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Mextrek 6 Ride Reports and Pics


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And thank you, Warren, for being such a SUPERB ride leader! Friendly, cooperative, flexible and safe. Fabulous!!!

Dude, my pleasure, thanks! It was hard to beat the ride in to Galeana on Thursday with Steve Michaelis leading, but Friday and Saturday's rides come pretty close! I had an excellent time with you, Curtis, and Shai.

Here are some more pics from our Friday ride down the S7 General Zaragoza Loop. Curtis (Big KTM), Robert (KTM 500), Shai (Triumph 800) and I (1200GS) leave Galeana and head south towards the Zaragoza loop. It's about 60 miles of mildly entertaining pavement, and potholes, before the first turnoff and we're wondering if "we gonna do any dirt today?" Hey, I've never been here before but it should get interesting in a minute or two I hope. :-)

Well within 5 minutes we turn off on a little dirt side road just south of Escondida and our adventure prayers are answered.




We find a nice shady spot by a babbling brook for a break.



And what's this? Nice... un pinche llanta pinchada, caused by un tornillo (screw). Out come the plugs.


Ten minutes later, plugged, holding air, onward!


This begins a couple hours of nothing but beautiful dirt road adventuring. Curtis and Robt in the background.





About 2/3 of the way around the loop, in the little town of La Encantada south of Zaragoza, another llanta pinchada, this time a sidewall puncture. Luckily, between the mushroom plugs and the BMW rubber donut plugs, we were able to get a temporary fix, enough to get us through Zaragoza and back onto pavement. We also had tubes and patches but luckily didn't have to break those out. Had to stop several times to reinflate, but it is what it is. All good.


We entertained ourselves, mostly at Curtis' expense, and got back on the road.



More amazing dirt roads followed, up to and through Gen. Zaragoza.









The flat tires put us a bit behind schedule, and we ran into about 10 miles of fog.


Rolled into Galeana about an hour after dark, celebrating with great food, beers, and bench racing. More to follow.
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Dude, my pleasure, thanks! It was hard to beat the ride in to Galeana on Thursday with Steve Michaelis leading, but Friday and Saturday's rides come pretty close! I had an excellent time with you, Curtis, and Shai.

Here are some more pics from our Friday ride down the S7 General Zaragoza Loop. Curtis (Big KTM), Robert (KTM 500), Shai (Triumph 800) and I (1200GS) leave Galeana and head south towards the Zaragoza loop. It's about 60 miles of mildly entertaining pavement, and potholes, before the first turnoff and we're wondering if "we gonna do any dirt today?" Hey, I've never been here before but it should get interesting in a minute or two I hope. :-)

Well within 5 minutes we turn off on a little dirt side road just south of Escondida and our adventure prayers are answered.

Really nice photography, Warren! Thank you!!!
Looks like a fantastic trip and wow, such beautiful roads :rider:
Hey there gents. I finally arrived home around 11pm last night after a wicked "after trip" with ~18 folks to Real de Catorce for Day of the Dead and then a smaller group to Monterrey. Five of us crossed the border together (including our fine MexTrek #6 leader Mr. Peter / Shadman) yesterday afternoon. Steve / Fang crossed alone, either just before or after us, and the North Carolina contingent (Laura, Alan, Ricky & Rob) were slated to cross yesterday sometime - coming directly from Real. As far as I'm aware that leaves 3 MexTrekers still in country: (1) The Monterrey Rave duo of Sid & Chad plus (2) Kia who headed further South solo. MexTrek #6 was a great event for sure! I'll post up some pics in the coming days. Viva la Mexico!
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Great ride with JT on Thursday. We went about 50 miles past BFE.

Next 3 days road with Mark and Roger on their KTM exc 350s. Found some great roads and great trails.

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Here's a few images from three days of riding.














Here's the part of the oil slick from the KLR650 (looked like the Exxon Valdez passed through) that made it about four miles from the drain bolt falling out.

Super cool pics and videos everybody ?
I'll remember this ride for at least 11 mos......till next MEXTREK.
Super cool pics and videos everybody [emoji41]

I'll remember this ride for at least 11 mos......till next MEXTREK.

Thank you for securing the house Doug. Ditto, great trip with great people and images. See you at the next one!
Another unintended result of social media like Facebook is only about 5% of the content and photos from the trip are making it onto this forum. With about 60 riders attending there is a wealth of storytelling and photo sharing going on.

So as a gentle reminder, if you are posting on Facebook use the hashtag #mextrek so other riders can search for your content.

I'm guilty too, but if I ever get caught up in life and can find a good alternative for Photobucket (I still hate you) I'll post up some good stuff. I have over 1000 pictures.
Sunday, October 22nd: Sid is my oldest son and partner in (motorcycling) crime. A few long months saw us wrapping up a big project. Ugggh!!!






