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Post your Day Rides Here!

Oscars for Lunch


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Sorry, no food involved but did manage to put 190 miles under the wheels today. Went looking for roads I had not been on and headed up towards Hallettsville via J2 Ranch. Managed to find some pretty decent riding on gravel and dirt. Probably had about 40 or 45 miles of dirt in there and 100 miles of unstriped blacktop.

Only saw about 10 cars other than those I saw on short sections of main roads used to get to the next secondary road.

There is some pretty country in that area. Took a few photos.


It was a really nice ride and managed to dodge the rain again. Did have one incident where I was gawking around and half way through a slow (15 mph) corner, the rain had washed it full of sand 8 or 10 inches deep, the front started to wash out and take off, and she wanted to take a nap. Of course I was one gear higher than I should have been, but dabbed once and fed her some and she woke up and stood back up for me. Woke me up too. :shock: Really need to get some different tires on there one of these days.
Sorry, no food involved but did manage to put 190 miles under the wheels today. Went looking for roads I had not been on and headed up towards Hallettsville via J2 Ranch. Managed to find some pretty decent riding on gravel and dirt. Probably had about 40 or 45 miles of dirt in there and 100 miles of unstriped blacktop.

Only saw about 10 cars other than those I saw on short sections of main roads used to get to the next secondary road.

There is some pretty country in that area. Took a few photos.


It was a really nice ride and managed to dodge the rain again. Did have one incident where I was gawking around and half way through a slow (15 mph) corner, the rain had washed it full of sand 8 or 10 inches deep, the front started to wash out and take off, and she wanted to take a nap. Of course I was one gear higher than I should have been, but dabbed once and fed her some and she woke up and stood back up for me. Woke me up too. :shock: Really need to get some different tires on there one of these days.
Funny how our bikes tell us "if your not going to pay attention, neither am I". :clap: :lol2:
Sunday I did about 200 miles from cedar Park to Kerrville and back. 1431 to 281, 290, 16. I need to find a better route to this part of TX because once I left marble falls it was just a fairly lot of no fun 4 lane. I ride the cedar Park to marble falls route often and 1431 remains a gem.

No pics. No point. There was not much to see. The Bonneville ate up the miles wonderfully as usual. The weather was fantastic. Confirmed again that four hours of seat time in one day is all I want to do before it becomes a chore.
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Sunday I did about 200 miles from cedar Park to Kerrville and back. 1431 to 281, 290, 16. I need to find a better route to this part of TX because once I left marble falls it was just a fairly lot of no fun 4 lane. I ride the cedar Park to marble falls route often and 1431 remains a gem.

No pics. No point. There was not much to see. The Bonneville ate up the miles wonderfully as usual. The weather was fantastic. Confirmed again that four hours of seat time in one day is all I want to do before it becomes chore.
Try taking 1323 (off 281 just before Johnson City) to 1631 to Fredsrickburg , or do 1323 -> 1320 -> 2721 -> 1631 to Fredsricksburg
Try taking 1323 (off 281 just before Johnson City) to 1631 to Fredsrickburg , or do 1323 -> 1320 -> 2721 -> 1631 to Fredsricksburg
That's how I get to my buddy's place in Stonewall, unless I ride 16 down from Goldthwaite.

LOTS of good riding in Gillespie County
Got out Memorial Day for another 110 miles. So ended up with about 370 miles for the weekend, and didn't really go anywhere. :rider:

Monday just went exploring some more roads new to me. Nothing super exciting but got to see some more of the country side.

Found some long straight sections of gravel and open range. The cows were pretty leery of me and would meander off into t he trees. I took it real easy around them so as not to spook them, do not want to wear out my welcome.


these can be deceiving! The one below looks like a nice smooth run to the top of the next hill. About half way down or so there was a washout running across it at a 45 degree angle, probably a couple feet wide and 8 inches or so deep. Glad the sun was at an angle where it showed up pretty well. Would have been pretty easy to have hit it at speed. Which, I guess would be okay, as then you would just float over it.


Finally found some trees.



Ran into several sections with those mini baby heads, at least that is what I will call them. Those round river rocks that are 3 to 5 or 6 inches. I really don't like those, bigger or smaller is better, the ones that size are like riding on big marbles. But, that is why we ride backroads instead of pavement.

Saw maybe 10 or 12 cars on the non-striped roads, so a success in my book.
Got out this evening for a nice ride of around 85 miles. I will say all the heavy rains really washed the gravel roads and filled them with a lot of deeper sand. Never stopped and took any photos. Nothing to special, just enough to wind down a bit. Never have been a big fan of sand and cannot say it is any better on a 500 lb bike with basically street tires. But I managed to keep the rubber side down. Most interesting section was actually on a hard surface county road. Came around a corner and the road had huge ruts in it from heavy trucks. Would have been easy to have gotten crossed up in them. Never seen a hard surface road that bad.

My goal was to hit 1500 miles. When I got home I had to ride around our driveway turnaround once to get it to click over from 1499. Not that it really matters but it ended where I wanted. :rider:
Slapped the street setup on the DRZ Tuesday and rolled out around Granger Lake on some back roads thru Cele > Taylor > Waterloo > Granger with a few pals before stopping at the Crossroads Bar in Granger for a few cold ones. It ended up being a pretty nice day to get out.


