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The people and the trees were the highlights. A 51 day ride west.


You like the top sign, "If it is important..." And the 2nd sign, the friendly letters that spell restroom with the big blue arrow pointing the way! Lol
BINGO On an extended trip a clean restroom becomes a long lost friend. And GET ER DONE
That was exactly what I asked during the argument. Apparently in Brazil, they think we are relegating others to lower class citizens by calling ourselves Americans.
This might be just these folks, or it may be a new thing. I've know several Brazilians, some fairly well, and I've never ever heard that.
I've heard that in Brazil and also Argentina. "I'm American" I'd say. They looked confused, then say "me, too.. South American". Apparently, the US isn't the only country in the Americas :) . So I just started saying "I'm from Texas" 🤠 .
I've heard that in Brazil and also Argentina. "I'm American" I'd say. They looked confused, then say "me, too.. South American". Apparently, the US isn't the only country in the Americas :) . So I just started saying "I'm from Texas" 🤠 .

It's hard for those of us they moved a lot growing up. I don't really feel like I'm from any specific town or even state. Just certain I'm a southerner.
So I just started saying "I'm from Texas" 🤠 .
Texan first American second is the way I see it. They can get upset all they want but it’s generally accepted in most of the world that when you say American you are talking about the US. I’ve travelled all over the world and when I say American they don’t say what country? Brazil? They know I mean the US! The difference between us traveling to other countries and Brazilians coming here for “vacation” is that the average person from the US can travel to another country. That is not the case for most countries. Only the elite in Brazil can afford to travel to other countries for “vacation”!
At Burney Falls. Works, but only for emergency or collect calls.

Day 30
My notes said, " Ride to Fall River Mills." No reason why and I didn't remember writing it, but there it was in my notes. I took a back road called Cassel Fall River road and I found this. I'm using this one for scale. The body is the mixer on a cement truck. Others are just as big.



I encountered another strange sight on the same road. All of these large pinecones were under this tree. It's a cedar tree and doesn't produce cones.

I got a good view of Mt. Shasta while riding Hwy. 89 north of Burney Falls and did a quick U-turn to get back to a gravel turnout on the side of the southbound lane. This LEO stopped and I asked, "Am I in trouble for doing an illegal U-turn?" He said, "What U-turn?" He asked if I needed any help. We chatted about my plans and he suggested that I modify them slightly by taking the McCloud River Road. He told me where the turns were and left. I took his advice and I'm glad he stopped.
Quickly taken with my phone as he drove away.

The picture with my camera that originally caused me to stop.

Upper McCloud River falls.

Middle falls
Hard to believe California is short on water with all the pictures of snow and waterfalls.
Very good report *****'s
I left this one out. On the way back to Hwy. 89 from Fall River Mills, I stopped at a scenic turn out. No public access to the road in the bottom.

Fall River Mills doesn't have a mill or a falls except the one above that is closer to Burney.

I went into town after setting up camp at the middle falls.
I guess this is an early asphalt masher/smoother. Briggs and Stratton pull start??

Read the specs on this steam engine. Lots of torque to produce that kind of horsepower at that RPM.



The only restaurant in town was closed so I ate cheese, crackers and an orange for dinner and headed back to camp with a stop at the lower falls. This young man was fishing at the lower falls with a small Kastmaster lure that was blue on one side and yellow on the other. He was catching fish on 40-50% of his casts. Nearly all were small. He lost that lure and started fishing with one that was all blue. The percentage went way down, but nearly all were 12-14".

My camp. Yea, a table. $6 with free firewood.

I woke up to the "pitty pitty patter of the itty bitty" (raindrops, not feet) on my tent. I ate breakfast in camp then stopped at yesterday's closed restaurant for coffee and toast with lots of butter. The rain slowed to a drizzle and I saddled up.

The road up Mt. Shasta was lined with large Christmas trees (Western Cedars)

The surrounding mountains were lined with fog and rain

And the road up was closed.

