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I’m Going Nowhere, Hope To Be There Soon


Captain’s log, star date 100841.55


Here comes the sun….doo-doo-doo-doo….and I say it’s alright. Well sunrise anyway. Slept ok. I liked having the two walls on the shelter. My bike made another. So I only had one direction to deal with if things went south, people or animal. I swear I heard bear grunts. Found out later that bears have been in this area the last 3 or 4 years. All the hunters bringing in feeders, non natural resources etc. Good to know that I wasn’t wrong for sleeping like this.


So there is no food convenience out here. And stoves are for the self-indulgent types, with buns on their head. I thought about setting myself up for some crotch pot oatmeal, but worried it might spill on me. My Mom burned me with oatmeal when I was little, I have PTSD from the incident. Below is from the crotch pot cooking web site….classsic :-). This is not a joke, look it up.


I remember I was wearing a blue Donald Duck sweatshirt when my Mom took the kill shot. The Donald Duck part was like hard puffy plastic, probably saved my life, it deflected the hottest part of the oatmeal like a roost guard. This makes perfect sense now, it’s her fault I got into dirt biking and wearing protective gear. This trip is paying off, free therapy. Back to my burning tummy. Threw a sawdust bar in there. Call it good….and I don’t need medical attention or a therapist. This was my breakfast nook.


Preflight checklist complete. Now the flight plan—going wherever, with a little bit of whatever thrown in, with a dash of who cares. Getting further into nowheresville.



So how is the Super Enduro in the desert? Thanks for asking. It is glorious. Every now and then I was wishing I had my fat MT43 up front. I stole it back for the 500 to use in Las Cruces last month. Thought about stealing it back, again, just a pain, rotor swaps etc. I need to have a second rim made, just been hemorrhaging bike upgrades lately. The TKC80 does ok on the front, and I needed to wear it out anyway. Lots of pavement on a ride like this.



Normal dirt in these parts, a lot of you are probably familiar with. I decided to skirt the National Park and not go in there, hearing reports of lots of tourists. I don’t need crowds “in town” or to eat a hipster in a $70K jeep on a back road. You got to know when to hold them, know when to fold them, know when to go somewheres else.





And then a little piece of heaven in the middle of nowhere. Had a late breakfast, charged some of my stuff and was able to update the ride report from yesterday. Some of you were getting grouchy, like it’s part of your coffee routine.


Getting it done, westward. Some random pics that don’t really need words.



Blah blah, Herman laid an egg, blah blah.




Whoa Nelly, Herman crapped his pants here it looks like.


No fresh car tracks. I’m on a loaded bike. I’m all alone. I don’t want to turn around. I walked my route, I could feel somewhat comfortable skirting the edge. I think this will be ok. After I get the 2” thick mud off my boots. It was slippery, but I got it knocked out.





Getting a little warm, shed some layers and take a break. All good. But what’s next?



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Where was I? Not quite nowhere. Did a little more Terlingua dirt. I cut it a little short in here to execute my next move.



I was headed for obscurity tonight, going where I’ve never gone before (star trek music). Well not really. But I planned to camp where I’ve never camped before. Looked at possible weather moving in, wind in particular, on top of possible rain. Thought about no shower, again. Though about no real bed, again. Thought about the illegals. Everywhere I went the locals were complaining about how out of hand it was, and that this wasn’t normal hard working good people type illegals. The spot I was going to camp….a major creek/wash not far from Presidio. You know, for $35 I’m thinking hot shower, bed, safety, no weather issues. Stopped at Barton’s Hammock to make it so, then topped off the bike, got some food for later and moved on out with plan in place.


Made my way towards the heart of the state park.



Stopped for the pictographs, is it just me or are they even less visible than 20 years ago?




More painfully slow dirt. And you basically drive in a big circle when you leave LaJitas to get here. Wish they would open the trail for just dual sport guys. I’ve eye balled it, wouldn’t be a big deal. Could have a small tight gate like other states do if they were wanting to limit traffic. Hey Texas, ever heard of single track? They wouldn’t have to maintain it. Imagine the possibilities if both parks opened up some washes etc. Never happen, but dreaming is free.


I like the blue skies to the west. Things were a little more sinister to the east, you can tell somethings a little different.


Got to camp, I’m the only one here. Coolness. Dumped my gear, and went out for more abuse, naked.


Pretty good riding. Loving being lighter and ridge running.


I like the geology out here a lot.




I’ve done most of the stuff in the park in the past. But Fresno Canyon had always eluded me. He wasn’t chosen as he is not a loop and/or not particularly long. This track was a bit rough. I was taking note of stuff I would have to come back up. I think I’m fine, good bike, good boy, we can do it big buddy.