A promise to wife and kids that we wouldn't depart for Mextrek until our house was complete and moved in meant many long long days in the 2 weeks prior to departure. We were exhausted before this vacation ever got started. Home renovations 99% complete we moved into our temporary house, completing the move at 3 AM.




Slept pretty hard knowing Monday was our "must depart" date from Phoenix to Austin. All was well in Tattoine!



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Monday, Oct 23rd: This was a fun day. It became clear that with my truck and trailer having been "borrowed" and not returned from Texas, we would have to make due in the little XB with single rail trailer. My CRF230F barely fit, but it fit.

First order of business: Bike maintenance. New tires on 2 scoots. Fork seals on 1. Double valve adjustment. Double oil change. Double chain replacement. Electrical chasing, etc.



Loaded up at Midnight. Kissed the wife and younger son goodbye. Whataburger mandatory stop. 1 AM departure. Straight through the night to Austin, TX

Now is where the internet is failing me....no way to upload pics to TWTEX, no easy, free hosting site....i think this story must be continued on facebook!!!!
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Tuesday Oct 23rd: Departed Phoenix at 1 AM. An uneventful and boring drive down I 10 had us arriving at the Clay Pit in Austin for my daughter's 20th birthday dinner.


A few hours and hundreds of spices and flavors later we headed over to Thomas' new house by Barton Creek to soak in the hot tub for a couple of hours and get ready for Mextrek, the lion's share of the work done. Our gracious host, Thomas Manlove, in basically the same arrangement as the hot tub, hot guys on both sides.


Planning an event like Mextrek does take time, but it is fairly easy once you've been through it a time or two. Despite my wife's eye rolling, I actually enjoy the many calls from first timers and getting to know guys through this activity. Our new life in Phoenix, as you might imagine living on 2.5 acres all alone, is a bit desolate so fresh faces to chat with about my #1 passion are almost like therapy sessions. So, thanks for everyone who called and chatted bikes. I needed motivation!

3AM me Sid and Thomas agreed, enough joint therapy. Early to bed!
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Wednesday Oct 24th: Up early around 10 AM we loaded up in the scion and headed to Antic Screenprinting. Out good friend, and motorcycle roadracer, Isaac Beauman makes the tee shirts for all the rallies we've done. After 30 minutes of convincing Isaac is shopping for a dirt bike to learn skills with the hope of coming along next year. Isaac's shop is a reflection of his artistic leanings. Every wall is threapy. Here is what makes Isaac and Antic my shop of choice:

Shirt runs of 1 to 10,000.
Next day service
Isaac is first and foremost an Artist
Ideas to shirts in 48 hours with Isaac doing art as needed
Great selection of shirts, he always gets us our desired Next Level shirts
OK, shamelessplug over. If you need shirts in Texas call!




Around 11 we headed south to Mission. A quick 5 hours later we were checking into the host hotel, marveling at all the bikes present, and meeting new friends and hugging old. We unloaded the bikes grabbed tee shirts, and took a quick trip across the border for some permits. Once through the quick and painless process we headed to Mambo's for the welcome dinner!




A few hours later another group made a permit run. Dinner eaten at 10 PM we headed back to the hotel to finish bike prep (wire tailight on Sid's bike, fix broken shifter, swap grips). In bed by 1 AM, and early night this week!
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Thursday Oct 25th, AM: Mextrek begins with a breakfast at 6:30, then the requisite rider's meeting at 7:30


and theoretically kickstands up at 8:00. In theory, we were to depart in 5 groups, with the faster groups leading the way, slower groups in tow, passing through Montemorelos in stages for lunch at Miguel's taco shop on the square, Fonda San Miguel https://goo.gl/maps/HoNPkGUqPsA2 https://goo.gl/maps/mQho4JZk52B2


Essentially 40 of us arrived within 20 minutes. JT's high mountain waterfall crew bypassed lunch. Everett's uber fast group had two late additions and permit issues that caused a slowdown. Steve's group went for Latte's at starbucks.


Sid beat me by 15 minutes, and the slowest group came in 2nd. But, all good, Tacos at Fonda, Drinks from the OXXO down the block, casa de cambio for a grip of pesos, and tacos and burritos street style tasted so good. We were all feeling the good vibes now at the edge of the mountains and starting to immerse ourselves in food, culture, and riding. Welcome to Mexico!!



Starbucks ride leader Steven taking in a much needed cool drink.


When we were finishing up Miguel's nephew, a polished young guy working for the ministry of tourism, somehow corralled us into a group photo on the square in front of the municipal palace. He is charged with promoting tourism for Montemorelos. I'm not sure what the caption of the photo will be, but it might read "Welcome to Montemorelos, a city on the edge of the mountains where you can grab lunch before heading to even cooler places!".



Finally posed and ready for the grand photo!

