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Post your Day Rides Here!

Rode to north of Harrison today to show some house/land and made about 200 miles.
60 for a high, gorgeous day. On Terrapin rd outside Harrison, I almost died….deep in the hollar was a sheet of ice about 2” thick and 20’ long, fence to fence…..I put my redwings down and slid across and thank God I made it…..
pic1) Cedar Creek near Rule
pic2) 12x12 concrete corners north of Osage
Pic3) crags everywhere, here to Harrison
pic4) Osage creek north of Osage
pic5) Bear creek bridge north of Self Arkansas

route: see post #3574


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Saturday we took a ride to New York Hill for lunch. About 10 of us met. There was a small fortune in corvettes assembled there for lunch as well. Afterwards, four of us took some roads toward Breckenridge such as 207 and 156 I think it was by Lake Daniel. We stopped by the old Wayland school. The plan was to camp last night at Aaron's ranch. We got to visit



















his recently acquired goat herd and the watch dogs. Interestingly, the dogs live with the herd. We enjoyed the evening talking about rides. We were planning on another two week camping trip back north up into Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, etc in June.. A repeat of last June. I took some early morning pics with my new Samsung 20+. All pics were taken with it. A good time with friends.
Nothing too exciting but I did get a few miles of therapy in this afternoon. The gravel roads were in great shape from the recent rain. I had remembered this silo that I had seen on a ride, but did not remember where it was. Happened to run across it again today. Reminds me of one a neighbor had when I was a kid. Seemed like a sky scraper to me back then.


Did a little jaunt through south west Ellis county today, testing out the new Madstad. Works great. I fiddled with it a little bit but it seems to work best the way I originally set it, parallel with the forks and about center in the high/low adjustment. Not very scientific, but I checked the mpg after each adjustment with the cruise control set at 4,000 RPM. I thought having the screen angled back a bit would be more efficient, but parallel to the forks seemed to be the best setting for fuel efficiency and comfort.

LR Campbell road between Italy and Five Points is a real treat, and taking Greathouse Road to Maypearl was also nice.

Stopped at Ace to get an easy out for a stripped bar end bolt. Easy out snapped off the bolt head, and I broke a vice grip trying to pull the bolt out. Apparently Triumph loves to slather the red loctite on the right bar end bolts. Messed around with it until it got dark with no luck. If I would have been more patient, I could have put a couple of nuts on the bolt and tried to screw it out, but I went straight to the vice grips and now I have what I have. I've got it soaking in penetrating oil overnight, I'll give it another try in the morning. I'm probably going to wind up cutting the bolt off and drilling it out, but I'm going to exhaust all other options first.
Today was sunny and 70 so when I got off work from my part-time job, had lunch and hit the road. About 130 miles through beautiful countryside - hills and sweepers. Old Honda performed superbly.


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I took my snowbird neighbor Bill for a ride down to Tucson today. He's got a noisy H-D so he rides behind me.

We went down the Florence Highway to Tucson; had lunch at the Lucky Wishbone on Thornydale/Ina, then south on I-10 a few miles in order to take Speedway west to Gates Pass, then down the side of the mountain to Old Tucson, then west past the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum and the Saguaro National Monument (West), back to I-10 north almost to Picacho Peak - exiting at Red Rock (sound like something from a Mel Brooks film) and taking the Park Link roller coaster road back to the Florence Highway.

At the Park Link / Florence Highway intersection a Sheriff's Deputy was blocking the oncoming lane. When we pulled up to the stop sign we saw two gentlemen and their Harleys parked on the gravel portion of the turn. One was holding his left elbow and didn't look to be very comfortable. I can only surmise that he made the turn onto the gravel and dropped the bike and himself. Since there was a second rider, the bikes were standing up, and the deputy was there I didn't see a need to stop to assist.

Back up the Florence Highway at a relatively good pace since the lone deputy to patrol that road was most likely sitting back at the intersection. A turn west at Cactus Forest Road into Coolidge and some more gas for my small tanked HD friend, then a short blast through the reservation and back home. Just a shade over six hours and 250 miles. He seemed to really enjoy the day.

Have your sound on for this one.