Some more pictograph stuff. I liked this natural shelter. I would use it too if I needed it. Some peyote and I would probably be putting my hand prints on the walls as well. How come the hand prints only have four fingers?





Made you look! Back to playing/riding. Had to remind myself, self, slow down, you be a long way from anywhere self. In fact, you might have made it to nowhere. Pretty close anyway. I’ve been there too.


Ridge Runner…..sounds like a good movie title. I thought about hot chicks doing cartwheels and trying to beat me up. Doesn’t seem right? Well I’ve been all alone for a couple days, I’ll take a cartwheel to the face about now.


Being at one with the bike…..made me think about this tshirt my Dad had in the 70s. Some kind of race shirt, cartoon like guy and his body was kind of like the body of the bike or dragster and I remember his hands wrapped around the front axle, like his arms were the forks or front end? I have searched the web trying to find that shirt, caricature, sticker…..anything. If anybody remembers that or has a picture or can find a picture, I would be forever grateful. No it wasn’t the ratfink stuff. It was different, maybe it was some kind of local/small shop’s logo or something since I can never find anything like it. But I did find this spot to take a break. Can you dig it?


If you don’t like sediment sand, might not like this trail, there is a bunch. The sand and the sharp edges, really missing my front MT43.


If you don’t like funky rock formations, might not like this trail.


If you don’t like gravity, oh you get it.


Ok, time to call it. I’m starting to get too loose out here, all alone. Took me an hour to get back here. That would be a long walk. I need to make for the house, enough was done for one day.


Glad to have a roof and walls tonight, I can see and smell rain to my south.


Back at HQ. I have 5 things plugged in and charging. Grabbed a hot shower, ate some grub I put in the fridge earlier. Drinking a cold DP and working on today’s report on the front porch.



Not too shabby of an evening around here.


Good night you princesses of dirt, you queens of pavement. Live long and prosper.



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Fresno Canyon is by far my favorite road in the state park! :thumb:
Been waiting for this, Steve. I knew it would be good. You notice I kept my tongue at the beginning of your story about your route even though "they" showed up with hot bamboo shoots under the fingernails.:lol2:

Man, you did in a short window what took me two weeks at the beginning of the month to cover. I'm a wimp.:-( I love the WMA. In this modern era you can't get much more remote and away. I spent 5 days there once and never saw another human other than seeing Travis go by in his pickup a couple of times on the pavement. I get a kick out of a couple of comments I've seen about the WMA where they said there was no riding out there. Come to find out they only drove the more improved dirt road out to the first fishing camp, turned around and then left. Man, some of the off shoots to the north are amazing and can get a little sketchy, and there are some short jaunts to the south. Amazing place.

When you mentioned Fresno, I was wondering how your big KTM would do in that loose gravel, but I figured your skills would be sufficient. I wouldn't want to ride anything heavier/bigger than my XR650 in it, but it may be the prettiest ride in the park.

I was surprised to see your pic of Terlingua Creek. About 3 weeks ago when I went through there it was dry as a bone. In the past I have turned back there due to copious amounts of water. I guess if you had sunk to the bottom, you take the short walk...cough, cough...to Ten Bits for some help.:lol2:

Steve, you always tout that phrase "pics or it didn't happen". You are not a hypocrite...LOL! Still, I could read your ride reports without pics and still enjoy them. Glad you had a great trip.
I was curious about the place in the pictures. Always interested in interesting places to stay, do you have a picture of your recent visit?
Of course Steve can answer for himself, but maybe it's not clear which "the place" you're referring to. In his report he covered a lot of locations in a lot of different places. For example if you're talking about the large bunkhouse pics, that the bunkhouse in the Big Bend Ranch State Park. If you're talking about the small, covered shelter in the remote area pic where he took on his Chuck Norris persona, that's the Black Gap Wildlife Management Area. The man covered a lot of ground in a short time. :thumb:
Of course Steve can answer for himself, but maybe it's not clear which "the place" you're referring to. In his report he covered a lot of locations in a lot of different places. For example if you're talking about the large bunkhouse pics, that the bunkhouse in the Big Bend Ranch State Park. If you're talking about the small, covered shelter in the remote area pic where he took on his Chuck Norris persona, that's the Black Gap Wildlife Management Area. The man covered a lot of ground in a short time. :thumb:

This place.
Good morning world. I had an epiphany last night as I fell asleep, before the desert air came a tapping, gently rapping at my door, to cool my hiney off for evermore. You might want to write this next part down.


