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Daniel and Rachel take advantage of the incredible weather!


Keeper of the Asylum
Feb 28, 2003
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:tab So I had big plans to get a lot of stuff done this weekend. BIG PLANS!

:tab It was just so darned NICE though! :sun:

:tab As soon was I walked out the door Saturday, I knew I was going riding. The plans would have to wait until Sunday. I managed to get in a couple hundred miles of great DS riding and sliding on the 1200 GS: gravel, sand, clay, and pavement. It was just enough to finish off the rear TKC 80. Time to order another. By Saturday evening after dinner, I was already getting stiff and sore because I just don't get to ride as often as I like and my body is kind of obnoxious about letting me know its displeasure with this sad state of affairs. I popped some ibuprofen and hit the hay, thinking I'd be good to go Sunday.

:tab After church and lunch, I got home and thought to myself, "Right, let's get this done!" The forks and rear shock need to come off the KTM 530 EXC so I can rebuild them. But the bike is still filthy from the last ride, mud all over the place! A puddle of oil lay on the floor beneath my oil streaked forks... I glanced over at the GS parked next to it, a beautiful heavy layer of dust and pollen coated every nook and cranny of it. I like working on clean bikes. So I rolled them out into the yard, fired up the pressure washer, and got after them!

:tab "Hey Dad! Can I ride the dirt bikes?!"

:tab Hmmm... it seems the wonderful weather is affecting more than just me. Daniel has the itch to get in some riding as well. It has been a while and there is nasty weather on the way. So I got out the XR 80 and made sure it would fire up for him. He likes riding this one over the CRF-110 because it has a clutch and a loud race pipe! Thirty minutes later, he's zooming around the yard.

:tab Hmmm... I have a new camera and lens. This is the perfect opportunity to get some action shots of Daniel. I head inside to grab my gear then back outside to get to work. Tracking this boy while panning is work! He's either stopped or wide open. After 30-40 hots, I figure I'm good and I really ought to get back the bikes. We are expecting company around 5:00pm and my time is running short. So I fire up the pressure washer again.

:tab "Can I ride too...!?"

:tab I look behind me and Rachel has all her gear in her hands and a pathetic look on her face :doh: I shut down the pressure washer, get out her CRF-50, make sure the tires have air and the engine oil. I turn on the gas, kick a couple of times... remember to turn on the key... kick it once and VROOM! so of course I HAVE to get pictures of her as well :roll:

:tab I did eventually manage to get both bikes cleaned, just in time to roll them in the garage as company begins arriving. One lady finds her way to the swing on the back porch and starts watching Daniel ride. After a few minutes of freaking out, she heads back inside. We've learned to just relax and not make sudden gasping noises when Daniel rides. So far it has worked :zen:

He LOVES hanging the back end out and shredding our lawn! :doh:


:tab I never managed to get a good shot of him doing it, but quite a few times he would ZOOM past me, slam on the back brake, slide sideways ALMOST to the point of high siding, then pinning the throttle and zipping off across the yard. I am sure that with my lightning fast reflexes, if I tried that, I'd be FLIPPING off across the yard :eek2: :flip:

Rip it! Rip it good!

He just LOVES leaning and hammering the throttle at the same time. One of these days though... BAM! Right when he least expects it, hehe. I guess that is how we find the limits!


He REALLY wants to flat track. I might have to find a way to scrounge up the money to get him a weekend at Colin Edward's facility in Conroe.

He can reach the ground pretty well, but he doesn't weigh enough and is not strong enough to kick start it real well on his own. He has done it though.

Apparently I was taking too long to help Rachel get going... :lol2:

Daniel is usually really good about being careful around her and watching for where she is while he is ripping across the yard at warp speed.

She desperately WANTS to ride like Daniel... Right now I don't let her get out of first gear because sometimes she stops paying attention to what she's doing :doh:

Stretching her comfort zone!

I'm sure in her mind she's thinking, "I am STANDING!!"

She is getting better at eye control and looking where she wants to go.

Gotta remind him to get that foot out front and off the ground before it catches on something and yanks him right off the bike!

A little better

Annnndddd... gravity wins! :lol2:

Most of the time he is totally focused... unless he has an audience to impress :roll:

Sometimes I have to remind him that they are NOT racing... and he does pretty good...


But that URGE to pass is just so hard to resist sometimes! :twisted:

She does NOT like being passed!

In the zone

Getting on it the best she can with training wheels. I need to get her off of those soon.

:tab With company arriving and other kids, it was time for them to park the bikes. Too many kids in the yards ups the chance of someone getting run over in the confusion. They parked the bikes and headed inside. I grabbed a few shots of the flowers that survived Daniel's plowing exercises...

The yard is just covered in these right now



:tab So... I'll have to get those forks and the shock removed sometime this week, assuming the coming rains do not flood my garage :doh:
You have to be loving the new body and 70-200, eh? :sun: Just looking at this series, the quality of your images has gone ballistic over your older work shooting the same subject content. :clap:
:tab Thanks. Now I need to work on bringing the shutter speed back down just a bit so I can get some panning shots with blurred backgrounds to give a better sense of motion. It also helps that I got started earlier in the day and had decent light. Most of these shots were done at f/2.8, whereas before they were typically at 5.6 on the 18-200 lens. That extra two stops makes a big difference.

:tab I didn't post them here, but our neighbor's daughters were over at the house most of the afternoon. I got some really nice portrait shots of the older one and her mom LOVES them. I got a nice one of her mom too when they walked over to get the girls, but like most women, she doesn't like any pictures of herself :doh:
I remember those days well Scott.
My Son and Daughter are respectively 40 and 38 now.
But back in the 80's they looked just like your two.

My son is training his 3 kids to ride, but Susan married into a non riding family so her 5 YO Son isn't even allowed to ride with me around my Ranch. But he loves motorcycles! (We've snuck in a few rides)

Gunnar, my son, was riding an XR75 by the time he was 5. Clutching, shifting and everything but kick starting it. His legs couldn't touch the ground so he took off and stopped next to the curb.

Susan ran a little 4 wheeler until she wore it out.

Good memories for sure. Thanks for bring in them out again by sharing yours.

My neighbors didn't understands either, but I am convinced their riding gave them more self confidence than the other kids their age didn't have. Both are highly successful Adults now.

My Son is the Pastor at Gateway Community Church in Dallas! Yea, I'm proud of him. Other than he now rides a Harley.....:eek2:

My neighbor across the road, built his kids a motocross track in his field next to his house. All the neighborhood kids come out and ride on it every Saturday. Fun to watch. 10 Bermed corners and two jumps.
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You have to be loving the new body and 70-200, eh? :sun: Just looking at this series, the quality of your images has gone ballistic over your older work shooting the same subject content. :clap:

I agree! Really good job on these shots, they look great.
My Son is the Pastor at Gateway Community Church in Dallas! Yea, I'm proud of him. Other than he now rides a Harley.....:eek2:

My older brother attends Gateway and does kids ministry stuff with them.

Riding definitely gives the kids confidence. It is also a great teaching tool in general because so many of the concepts they learn while riding can be carried over to learning other things. It gives me lots of examples that the kids can relate to when explaining things in other areas.
You have to be loving the new body and 70-200, eh? :sun: Just looking at this series, the quality of your images has gone ballistic over your older work shooting the same subject content. :clap:

I couldn't agree with Scott more. These are solid images.
Looks like they were having a great time. I figure that we might have grass after the kids are grown. There is a distinctive trail around our yard with a few shortcuts in between. I must confess that it is not all the kid's fault.

I had Colton ride every thing that we are taking on our spring break trip Sunday afternoon just make sure everything was running well.