Back to town where a lady in the visitor center suggested I go to Shasta Lake. I suggest you do likewise.

Highway 17, AKA Stewart Springs Road, is a gold road on Butler Maps. I only know what 1/3 of it is like, but I agree. Unfortunately, it was blocked.
Early signs that maintenance was lacking.


Signs that it was closed to me.

I rode back to Weed and then to Yreka, pronounced Y reek a

On one side of the road. I believe that is Mt. Eddie covered in fog and snow.

On the other side of the road.

Time to stop for the night and figure out a new route to the Redwood National Park in Crescent City, California. Days 31 to 51 coming up.
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Hard to believe California is short on water with all the pictures of snow and waterfalls.
Very good report *****'s
Northern California is not nearly as short on water as Southern California. Large rivers in the north flow swiftly and unmolested into the ocean. The south is trying to change that and the north is fighting any northern water going south. No water in the mighty Colorado river flowed into the ocean for eight years until a recent lawsuit forced releases to restore the wetland habitat in the river delta.
Haha, he said use common sense in Kalifornia!
Now play nice. There are a lot of misconceptions about California that are assumptions made by people that either haven't been there recently or had preconceived ideas set in stone before they went there. At the end of the report, I plan to address some of the misconceptions so please stick around Tigerkf. I discussed this very idea with a power line worker from Portland oregon, on loan to his sister company in California. His comment was the rest of the US thinks Porland was filled with rioters looting and burning everything during the BLM marches. He said he personally did not smell smoke or even see a rioter except on TV.
Day 32
I spent last night in Yreka. I decided to take 96 to Happy Camp and Greyback Road into Oregon, then 199 to the northern redwoods.

I met this Hodaka rider within 10 miles out of Yreka. Apparently this Hodaka is 2 wheel drive since there are chains on both wheels.

The rider's name is Sparky.

Before I got to 96, I came to Pioneer Bridge. It was built in 1931 and spans the Shasta River. I immediately thought I was going to have another tremendous ride with train tracks, bridges and roads. I was wrong. Delete bridges and trains, leave tremendous.

I will not be riding Highway 96 on any New Years Day.

The California state flower is California Poppy.

In Happy Camp, I met these young basketball players selling cakes and pastries to finance a trip to a rival school. All agreed that the boy on the left was the fastest and best player on the team. All three girls agreed that the little girl in the yellow dress was rapidly catching him, the two boys did not agree.

I bought myself three pastries and each of the kids and their teacher one pastry. The talked me into buying another for the player who's grades were not good enough to get out of school for a fund raiser. The total was $20.

I ate lunch and one pastry. By then they had sold everything except the blue cake. They wanted to raise the price of it so they didn't have to go back to school, but the teacher vetoed that idea. The trip was on. They all assured me the tiny road north out of town was open.

Snow covered half the road at one point, but I made it through.

My first view of the Pacific Ocean. Not my vision of the ocean along the coast highway. It would get better, much better. It rained on me most of today. I left my aging and torn in the crotch rain pants on top of the ice machine at the store where the kids were selling pastries. My waterproof riding pants are not. Crescent City had a Dick's Sporting Goods store and I bought a cheap replacement to last until I get back home and get ProCycle to order me a new suit.

Day 33
I spent 2 nights in a motel!!! Gasp!! I got caught up on my trip journal, phone calls home and Facebook posts.

I woke up to rain the first morning and went back to bed and slept another 2 hours. The rain stopped shortly after I woke up for the second time and I went in search of beautiful beaches and big trees.

Crescent City from Hwy 101

The sun came out and it warmed up into the mid 50s and the day was quite pleasant.

The view from 101 proved promising.

I saw a sign for Ladybird Johnson Grove and thought I should take a little hike. You should also when you get to northern Ca.


Hollowed out, but still growing. My camera bag was added for scale. I saw a young boy walk in. He yelled to his parents, "It has a back door," and he proceeded to crawl out of it.

