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Empire of Dirt - Colorado 2020 v1

Favorite Pass to ride in the San Juan Mtns?

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Yup, quite a few rock ledges and step ups to navigate. Add in passing jeeps and RZRs and it gets interesting quick!!

“smooth” portion of that road
The forecast for Tuesday looks interesting!


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If you drove this to the RV park would they think you’re the shuttle to the $$ old folks home? Seen in Santa Fe.
We slep in this morning until ~7 and took our time making breakfast and an extra pot of coffee. By 10 we were gearing up . We found a little rental house just above downtown Pagosa - even has a garage!


We turned East on 160 and pointed our bikes toward East Fork Rd. - it’s the way over Elwood Pass.

19 miles - that should be quick, right??
East Fork Road goes from 160, a major paved road, up and over Elwood Pass while running along the East Fork of the San Juan River. At first it’s very smooth - a campsite here, a nice cement bridge there, you know, maintained.


Lots of places for dispersed camping with vans, toy haulers, etc.


more mountains and river

From here the trail meanders past Silver Falls and then things start to get interesting. The “high clearance” sign make an appearance and we get down to business.



Add in stream crossings, rocks, and a few places where the stream doesn’t cross the road, it stays.

Heather working through the baby head size boulders.

690 makes short work of’em too.


Heather had a few drops on the rocks, but did really well. Did I say rocks?


Next stop was to fix the tail-light holder. A bolt came loose and it was trying to part ways with the fender. Fortunately I had an extra.

Great pics and story. Lori & I had no clue and attempted riding the GSA 2 up, up Elwood Pass a couple of weeks ago. Had to retreat! Just too heavy. Beautiful pass, I will return on the 500.
After the rocky climb we arrived at Elwood Pass and high alpine prairie with patches of trees. Heather said she was so glad to see toy haulers parked in campsites - meaning we didn’t need to go down the path we’d just come up!!




This is the Elwood Cabin. Apparently you can rent it and stay the night.

We headed to the Summitville mine site to explore.


The mine was a source of gold and silver up until the early 1990’s when the operator went bankrupt and the government took over the clean up. It’s now a super-fund site, although the impacts to people seem to be limited - see wiki.
Thanks for the report, I am now required to go check out the camping at Elwood pass[emoji106] I don’t think I will take a big bike down the west side.
I’m behind a few days on the reports, but we’re headed to Sargents, CO in the morning to visit friends. This is their cabin now and it’s still snowing. It was 80 yesterday.

Lots of great riding around Elwood Pass. I’ll let these pics round out day 1.




For day two we took a break from the motos and hiked Little Blanco Trail to the window Near Quartz Lake (SE of Pagosa).

lunch spot ahead...

on the way back down

Don’t lose interest. Back to motorcycles on day 3 and then there’s the whole...will we survive the drive over Wolf Creek and Monarch passes tomorrow?