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Empire of Dirt - Colorado 2020 v1

Favorite Pass to ride in the San Juan Mtns?

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Crop on south side of Montrose. Is this weed?

There’s a City Market on the South side of Montrose, so we scored groceries for the rest of the week and returned home to replace junky stock parts.


That little spider is what you want - aka Rekluse. Twenty minutes and only one dropped gasket later we are back in business.

Here’s the offending Magura unit.

Tomorrow? Heather’s inaugural Alpine Loop!
An all too familiar site. Did you change your oil?
There’s a City Market on the South side of Montrose, so we scored groceries for the rest of the week and returned home to replace junky stock parts.


That little spider is what you want - aka Rekluse. Twenty minutes and only one dropped gasket later we are back in business.

Here’s the offending Magura unit.

Tomorrow? Heather’s inaugural Alpine Loop!
Great Trip... Keep the stories coming!
Glad you are back in business. Good to have a shop that can support you that well.

I may be biased, but SLM Racing / KTM of North Texas is pretty hard to beat. Todd and Burt try hard to do it right.

Have fun on the Alpine Loop. Normally I'd say don't miss the American Basin detour for wildflowers, but when I went in July, they were pretty scarce.

Everything else was awesome though. Have fun.
Glad you are back in business. Good to have a shop that can support you that well.

I may be biased, but SLM Racing / KTM of North Texas is pretty hard to beat. Todd and Burt try hard to do it right.
Agreed. They have certainly won me over.
This is our last day to ride for a few weeks, so we set our sights back towards the passes along 550. After fueling in Ouray we navigated a few paved curves until we turned East at Ironton on dirt. At this point we really started gaining altitude.


Heather cresting a rise as she makes her way above Corkscrew Gulch.

Potty stops are important. Potty stops with views are even better.

Big views on the way to Hurricane Pass

If you’re reading this thread and wondering if you could navigate a trip like this...you can. Use common sense, always have a map and know how to use it (Latitude 40 makes the best for this area), and follow the signs. Message me if I can help.
Every trip concludes and most conclude with a list of gear or parts to replace, upgrade, or enjoy in their trail-touched state. Here are a few...

Stock tires on the 690. Here’s the rear with 700 miles. Maybe they’ll make it one more trip?


690 turn signals. Uhg. Seems the Austrians could design something a bit more robust. I didn’t even drop the bike! I was removing my luggage by sliding it backward and it snagged a blinker. Pop! There it went.


Heather had a few drops going up Engineer Pass Road off 550. There are some rock ledges that can put you on your side pretty quick. The FMF took the brunt, but looks good to go with a few new character marks.

And we can’t forget the Klim pants with the blown out backside. Truth be told, the zipper was catching as well. They’re 6 or 7 years old, so I’ve gotten my $ worth. I was just glad to have different pants on today. Less “zipper anxiety” when I really needed it!
Did you guys ride UP the section of Engineer from US 550 to Poughkeepsie Gulch? If so, that is a challenging section! A few years back I rented a jeep to take my wife and kids up into the mountains from Lake City and they made me sign a special sheet promising I would not take the jeep on that section :lol2: I've done it several times on a KLR 650 and once on my KTM 530 EXC. Each time I was relieved to reach US 550 and to take a break ;-)