This the live tracker that Brenda uses to follow me.
Decided to go run a 10 mile loop after work to warm the oil for an oil change. Hey, I thought it was a good excuse. The 10 mile loop turned into a 70 mile loop, not sure how that happened. One of the more interesting rides I have had for some time. Pretty uneventful to start and I got to a point I needed to decide to take the long or short route, chose the long one, glad I did. It goes across this bridge and this is the first time I have been there when no one was fishing. Interesting bridge in that it is in the middle of a light turn, paved on one end of the bridge and gravel on the other.


There is quite a bit of water and it looks fishy. View off the side.


Proceeded on across and kept seeing deer everywhere. One of the good things about late evening rides, lots of wildlife out. One of the bad things about late evening rides, lots of wildlife out. Poking along at 45 or so and a LARGE wild hog ran across the road about 50 yards ahead of me. Stopped to try to get a photo but it was gone. So shot a photo of the bike and road.


Proceeded on and just got around a bend not a 1/4 mile later and here these guys were going across the road. They were into the pasture before I got a photo. I think there were 7 or 8 of them that I saw.


Cool, lots of deer and pigs too. Headed on down the road and came around a corner and saw the sunset starting to look pretty good. Just happened to be a windmill there so grabbed another image.


Nice. I didn't make it to much further until I noticed in my mirror that the sunset had improved quite a bit so...


This had turned into a memorable ride. Another 10 miles and had to stop again and shoot this image. I love the sunsets around here.


So now I am only about 5 or 6 miles from home and on some small backroads. Running along about 25 mph with a mini van in front of me. All of a sudden something hits me in the chest, scared the daylights out of me. At this point I have been on high alert watching for critters for quite a while as it is almost dark. Looking down I see a female cardinal on the tank, not looking so good. I reached down and picked her up so she would not fall off and get ran over. So now I have a cardinal in my left hand throttle in my right, mini van in front of me and a pickup behind. No place to pull over and not sure I could if there was. Looking down at the bird again she is now looking around fairly lively acting. Raised my hand up and out and opened it and she appeared to jump out and take off. Hopefully she was okay and makes it.

You just never know what you will find on that next ride, just need to get out there and see. Now I need to change that oil.
Thanks Elder.

It was so nice today that as I went back to the office around lunch time from the house I decided I might as well be a slacker. So wrapped a few thing up and went for a ride. I got out into @DanielKLR650 territory North of Edna. Daniel, I would have bumped you to see if you wanted to meet up but this was totally a spur of the moment ride. You might recognize this area.



Then proceeded on mostly gravel north toward the Speaks area.


Over toward Ezzell and then down through the metropolis of Fordtran. There is a short section there I always ride through. Not sure why I like it so much, it is a little less than 1 1/2 miles long, but I almost always see some deer at least. Guess we take what we can get.



Ended up about 160 miles. Beautiful day!
I got my hair cut and needed to go blow the hair out of my shirt, so off I went. Turns out I was pointing south, so I decided to get some pie in Hico by way of the Katy Bridge in Whitney. Gotta say, the road from Covington to the bridge was delightful. I think it was CR 67, but I'll need to check my GPS.

Speaking of GPS, I'm about ready to give up on my Navi. I went to all the trouble of building these fun little routes, but after 20 minutes, the GPS tells me to turn around and go home. Only way I can make it go where I want is to actually pick a point on the map and say "Go there". And I can't see the screen 90% of the time. Thinking of going to a phone solution instead.

But one nice thing was this little gem that the Navi found me between Whitney and Meridian. About 5 miles of gravelly goodness.

When I got to Hico, the Koffee Kup looked pretty busy (as did the rest of downtown Hico) so I opted for ice cream instead.

Billy the Kid watched my bike for me.

I decided to shoot up to Glen Rose and slab it up 67 to home from there. Bad idea, I got stuck in the Alvarado traffic jam for 20 minutes. Should have gone the back way.

Little mystery oil on the bottom of the bike when I got home, I'll get it cleaned up and see if it comes back. Nothing appeared to be leaking, I'm thinking maybe it was from the road.
Had a big workday today, Rogers to Rosebud, Arkansas to Cotter Arkansas and back home again
400 lovely miles..

pic 1) Klr650 doing snow sniffing….near Harrison
pic2 and 3) Outstanding Buffalo River, forgot just how pretty it is…
pic5) overlook near Clinton
pic6 and 7) coffee in Eureka Springs, colorful sunset..







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We got in some Milam county gravel travel yesterday taking advantage of the 80 degree day.

