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Riders of the Purple Sage 2017 @ Big Bend Ranch State Park


Big Bend Ranch State Park is beautiful, but it's not something a dual-sporter type of guy might be used to if you are accustomed to riding class 1 roads comprised of hard packed dirt often found in the Texas Hill Country.


BBRSP has instant tension creating sand and gravel, nasty cactus, loose rocks on 20% grade half mile winding uphills, and baby-heads on screaming downhills that keeps you alert at all times. If you think Black Gap Road in Big Bend National Park is "challenging", you might want to avoid BBRSP.


The park is around 312,000 acres and can be terrifying when you're out there on your own. Unless you ride the main road in the area called Casa Piedra, I would highly recommend having an reliable dual-sporting buddy with you. :)

A SPOT like device is essential in this very remote part of Texas.


FYI - all that cactus leads to a lot of flats based on the accounts of many other riders. Personally, I prefer the Tubliss Tire system using the tire sealant Ride On as an added plus. It makes plugging a tire, a quick two minute process. Alternately be prepared with tubes and a pump - take a printed map and updated GPS tracks with plenty of food and water.


We experienced Ocotillo plant thorns along the dual-sport route, so if you use a mesh jacket, you should expect to have it's fibers torn on various parts. We all wore heavy textile jacket and pants which offered significant protection against hitting those large thorns under speed.


The open (no fence) ranch land with wandering cattle draws back to era of the 19th. century. Roaming bob cats, tarantulas, scorpions, bats, and hawks are commonly seen. We all grew fond of our fuzzy friend, Boris the spider, who walked near our shoes during one of our water stops. I have heard such arachnids make great pets and can be trained to bite only certain people. :)


We all had a wonderful time riding the park's different unmaintained roads. JeffS, who recently moved to Alpine, Texas, was our fearless ride leader. Before embarking on this trip, we read Tourmeister's excellent ride report on BBRSP here.

Thanks Jeff for a job well done and for taking great pictures!
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I used to go down there every year back in the 80's when it was the Terlingua Ranch. Then Texas didn't renew the 100 year lease and it became the Big Ben Ranch State Park after 1988. I still have the sectional maps that we used to mark a lot of the Mercury mine vent shafts that we would relay to the state so they could close them up. Did a lot of riding in that area on a 1976 Yamaha TT500. We camped on the Hen Egg and Pack Saddle mountains.
I used to go down there every year back in the 80's when it was the Terlingua Ranch. Then Texas didn't renew the 100 year lease and it became the Big Ben Ranch State Park after 1988. I still have the sectional maps that we used to mark a lot of the Mercury mine vent shafts that we would relay to the state so they could close them up. Did a lot of riding in that area on a 1976 Yamaha TT500. We camped on the Hen Egg and Pack Saddle mountains.

Great to know that...I researched the history here.

I heard also the National Park Service might be adding several thousand acres in adjacent ranching properties to BBRSP.


Do you know much about the Christmas Mountains near Big Bend? I heard that Texas General Land Office announced it was turning over control of the Christmas Mountains to the Texas State University System but that it might be open for public 4WD recreational use.

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Day ride yesterday around Whiteright Texas. At the end of the ride I noticed the top shock mount was missing a cap nut holding the shock. No telling when I lost it but lucky I finished the ride before the shock came off. Thinking about drilling it this time.
Day ride down to Beemerless Bob's house for his thanksgiving shindig.

Most of the pictures I took were of an abandoned radio tower in farm country.

Good ol Texas dual sporting. Lots of well maintained dirt roads that make even the Strom look like a high speed bike.



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Would love to know where that tower is so as to perhaps visit it some time!!!!
I'll see if I can find it on my gps track. Shoulda dropped a waypoint I guess. I want to say it was in the southern part of Ellis County.

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Wow, what a great ride today. Weather in 70's tomorrow is going to be 80. With this weather it is hard to believe it is nearly Christmas except for reminders of the most important event in the history of humanity.
Manger scene Taylor TX. not Bethlehem.


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Wow, what a great ride today. Weather in 70's tomorrow is going to be 80. With this weather it is hard to believe it is nearly Christmas except for reminders of the most important event in the history of humanity.
Manger scene Taylor TX. not Bethlehem.

You say that but I am fond of telling people that weather at xmas will be shorts and tshirt so there must be a reason for that, lol... I do seem to recall though there is always some weird weather a week or two right before xmas where people get their hopes up for a white xmas... :rofl:
No place like Texas weather. they say if you don't like it wait five minutes.:lol2: I seem to ride more in winter than the "hotter than the hinges of He l" summers.
Downs , I would love to climb that tower, I would wear a safety harness now. I have never feared heights, I love the feeling. Great photos!
Took Q out for a little gecaching....

T-Dubs sure put a grin on your face. :sun: Last weekend B² & I on our T-Dubs joined 3 other riders exploring some of the levee roads along the Atchafayla basin in south central Louisiana. Forecast was rain ending by 10am Saturday, but the rain lingered to 2pm, so we had a wet, muddy ride the 1st day, but a good ride overall.

Centerville, LA:
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It (those gravestones) reminds me how much pride people have with their service records. Stays with them long after they are gone.
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Took the Strom out for a 60 mile loop hitting up some Geocaches and then took Q out and channeled his inner KLR with a Milkcrate to feed and water the chickens.

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I almost had a close call with Mr. Piggy! I arrived just after he decided to take a permanent nap.


I decided to go to Cooper's BBQ and enjoy pork loin...


I almost had a close call with Mr. Piggy! I arrived just after he decided to take a permanent nap.


I decided to go to Cooper's BBQ and enjoy pork loin...


Nice FZ

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Love Texas! Year round riding... Woohoo!

About a dozen and a half of my compadres and I did a Greenwood Store run.

Really good burgers again. And the Buttermilk pie! Oooooh! :eat:

See ya' down the road.



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