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West Texas Wanderlust


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Dec 8, 2014
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San Marcos, Texas
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The desert is calling. Initial reaction when you live in central Texas……go to Big Bend. I know our kinsmen are headed out there in a few weeks, but I have kids and that is around Spring Break time, so I am out on that one. And I am looking for some solitude in the backcountry. Big bend has become a pretty popular place. Part Covid, part progress? Reminds me of the John Denver lyric, more people, more scars upon the land. I know, who am I to say that, I didn’t fall out of the womb living in Big Bend either. I just liked it when it was more obscure and less inhabited by tourists and “locals”. You use to find your way around, look at maps and explore with your nose, so less people were doing it. No grocery store, limited supplies. Even lodging was a little harsh, but I still liked it, it was cheap and interesting. The other characters out there seemed to fall in that same category years back, birds of a feather. Now every strange duck with a Jeep JK, a GPS and a VRBO app is prancing around in the desert.


So, I’m going to do a little wandering out west…..but not too far west wheres the peoples is. I want some peace and quiet, Trans Pecos area is the aim, along with wandering to/from. I have a couple free places to hole up for two of the nights, one night I am camping somewhere, TBD. This is mostly paved but in the dual sport spirit, meaning there will be some dirt when it works out. I will be on my big bike for this run and have it packed as tight and light as I can get it. Rear panels removed, rear seat removed, bags conforming around/to the bike. Pretty happy overall. Still can’t make up my mind whether to go soft panniers on racks (like the ease/storage space but don’t like the width nor cantilever) or go Mosko Moto 80. None of it is cheap and I can’t decide. Till I am ready to pull the trigger, I will make do with what I have and keep playing.


Compared to my roots on light dual sports, I feel like the below. But, this is the way. Or is it?


Leaving in a couple hours. Thought I would do a ride report. Might not have, but after reading the post in the Off Topic section….Is There Any Life Left in This Forum….thought maybe this is important work that I am doing. What yall think?

I'm headed out that way in the morning for a few days. Maybe we can connect up.
Cool. I will be holed up tonight in the Leakey area. Tomorrow night shooting for Langtry or Pandale. Saturday night Ingram.
After talking with you, looks like you guys got more on your plate than I have time. Yall be safe.
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Thought I would do a ride report. Might not have, but after reading the post in the Off Topic section….Is There Any Life Left in This Forum….thought maybe this is important work that I am doing. What yall think?

Do it. Please...
Today was mostly about sliding out of work a little early an easing west. Not the prettiest day, and the first hour was 55F and drizzle/rain from my neck of the woods to Blanco. Then things got tolerable. Took a break west of Blanco to regroup my helmet/visor etc.


Thought about another break in Luckenbach, but was worried about the rain catching up. Onward, snuck below Fredericksburg, keeping with my avoid people theme. Stopped at this pretty little spot.


Boogying along westish towards Harper, saw this place on a backroad. Man if those walls could talk. Sounds weird, but I was thinking about the way it must smell in there. I’ve always liked that cellar type smell.


Rode through McCullough Ranch Road, new one to me. My fellow riders, be careful this weekend, the deer are really moving around. Nice area.


Gased up in Kerrville, on out through Hunt, 41 to FM336 where I am holed up for the night at a friend’s hunting cabin.


Drank the drink, burned the meat. Here is a pic in MisterK’s honor. Nighty night folks, tomorrow is the good stuff.

Off to a good start.
Well it was a mix, I guess Quantum Doo. Warmed up a little, temp outside and I was working it a bit.



No food for breakfast, my sustenance was immediately riding Bullhead Creek Rd. I feel full. Wish I could get seconds, not enough of this type of road to go around, but it was yummy. This area always makes me feel like I cheated and time traveled out of Texas.



How about this cabin spot carved out of the rock? I like this place. If it is yours, please contact me.


This was a pretty spot....wanted a pic and then saw the aoudads doing acrobats.



Almost biffed this bump gate, hit the throttle and slid out in mud. Recovered, nobody saw it.


Ran up 55, hated bypassing some good gravel travel in this area that plays with the Nueces River, but I wanted to “waste” time further away from my normal reach.


Rocksprings.....just ate a bite, gased up, back to it. Still a little chilly out when at speed on pavement, come on sun! Lots more to do today.
Been 20 years, but I remember some great hi speed sweepers near Rocksprings. There used to be a cool moto museum with some Brit motos just outside Vanderpool, wonder if that is still open? And of course great Enchildas at Lost Maples Cafe in Utopia on Fridays.
Wish I was there instead of the outlet mall in San Marcos, but another day soon I hope. (Oh yeah I forgot apple pie in Medina.)


Oh good, you’re still here. Thought I lost you. Several things going on here. I was getting hot, needed to shed a layer. It was a pretty spot, I wanted a picture. And I had been wondering how bad it was going to be picking her up loaded with my gear and camping stuff. Thought why not, then thought why not a picture of it. Ha ha. All is well, no scratches, the bone sticking out is the stick sitting on top of the bike. Sorry to disappoint y’all! If it makes you feel better, I did have a scare when I went to start it, the starter wouldn’t stop cranking. Karma....but I cycled the key and she quit it. No more shannanigans I think was the message from the queen.

