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Full Beaver Moon Tech Day

Re: Who's coming to our Full Beaver Moon Tech Day?

jrock said:
Wanted to say thanks to Howard and Jill for being great hosts at the tech day. I didn't get to stay as long as I wanted because we had company coming over and they wanted to eat at 5:00. Knew I was getting old, but 5:00?
Gilk51, I am the one on the beemer with the Tyler group. It was nice meeting you and I too am bad with names. I am new to the group and was surprised how friendly everyone was. You might be seeing more of me.
Wanted to say thanks to Dutch, Jay, and Marvin for a great ride after I left. Finally got to wear the sides of my tires. Was wearing a flat spot from riding with my harley buddies.

Thanks to all!

Say Joe,
You saying Harley riders can't make the cut. We don't want to wear out our genuine "Harley Davidson" rubber.....That's why we trailer. See ya.....
Hi, All,
I finally made it home the "short" way - 685 miles. It was great meeting all of you and putting faces onto some of the names I've seen on the forum ever since I've been here. Howard and Jill did a superb job. It was an exhilirating ride there and back; the food was great and Goodman thanks us all for whatever was left over. He will also accept all the rubbing and petting anyone wants to give. I can't say enough about the group. You're all just wonderful! I hope to be able to do it again next year. And Squeaky, I'll try not to install brake pads incorrectly the next time!
Ride Safe,
Phil Marvin - El Paso, TX
'95 K1100LT (his)
'94 K75A/3 low seat (hers)
Re: Who's coming to our Full Beaver Moon Tech Day?

REXER-1 said:
Say Joe,
You saying Harley riders can't make the cut. We don't want to wear out our genuine "Harley Davidson" rubber.....That's why we trailer. See ya.....

Dirk, as much as you do to those bikes I'm suprised anything on them is genuine.:lol2:
many thanks to Jill and Howard you are both gracious hosts. I had a great time and wished I could have stayed longer. The home brew was excellent and I was able get some good advice on GPS and communication systems for my bike. All the members of TWT Have always been very welcoming to me. I don't get to attend as much as I would like but reading the about every-ones adventures is almost as much fun.
hope to see everyone again soon.

Stephen (con-man):wave:
Jill and I really had a great time hosting the event.

As I understand it, for many it was the first "camping event" they had ever attended. Motorcycle camping is a art unto itself. We carry rigid folding thermarest pads, compact sleepjack sleeping bags and a two man backpacking tent, with a big fly we can put our gear under. All the camping gear for the two of us fits in a single Jesse bag or a H2W gear bag for luggage rack applications. We are probably due a new tent for next season as this one leaks under HARD rain.

Now to answer a question I kept hearing: Why do my bikes live in the attached garage while everything else was outside, including Jill's bikes?

Well, Jill big K was out there to show off as the most powerful bike at the event, my two airheads both would have been the "oldest bike" and her little K valve adjustment check was the first job of the day since Phil brought the special tools to change shims with the cams in place. Now if we had spare shims, we could have finished the job...but all the bikes live in the attached garage, they are like "family", unless a bike fall ill and goes to live on the lift until it gets better.

Also, I want to publically thank John and Rocky, our neighbors who smoked the BBQ for us and everyone who helped out. This made our cleanup Sunday morning fast and easy. The only visible signs of the party we have left is glowing coals in the goat pen and a couple crates of beer bottles to be washed. Goodman and the goats miss all the attention, but the cats seem glad the party is over. For those who stayed until Sunday morning, we all had a nice inside breakfest together, next to a nice, warm wood stove.

We are planning to repeat the event next year, so reserve the Saturday BEFORE Thanksgiving.

Thanks to eveyone who came. Some of us taught, some of us learned and some of puzzled through new tasks on new bikes...

I just want to add my thanks too. I wish I could have stayed longer, but I had that grueling ride home staring me in the face… In any case, I had a great time while I was there. I really appreciate the food and the hospitality.
Howard & Jill, I would like to add my THANK YOU to the list as well, you are both great hosts, and I already look forward to next year.

It was a pleaaure meeting soo many riders, from different parts of the state.

Thank again for the hospitality.

I would like to thank everyone who came out. Howard and I had an absolute blast! You could NOT ask for a better group to have over. Everyone played well with others, cleaned up after themselves and shared nicely! :mrgreen:

I can't wait to do it again!
Well, there's a lot of detail that can't be included in the stories and reports, because "what happens at tech day stays at tech day!"

Suffice to say - Vodka is your friend until morning, four people can fit on an air mattress in a field, and the "druid ring" seats got closer to each other as the night went on...

I have no camera, so I'll have to scrape some of y'alls when I write my report and blog entry.

Elzi - Max said that he likes the Strom, but he needs better gear or electrics because he was freezing the whole way home!
Squeaky said:
Suffice to say - Vodka is your friend until morning, four people can fit on an air mattress in a field, and the "druid ring" seats got closer to each other as the night went on...

Please just tell me the goat was not harmed either physically or emotionally. :mrgreen:
Re: Who's coming to our Full Beaver Moon Tech Day?

terrebandit said:
For the record...Rick, Bill, Jessicia, Mark, Cameron, Skip and I were at the CW Bike show instead.... :giveup: :lol2:

Seriously though... sound like this was a good time. Sorry I had to miss it. Too many things to do! Also, Whitehouse 28, Mt Pleasant 10...