Another stop along 101 before back tracking yesterdays route.

I had passed Jedediah Smith state park yesterday, but it was raining too hard to do any sightseeing. My biggest tree so far. The road though Jedediah State Park quickly turns into a potholed dirt road, but it would be a pleasant ride on just about any bike. Here's my DRZ peaking around a tree beside the road. Ride Jedediah all the way back to Crescent City. It's great.

There was a Harley parked in front of the room next to mine. The plate said Paris, Texas so I knocked on the Door. I spent several years as a child in Paris. The guy that answered was from Australia. He bought the used bike from the dealer in Paris and flew to Texas. He's doing the same thing that I'm doing, just nearly all on pavement. He's holed up in a motel because of the rain. The plate holder on the bike said, "World Record Holder," so I looked it up. Paris Harley organized the Guiness Book of World Record's largest parade of Harleys. There were 3,497 bikes that showed up, smashing the old record of 2,404 that was held by Greece. Greece????

Australian Harley adventure rider.
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His comment was the rest of the US thinks Porland was filled with rioters looting and burning everything during the BLM marches. He said he personally did not smell smoke or even see a rioter except on TV.
The fact is anarchists still controlled a portion of downtown Portland for a while whether he saw them or not! But who cares, let's enjoy your trip my friend. I don't want your trip to end!
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The fact is anarchists still controlled a portion of downtown Portland for a while whether he saw them or not! But who cares, let's enjoy your trip my friend. I don't want your trip to end!
I didn't want it to end either. Wedding anniversary got in the way. 48 years and counting. We're heading out next weekend for at least two weeks in Colorado and Utah. Not working is way better than working.
Day 34
It was raining this morning. It also hailed this morning.

This is the Carson Mansion. The article I read said it was the most ornate house in America. Get real. The Biltmore house is much more ornate.

I visited The Big Tree which I saw on my trip in 2020. The ride there is better than the tree and that's saying a lot.

Apparently, this region floods a lot. This is along the Avenue of the Giants, a two lane road that runs more than 30 miles through a forest of giant redwoods.

Still along the Avenue of the Giants. A log house built with one log. Open to the public, but I was too wet, cold and tired to go inside the gift shop for the key.

I paid $5 to ride through the Chandelier tree. It was still raining and no dummies were standing around to take my picture. The dummy was on the motorcycle. This tree is on private property. The drive through tree in the park has fallen.

My wife wanted me to spend every night in a motel. I obliged her for tonight.
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Day 16
Today was going to be a ride called Apache loop in some article I once read in Motorcycle Touring magazine. It consists of highway 60 and the paved/dirt road 188 and connecting roads.

Unfortunately, one of the forest fires we had two years ago did a real number on an area called Fish Creek. Due to the loss of the vegetation the road has really been severely impacted and washed away and we don't know if they are ever going to get around to fixing it. This road was the original stage / freight road from Phoenix to the dam when it was being constructed.
Day 17 continued
I Went West. This time, I had used my phone to check if Havasu Falls was open. It was supposed to be my next stop, but was not open.
Here's why I want to go.

As you have found out, the Tribes take Covid very seriously and many of them still require masks in various locations. Even when the falls were open to tourists I think you still had to have a reservation to get in.
Unfortunately, one of the forest fires we had two years ago did a real number on an area called Fish Creek. Due to the loss of the vegetation the road has really been severely impacted and washed away and we don't know if they are ever going to get around to fixing it. This road was the original stage / freight road from Phoenix to the dam when it was being constructed.
It's supposed to be a beautiful ride also.
Absolutely wonderful ride report thus far and I'm looking forward to the rest of it. It's also great to see roads/places I've been on/to as seen by the eyes of others.
Texas T, feel free to post pics of things you have seen along my route. Later in my report, I'm going to use one of your picture to illustrate that people can see the same thing and get an entirely different view.