In. So jealous. Great pics! How is the AT for touring like you’re doing?

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In. So jealous. Great pics! How is the AT for touring like you’re doing?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

You know, I been back on forth on this purchase, my first big bike. This trip however, this is where it shines. Cookin at 75-80 on pavement, eating up the dirt roads as well. I was thinking what sums it up, gravel goddess. It does my kind of touring extremely well. And I can’t say enough about the cruise control, heavenly. If I have gnarly stuff planned, get a different tool out of the quiver.

Hello Juno. This area makes my hair stand up. I think I just feel the history....ranchers, rangers, Indians, soldiers, skirmishes, gravesites. Oh my.



Ever ride by yourself and feel like somebody is behind you? Feeling it here. Last time was in Big Bend several years ago on Marathon Rd at night, solo. I stopped to put on some layers, left the bike running with the light glaring, thought that was a good idea, but my night vision Spidy senses were of no use.


Only solution.....hurry up, get back on the bike and ride faster😊. Here is your wheelie Vec!



I played on some more dirt, thought I found heaven, but denied.





Had to start easing south for a gas stop, Comstock. Snagged some beverages and easy food for tonight. This place is a life saver. Not the first time they got my money. It is gold out here.....and a nice place to eat my snacks and rearrange the bike with my supplies for the evening, in the shade. Probably my last post today, I doubt downtown Pandale has any coverage 🙂


I love those roads! Thanks for posting and making me nostalgic and jealous!
I did have a scare when I went to start it, the starter wouldn’t stop cranking. Karma....but I cycled the key and she quit it. No more shannanigans I think was the message from the queen.
Maybe when you dropped the bike, the lean angle sensor was triggered to save your fuel pump. On/Off key and then it resets. (But I'm no mechanic.)
As predicted, couldn’t post last night at my camp spot. Here is the rest of yesterday. Taking a break in the middle of nowhere, had coverage, go figure. Apologies if it posts goofy.

Did a Chevy Chase visit at Seminole Canyon State Park. If you haven’t stopped here, do it. The pictographs here aren’t a couple hundred years old like a lot of them around the country, it is more like several hundred/thousand. Here is a few pics from a couple years ago when I did it. Do yourself a favor and do this. FYI it is guided and you need to sign up for certain times. And I threw in a pic of an Africa Twin in case you forgot what they look like.




Next up, the Pecos high bridge. Don’t just stop at the bridge on Hwy 90, take the left before it on the park road, goes to nice picnic spot and the boat ramp, which was the Old Hwy 90 crossing prior to the high bridge. I also took the little park road right after, tent camping allowed there, not for me for sleeping, but good to know.






My grandfather was a long haul Lone Star Beer trucker many moons ago, started there right after WWII. He recalled the lower bridge, only reason I know it wasn’t always just a boat ramp. Remember the armadillo commercials?

I stopped again really close by, this little lookout is neat and cool history. WWII is not usually on peoples brains out here.





They say the eyes are the window to the soul. Cool story bro.


If you looked at that picture, you owe me a beer 😆


Judge Roy Bean is next on the Hwy 90 Side Show. It wasn’t just a Hollywood Paul Newman thing, it is good Texas history. I’ve stopped several times over the years. Again if you haven’t, give it a look see. The boxing match they pulled off was legend.


That movie was good for the time, Bad Bob was my favorite......


When I was a young boy my Dad and I made trips out this way on hunting trips, north of Pumpville. Some people are lovers not fighters, well my Dad and I were off-roaders not hunters. We went there for about 10 years and killed one deer each. But off-road miles were countless. First on ATCs, then ATVs (might as well ride side saddle) and lots of hunting Jeeps. I learned how to drive out here, a 66 Bronco with a 3 speed on the column, man that was a big steering wheel! Here is a pic of a place I would make him stop every time we made this “hunting” run, Eagles Nest. Water and time do neat things.


He has been gone for several years now, this country brings him back to me. He would sing Marty Robbins songs on those long road trips. And now by proxy my 11yo son knows Marty songs like he is a member of the band. I listened to Marty today rolling through here in my helmet coms. If you haven’t, give it a listen, especially when you are out west. This album is the best.....


Ahhhh, some more dirt, righteous dirt. This is the county road going north out of Langtry. Tis pretty cool.


Down off the hill to Felina I go.





Touchdown, Pandale Crossing. The Pecos River is life in this region, I can feel it’s liveliness from my camping spot. I would like to float this back towards 90, I’ve heard rumors about it. Kind of like the Devils River stuff, it’s not a gingerly float that is all fun and games. Similar to adventure riding, it’s not all peaches and cream.


Home sweet home.


And a pic for MisterK, cooked medium rare. Best I could do with my light packing.


Dashing and daring a drink he was....not sharing.....the beer tastes better here, I swear it!


Its new day, more to come.


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Man oh man, Steve...after your "500cc of Big Bend stat" thread that got me on to the Chispa route, I'm an avid follower of your tales. Great pics, great writing, just great.

I'd never heard of that battle involving Hood and the Comanches. I noticed recently that the PC idiots want or are going to change the name of Fort Hood, so I guess they didn't get the memo about being doomed to repeat history by not learning from it. Oh well.

Keep it up and be safe.