Man that was a busy Saturday! CW show, Moto Liberty sale, Demo rides at Eurosport, the Tech Day. I seriously thought about squeezing in the Tech Day, but I ran outta squeeze :doh: :lol2: . Howard and Jill, if you ever decide to hold another one put me down for a spot :thumb: .
txmedic said:
Please just tell me the goat was not harmed either physically or emotionally. :mrgreen:

The goats are fine, however there were some reports from the campers about the goats waking them up early in the morning with load "naaaaas".

on a different issue, an empty liter bottle of 100 proof blue label vodka was found on the motorcycle shop workbench, in front of four witnesses who saw nothing...

Now who wants to come over and finish up the leftover BBQ?
:clap: :clap: :clap: to Jill & Howard for hosting such a great event. They opened their home, garages & fields to us. I got to meet a bunch of people from the Dallas area. Does Phil get the long distance award? :rider: He came from El Paso. The food was yummy and the socializing was fun.

Special Thanks to Chuck :bow: who got my GPS hard wired. I hope you were able to get what you needed done.

I took a bunch of pics which I will need to go through & post. I logged in about 180 miles there & 350 on the long way back. I got home about 7:30 & brrrrrrr was it cold. Next time I need to review the route home more closely but in her defense Squeaky did pick some good roads. I just need to remember to get home before dark when it's that cold. :twitch:
Snoopster said:
Does Phil get the long distance award? :rider: He came from El Paso.

Actually, no! Our Mac-Pac pal, Jim Robinson came down from West Chester, PENNSYLVANIA! :eek2: AND running NO electrics!!:eek2: :eek2:

He was a day late, however, due to a tire issue around Knoxville, TN. So he may not count...;-)

We warmed him up by our wood stove, fed him some genuine chicken fried steak at a local diner and gave him a soft bed. He left this morning, to go back home. He was sad to have missed all the fun. Especially sad about missing the chance to meet single women who can REALLY ride... :lol2: :trust: :trust:
Now that this years tech day is done, how can we improve it for next year aside from wishing for warmer weather?

More technical stuff?
More BBQ?
Different Beer?

give us ideas.

hetkind said:
Now that this years tech day is done, how can we improve it for next year aside from wishing for warmer weather?

More technical stuff?
More BBQ?
Different Beer?

give us ideas.



I honestly had expected a little chaos imagining all these bikes in various states of disassemble but it seemed to go off without a hitch. The food was fabulous, shop/work areas were outstanding, and the company was even better. The only thing you might do differently next year is prepare for more riders to show up! :thumb:
A few more of those funny-looking dogs would be cool, too. ;-)

Actually, if you could again pull off the same weather during the "work" part of the day (shirtsleeve temperatures), you couldn't get any better!

And maybe have Jim Robinson show up a day earlier... :shrug:
Squeaky said:
Elzi - Max said that he likes the Strom, but he needs better gear or electrics because he was freezing the whole way home!
Bernard says that Max should grow more long hair ;-)

A minivan full of teenagers with Mom on I-20 waved at me smiling as they passed, pointing to Max and Woof on the back. I gave them a thumbs-up. :rider:

I have a bunch of pics and will put them on the blog site before I leave for canyoncountry. You're welcome to use them.
hetkind said:
Now that this years tech day is done, how can we improve it for next year aside from wishing for warmer weather?

More technical stuff?
More BBQ?
Different Beer?

give us ideas.
Gee, I can't think why it would need improvement. It was a blast. :)
hetkind said:
Now that this years tech day is done, how can we improve it for next year aside from wishing for warmer weather?
One suggestion would be additional lift capacity.... seems there was some waiting around to use one. I have access to a pneumatic lift table however someone else would have to come get it, load it and return it - it's too darn heavy for me to do anything with except roll around the shop.

Air hook-ups wouldn't be a problem... Howard has more regulators and quick connects than aisle #43 at Lowe's!! :rofl: [ Oh wait, that joke's already been done.:wary: :loco: ]
now that you mention it, we did have some work flow issues...

we were putting bikes off the lift into the pole barn and the pole barn got full and a couple of jobs went longer than planned.

we just need to do better job planning and increase our management skills!
Wow, I had fun just reading about it. :mrgreen: Kinda wish I would've come out there instead of the show in Ft. Worth. Definitely putting it on my calendar for next year. Thanks for being willing to do it again next year!:clap:
The lifts were awesome. I was envious (green) of their garage/shop. Their lift was blessed by two V-stroms that day! First Whee (didin't get any pics of Whee on the lift) and then Squeaky's Vee.

However! Lifts are multitasking handy contraptions, as you can see.

The pole barn was full of Beemers and a lonely Whee-strom

In case any wonder who Max is, he is the King of Monsters in Where the Wild Things Are. He found new pals: Squeaky and her Vee.


I don't think they make Widder electric vests that small, Squeak.
I'm sure Nathan is proud of his handiwork on this baby. He should be; that silver ST is a beaut :)

I caught Chuck reeling one in. Just when he thought he was safe..... :trust:

I had an early morning discussion with a visitor near my tent. We talked bikes: Cowasakis.

Found someone who likes to go where I do :mrgreen: :rider:

(sweet GS650 :)
"In case any wonder who Max is, he is the King of Monsters in Where the Wild Things Are. He found new pals: Squeaky and her Vee."

Max was ALSO the large black and white cat keeping the property free of vermin...
