neewer-Multi-Power-Battery-Replacement-Wireless/dp/B00R7KQ2AS]Neewer model[/ame] for about $75 and it comes with a really nice wireless radio trigger that works WAY better than the extra little Nikon infrared trigger (which you also have to buy separately). The quality on the Neewer grip is very nice and as far as I can tell is just as good quality as the Nikon grip I have on my D7000. Yet, it is almost 1/5th the price of the Nikon grip!! Nikon better start paying close attention or they are going to lose some serious market share!