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Something completely different, (for me). Attended the BMWDFW tech day Sunday at Cycle Center Denton. Ghosted around for a couple of hours. Lots of work getting done.

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SHNF, shore of Lake Conroe.
I know exactly where this is. Went to the same place a few months back. Had a hammock with me and took a little snooze out there. Was very very nice except for the air traffice - small airport close by.
Finally got out for a Friday evening ride last night. Just exploring again, nothing to exciting but interesting to see new countryside. Ran across some pretty nice vistas for this area. I know, no mountains, huge canyons, or even oceans, but hey, I'll take what I can get.



Then came across a road that said it was closed. It was not on my planned route, but that is a bit like telling a child something is off limits, just have to check it out. Found this a few miles down the road. Closed? Not really.


That road eventually led to this one, picture does not do it justice.


Then before I got home had to share the road.


111 miles of relaxation. Temps were around 93 when I left but dry and very comfortable. Under 90 and humidity going up when I got back and just starting to get sticky feeling. Dry air is your friend. A bit of work this morning then may try to get out for another exploration trip a bit later.
Woohoo! Did manage to get out for a ride yesterday afternoon. Decided to mix a destination in with a bit of exploring. Probably not the best day for it as it is always humid there it seems, but headed down to the bird sanctuary on the coast. Temp when I left home was 93. Saw lots of fawns out yesterday, there is one in the background of the below photo to the right of the sign and above the gate. Headed up to be with Mom and friends under the trees.


Had to stop and get a shot of the gulf near the fishing pier.


The water was higher than I had seen it since Harvey. Very green and lots of blooms on water lilies.


I stopped at the bird tower in a shady spot to get a drink, several people there and it was hot so did not go to the top.


Decided to take the auto tour road. If you have never been there it is a one way road that is pretty narrow with a 25 mph speed limit which the rangers do like to enforce. The road is around 8 miles long I believe. Mainly swamp with brush. Usually see at least one alligator but guess it was to hot for them yesterday, did not see any. Here are a couple of shots from the auto tour trail.



This would be fun at speed. I think they should close the park one day a year and run time trials around the loop. They could charge for the bikers and the spectators. Winners get bragging rights. :-D


Then out of the park and on to the exploring portion of the ride. Not to exciting from a motorcycle riding perspective but a lot of good flat, productive crop ground.


As I got closer to home the crop ground did make me appreciate our area a bit more.


All in all, a good ride. Mostly blacktop but managed to steer clear of main roads where I could. When the wife and I take the truck down I figure it is about a 100 mile round trip. On the bike yesterday I managed to turn it into 206 miles. :rider:

Hope these post aren't to boring. I have lived multiple places from Wyoming to Missouri, just a few miles north of the Arkansas border. While the roads and scenery are very different here, and maybe not quite as exciting, it is fun to see the varying parts of the surrounding areas. Just need to make the most of where you are. So go take a ride!
We got in some good riding in the Little River valley yesterday.



Found this cool landmark near Joe Lee.


The River was really flowing after all the rain.



Awesome gravel to Cameron for lunch.




We skirted the south side of the river back toward Holland.





Until next time.

Woohoo! Did manage to get out for a ride yesterday afternoon. Decided to mix a destination in with a bit of exploring. Probably not the best day for it as it is always humid there it seems, but headed down to the bird sanctuary on the coast. Temp when I left home was 93. Saw lots of fawns out yesterday, there is one in the background of the below photo to the right of the sign and above the gate. Headed up to be with Mom and friends under the trees.


Had to stop and get a shot of the gulf near the fishing pier.


The water was higher than I had seen it since Harvey. Very green and lots of blooms on water lilies.


I stopped at the bird tower in a shady spot to get a drink, several people there and it was hot so did not go to the top.


Decided to take the auto tour road. If you have never been there it is a one way road that is pretty narrow with a 25 mph speed limit which the rangers do like to enforce. The road is around 8 miles long I believe. Mainly swamp with brush. Usually see at least one alligator but guess it was to hot for them yesterday, did not see any. Here are a couple of shots from the auto tour trail.



This would be fun at speed. I think they should close the park one day a year and run time trials around the loop. They could charge for the bikers and the spectators. Winners get bragging rights. :-D


Then out of the park and on to the exploring portion of the ride. Not to exciting from a motorcycle riding perspective but a lot of good flat, productive crop ground.


As I got closer to home the crop ground did make me appreciate our area a bit more.


All in all, a good ride. Mostly blacktop but managed to steer clear of main roads where I could. When the wife and I take the truck down I figure it is about a 100 mile round trip. On the bike yesterday I managed to turn it into 206 miles. :rider:

Hope these post aren't to boring. I have lived multiple places from Wyoming to Missouri, just a few miles north of the Arkansas border. While the roads and scenery are very different here, and maybe not quite as exciting, it is fun to see the varying parts of the surrounding areas. Just need to make the most of where you are. So go take a ride!
Thanks for putting in the miles and the report... I enjoy seeing other parts of Texas’ riding.
Thanks for putting in the miles and the report... I enjoy seeing other parts of Texas’ riding.
I enjoy the exploring and seeing new country side. I see your from up near Longview, my son went to LeTourneau for college so we spent a little time in that area. Some pretty country up there.
Colorado today.


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