Near Sparks.


Little River


Near Yarrellton. Big Elm creek.



The county has had much rain unlike where we live only 25 miles away.



After some BBQ at Clem Mikeskas in Cameron we took a break in scenic Wilson-Ledbetter park.


CR 410 near Sharp.



CR 405 near Davila.




Awesome ride!



We got in some Milam county gravel travel yesterday taking advantage of the 80 degree day.

Near Sparks.


Little River


Near Yarrellton. Big Elm creek.



The county has had much rain unlike where we live only 25 miles away.



After some BBQ at Clem Mikeskas in Cameron we took a break in scenic Wilson-Ledbetter park.


CR 410 near Sharp.



CR 405 near Davila.




Awesome ride!



Did you take Sunshine Road? One of my favorites
Rode 110 miles and didn't get far from M Wells. Took 180 to the rail road Bridge then south by Newberry church then east on Bankhead to the next south bound road. I come out east of Brock then I-20 to the Rock crusher road south to Lipan. Took Hwy 4 around to I-20 again for fuel at the Gordon exit. Through Gordon and some little roads back to 180 and headed east. Then Paradise Valley to Oaks crossing. Then back to 180 and home.


@Texasrider58 that sure is a nice looking bike!

I got out a bit this afternoon too. I don't mind sharing the road with these guys.


Thought the one behind the sign was kind of a nice touch. Then was going down the road below which is just a seal coat and saw a newer bridge ahead. Had to stop and take a photo. The bridge had nice highway stripes but the road had none. Can't really see that very well but I did put a small inset of the bridge at the top right. Should have taken the photo when I was closer.


Then hit part of the same loop I rode on Thursday and stop and shot the below photo as after I passed through Thursday I wished I had taken a picture.


Think I might be on overload. Rode 3 of the last 4 days, not used to that. I love this weather though, temps are great.
Rode 110 miles and didn't get far from M Wells. Took 180 to the rail road Bridge then south by Newberry church then east on Bankhead to the next south bound road. I come out east of Brock then I-20 to the Rock crusher road south to Lipan. Took Hwy 4 around to I-20 again for fuel at the Gordon exit. Through Gordon and some little roads back to 180 and headed east. Then Paradise Valley to Oaks crossing. Then back to 180 and home.


Then we rode back to town to Pizza Hut
Did my first ride of 2022 yesterday. Just my little, local 150 mile loop. Started out in the high 40's (heated gear on low) and ended up in the mid 60's (wearing heated gear but powered off). I just LOVE heated gear this time of year!
Did my first ride of 2022 yesterday. Just my little, local 150 mile loop. Started out in the high 40's (heated gear on low) and ended up in the mid 60's (wearing heated gear but powered off). I just LOVE heated gear this time of year!
What heated gear do you use?
What heated gear do you use?
Hotwired jacket liner and gloves from Cycle Gear. One cool (or hot) feature of these is that the heat controller is built into the gear. So, all you need is an $8 wire and connector to hook it up to multiple bikes.
For the first time changing a tire myself, I changed the rear on my DR650 on Saturday. So of course I needed to break that new tire in on Sunday and what a beautiful day to do it. The Granger KJT was having a sausage-n-sauerkraut plate lunch fundraiser and being the good half-Czech that I am I rode the 30 miles out there from Round Rock and picked up a plate. Took me back to my grandparents house outside Flatonia 30 years ago...

It was to-go plates only at the SSCM hall so in preparation I had strapped an egg crate on the rear rack third-world style and had them put the plate there then rode over to a nearby park and ate in the sunshine.

And since I was out that way I wanted to see how the new rear Shinko E705 would do in the gravel/dirt so I followed most of the "Seven Bridges" .gpx route posted here in the route section. Went through Donahoe, Val Verde, up near Buckholts, San Gabriel, Apache Pass etc. The bridge on the route on CR443 near Thorndale was out so had to turn around and made a trip through Thorndale for gas then hit the route again on 79 east of Thorndale and went through Salty, Noack etc til hitting 79 in Frame Switch and slabbed it straight back to Round Rock from there. All told about 180 miles on the DR for the day and the new tire and new pumper carb were both great, getting 50+ mpg now which is about 10 better than the (apparently poorly tuned) stock carb before. And true to the route's name, I saw lots of bridges.

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