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Thursday Oct 25th, PM: After lunch we continue West through the main street of town, into the PEMEX gas station where 40 starving motorcycles congregated for lunch.

Justin, the intrepid traveller who once rode a Cargo CG125 Honda through 25,000 miles of Latin America with his girlfriend, smiles at the idea he is now on a CB500X with 400 times the power and comfort of his old Mexico scooter...


After a quick fill up (quick?) we headed up Mex 85, a big 4 lane highway to Monterrey. In the 5 miles we rode we came across a double 18 wheeler, missing the second trailer. Big truck accidents in Mexico are real, more frequent, and often dangerous. A real reminder to keep our wits about new dangers on the ride.


A quick left turn on the Rayones Highway and we pass the biopark http://bioparquemonterrey.mx/ and start winding our way up the broken and crumbling concrete road. Uturns become scenic vistas, landslides remind us of recent heavy rains (see JT and Gina's beautiful wet and muddy adventure from early October: Dos Semanas: http://www.twtex.com/forums/showthread.php?t=115670 ).


The usual huge smiles, high fives, and many picture opportunities ebing taken advantage of make me extra happy, knowing there are adventurous kindred spirits in this big boring world. My ride group posing on Tres Rochas halfway to Rayones:




Glamour shot

A waterfall I've never noticed is flowing mad amounts of agua. So fresh and clean I want to drink it.

I have to admit I like to ride hard and fast on concrete. You know, the kind of riding that lands you in handcuffs back home. The kind that has you cursing double yellow lines, slow traffic, soccer moms, and speed limits. In Mexico, I find myself laughing at the various agents trying to slow us down: Burros, work crews, landslides, football sized rocks in the lane, blind corners, breathtaking overlooks, and just way too many amazing curves to take in all at once. Bliss. Heaven. Thanks Mexico!! We regroup at the river and hear of an over exuberant rider looping his bike pulling a wheelie on tarmac. Ouch! but thankfully, rider and bike are fine. He chose his steed wisely, a dirt oriented dual sport that takes a licking and keeps on ticking. More on this later!


At this late hour and having had a few miles of fun riding to differentiate skill levels we divide our 4 ride groups into 3. 1 to head to Galeana. 2 small groups to take the longer dirt route. Everything points to us all arriving in Galeana late afternoon. I take the large direct group with Everett leading and me running sweeps. I've been riding concrete with Garon, a new to street rider on a slower XT250, with some dirt offroad skills. The last 100 miles are probably a true test by fire for him. Riding in formation, staying close in the scarier border towns, navigating terrible roads. Now we hit gravel on the road to Galeana and he is doing great. We have a quick trailside repair of a downed bike that bent a handguard into a lever and it won't move. 10 seconds of tugging and all is right. Yep, a CRF250L is a great tool for Mexico.

We meet up at the amazing Punte de Dios, the Bridge of God, a large natural bridge with a river running below. So big that the road runs over it but no one on the road ever notices. I rode this route 3 or 4 times before visiting the bridge and was laughing out loud that I'd crossed it not knowing. In pics this thing looks like a tine little blip. In real life you could pass your 5000 square foot house through it.


Without any more drama we arrived in Galeana about 4 or 5 PM, plenty of light left, all riders in my group accounted for. Did the usual check in and town square stroll. Steve and Everett's longer ride groups made their way in right around sunset as did JT's mountain group. 100% finish rate with no major mechanicals. What a great day.


Church in Galeana


A huge number and variety of bikes this trip...





Had a number of beers at "Upstairs at Andre's" simple bar. Andre is a regular on TWTEX and a Mextrek survivor on his big Triumph 1200. He also knows where to find a beer after 25 crashes in the mud in a single ride. A cold beer, in an upstairs bar, without a sign or name. So, "Upstairs at Andre's" it is.


JT and Ken TGtumbleweed sharing war stories.


Then on to a late dinner at a new restaurant, La Bonita, that was simple and nice. The menu was picked over when I arrived late, so it was chicken wings or enchiladas. Enchiladas were goooood.


After the food hits...

the owner and her manager (mi Mejor Amigo) Armando at La Bonita!


Storytelling, smiles, and friends in the square:

Ride leader Everett in shorts and his mom's sweater

Steve in his mom's white sweater

JP and Bill K with his mom's chapstick

Justin B standing in his mom's platform shoes

Steve on his mom's new bike

My new Houston friend and solo baja traveller Curtis

Magdelena Hotel sofas are like our home away from home in Galeana. Alan and Laura with Rob and Ricki came early. They already laid claim to the big sofa.


Myself admiring the "Woman become Mountain"

For some, it is maybe too comforting...
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Special thanks to Shadman (Peter) and ride group leader Steve (who I could have sworn was Irish!) for never once making this dualsport newbie feel like I was holding up the group.

Here I am smiling ear to ear when we left the concrete and I finally had dirt under two tires. :rider:

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