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Round The Bend 2018, Ride Reports,

...Had a small wreck on an easy part of Black Gap which slingshotted myself past my window which I caught with my foot and broke off.....

Wait! You broke your foot off? :eek2:
First timer and I had a blast. Thanks for putting this together and a shout out to Philip Barrett for patiently riding at a snails pace behind me on a hot River Road ride on Saturday. I was having a hard time with the heat and new body armor that apparently doesn't breathe as well as advertised. It was an adventure and a fun ride!

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I had lots of fun, you were doing great too!
This ride report doesn't make the fact that I missed it any easier. Glad everyone had fun and is still in one piece.
Thanks JT & co. for putting together another amazing Big Bend trip, every year it gets better & better.

I had much fun with the no-pressure ride Friday although Pete said it best, "River Road Adventure Bike Carnage!" Saturday we did most of the old Uncle's Challenge route & arrived back hot, tired but very happy.

The meeting of the groups:

Proud new Papa:

Old Ore Road:

The 500 breeding program has been highly successful:

From whence we came:
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I've abandoned the Leica D-Lux entirely for the camera in the Google Pixel II. The Leica has perhaps slightly stronger colors but not enough of an advantage to want to carry both anymore. There's also a somewhat flawed but very effective B&W app for Android called Lenka which I used to take these at the cemetery.

All cropped in the camera, no post-processing.




Thanks JT & co. for putting together another amazing Big Bend trip, every year it gets better & better.

I had much fun with the no-pressure ride Friday although Pete said it best, "River Road Adventure Bike Carnage!" Saturday we did most of the old Uncle's Challenge route & arrived back hot, tired but very happy.

The 500 breeding program has been highly successful:

Hey, I took that picture :) It was good to run into you guys.
I lent a bike to a friend, who dropped it many, many, many times. When back on tarmac after riding River Road/ Black Gap/ Glen Springs, I noticed the tool tube was missing.

If anyone picked up my PVC tool tube with tool roll inside, please PM me! Thanks.
Top of the World - County Roads



old ore

black gap

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ken, was out side talking deer processing with you and Keith. great video and pics :thumb::thumb::thumb:
keep that powder dry ;-)
I’ve got a question regarding 170 west of Candelaria just past Godzilla Hill I’d like to ask someone knowledgeable about the road. If someone has knowledge regarding the ‘public-ness’ of the road I’d like to chat via PM. FYI - there is an unlocked gate marked No Traspassing.

I called the Presidio County Sheriff's office today to get clarification on this road. From what the woman who answered the phone told me, the road beyond the gate is in fact private property and the road is a private not public road.

The creates a problem for anyone wanting to do ride along the river from Presidio up to Chispa road and loop back down through Valentine and Marfa and then down Pinto Canyon. That's too bad - it was a really nice loop ride.
Great Thread! Sorry I missed it, I see some of the Austin regulars had big fun!

I'm working on putting together an event for you dirty types in May. Stay Tuned.
Pinto Canyon, River Road East and Old Ore Road, thanks guys.


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No doubt about it, the heat is creeping in on the last day. Good luck to the April bender group.

Perfect timing Richard and JT for your great work putting this thing together. I imagine this was a little like:
Like a weevil, worm, or any other TARA newbie term you’d like to use, I goofed. A thousand pardons, memsahib, for egregiously posting this on the trip planning thread.

While we’ve explored BBNP and BBRSP on past spring trips, a few of us on ride-it-yourself/no truck/no trailer/no pick-up/big-*** touroventure bikes attended the little dirt bike extravaganza in Big Bend for the first time. Great job in all aspects of planning and holding an excellent rally, with good folks to ride and visit with, good food, and even gps tracks for some great rides that we hadn't yet taken. Thank you for all everyone put into it.

Our long ride was Friday, when four Austinites on GS’s and one Abileneo on an Africa Twin took FM 170 to Presidio and beyond. Very pleasant morning ride, and we decided to give Pinto Canyon a miss this time, instead continuing to “Pavement Ends” at Candelaria. From there, it was Chispa Rd and off the grid for several (many?) hours. The tracks we had downloaded wove a route generally more or less parallel to, but not always in sight of, the Rio Grande for much of the day, then finally turned north and connected to FM 2017 and US 90. The less-than-perfect (aren’t they all?) tracks resulted in several do-overs: A couple of closed and posted gates (that we ultimately went on through); a road that dead-ended at the Rio Grande; finally, a locked gate which caused another re-route. Then there was an abundance of deep sand and a few corresponding “tump-overs”, all of which turned it into a longgggg day. We also spent a little time “borrowing” a gallon of gas from a Game Warden, and finally siphoning a quart or two as we hit US 90. Obviously, despite the big gas tanks on the bikes, we had not all started out with equal amounts...and big bikes like gas. All in all, we left Study Butte at 9:00AM and finally got back to the resort around 10:00-10:30PM.

Not really knowing how far the road’s going to take you, or for how long, as well as riding in the dark, should be discouraged.

Saturday we took a few dirt roads, ending up at Santa Elena Canyon. After parking at Santa Elena and walking toward the river, here comes Anthony Bourdain and a small entourage. I wasn’t aware of an “off-the-wall” eating establishment in the depths of the canyon, but you never know.

Here are a few less-ordinary snapshots of the action:

House rules:

Consulting with a few hungry bovines after the first creek bed crossing resulted in a do-over when we ran into a gate (wrong track across the creek bed, up the sand bank, down the road, gate closed and posted, reverse, repeat in the opposite direction):

Second do-over when the track ended at the Rio Grande (crossing here not recommended):

John and Cody descending Godzorilla...or whatever the cognoscenti want to call it. I could be wrong, but it looks like they’re both sorta maybe trying to use their feet for brakes:


The drone that was shadowing us as we neared the Rio Grande:

Chisos sunrise while getting coffeed-up at a great little spot in Terlingua - La Posada Milagro:
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I was the guy on the KTM that ran into you guys right after Gorilla Hill. Very impressed you all did all that on those beastly bikes!
I was the guy on the KTM that ran into you guys right after Gorilla Hill. Very impressed you all did all that on those beastly bikes!

Charles - wasn't sure where we lost you...or how you ended up passing us twice!

I saw your earlier post about the gates. We went through two, one of which we had all turned around at earlier. Eventually we headed north toward 90, past a camp of 5 or 6 trailer houses (no one home), only to climb the hills and have the road get rougher and less and less used. Finally, a locked gate, hence another turn-around and lost time.
Is this at the same time/weekend/week every year? I have to put in for my time off at the end of the year for the next year so I'd need to know dates before November when we are in the middle of picking days off.
Is this at the same time/weekend/week every year?

No, it's not. It moves around a bit each year. It's always in the Spring but not a set weekend.

JT told me he is going to a) run the rally again next year and b) move it a little bit earlier in the year (likely somewhere between the end of Feb and the first two weeks in March).

I will post up the dates for the 2019 rally as soon as I know them.