You can’t ride a Super Enduro in a buffalo herd, but you can be happy, if you’ve a mind to. You’re welcome!


Making my way out of the state park. Funny the same ride yesterday was a bit annoying. Going the opposite direction this morning, but in 55 degree desert air, sun behind me, new perspective on things.




Took my time, still not going 25mph. Jumped some mule deer, couldn’t get a pic fast enough, they Pepé Le Pewed out of there.





Made my way into Presidio. FYI The Bean moved locations, just down a little further on the left. Popular place, some other dirtbags were pulling in as I was leaving, from the Prude Ranch. They were doing gravel travel. My next moves are planned. Wonder what will go down. Smell ya later.





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And back to aimless wandering……I’m a roaming dirtbag, riding all day long. Tumbleweeds around me, sing their lonely song.



See them tumbling down. Pledging their love to the ground. Lonely but free I’ll be found. Drifting along on the rumbling nine five oh.



Made a little deviation up Horsey Canyon and back out China Tea.



Just needed some dirt, and a little never hurt.


I like the perspective from that elevation gain looking back down on the border.



Little bit more pavement. Main event coming.



Glorious desert riding. Connecting new worlds with old worlds…..with dirt. The infamous Chispa Rd.




And connect we did!!!


I’m in @TNC’s zone from a few weeks ago.



Rode down Little Bambi hill and tried to get good pics that show the steepness.



……and then back up it, cause I could.



Onward. found a rhythm out here. I did this route once before, the opposite direction. Enjoying this.




I’ll just post a bunch of pics. Don’t need a lot of words for most of it.





Glad most of the gap gates were open, I felt the most vulnerable then.


More blah blah blah.



I almost fell over jacking with this pic, y’all are welcome!


This creek was a nice break spot. Temps were already great, I splashed some on me and actually got goose bumps when riding after that. Glorious day!



Making my way north. Was thinking about the geology changes again today, particularly the colors.






If you’re bored, sorry, it just been a wheelie good day!


Another break spot.


And that completes the Chispa Jaunt.



Hit the slab. Took a break here to regroup. And plan the next move. The meat and potatoes of this run is done. Just have to get my hiney east now.




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How much was it to stay there? More than one unit or? Looked like a great place to stay!
It’s a bunk room, you are potentially with 14 other people. Two beds per nook. It was $35 I think for the one bed. Is it nice? That is subjective and I’m an obvious dirtbag? Google is your friend but hope that helps.

It’s a bunk room, you are potentially with 14 other people. Two beds per nook. It was $35 I think for the one bed. Is it nice? That is subjective and I’m an obvious dirtbag? Google is your friend but hope that helps.

Τhanks! That’s not bad, like hostels used to be. It’s good to know there are relatively inexpensive options.
Steve, your Chispa pic on that steep descent...see the two beaten down tracks from vehicles that have been going through? It didn't look like that when I got there. It was a fresh road grading. Man, that looks easy, and I wish they'd graded it after I got to enjoy it...LOL! Was that road grader still parked back there close to the creek? Do you still recommend that it's better out and back from Presidio without going to the end?...if you're staying in the Presidio area? I saw where Chispa comes out on 90 while I was on my way to Van Horn. Looked pretty bleak on that end.
Steve, your Chispa pic on that steep descent...see the two beaten down tracks from vehicles that have been going through? It didn't look like that when I got there. It was a fresh road grading. Man, that looks easy, and I wish they'd graded it after I got to enjoy it...LOL! Was that road grader still parked back there close to the creek? Do you still recommend that it's better out and back from Presidio without going to the end?...if you're staying in the Presidio area? I saw where Chispa comes out on 90 while I was on my way to Van Horn. Looked pretty bleak on that end.
Yes the grader was still back there, before Bambi. The dirt route is pretty good all the way. But then you eat the pavement back to Marfa? Hence the out and back concept if your brain can handle it. I would let weather, the bike I’m riding, and my mood make the decision.
I’ve never come at Ft. Davis from the north before.



Grabbed some pics on the fly.




Dang it’s cold. But I’m almost there, one more jumping jack break.


It is a nice ride, enjoying this big dirt bike. He was doing pretty good at canyon carving. He’s such a good little big fella.



Fire warnings severe. Ran into town and hit the easy button here. Green Chile bacon cheese burger, not too shabby.


Got to camp and got situated. Going to be 46 degrees tonight, prepared myself for warmth. Best I can for someone that left home without a jacket. Desert rat, layer in layers.


Walked around a bit. Got lucky in that my spot is nice and quiet. Kind of isolated as well. And close to the bath house. Spot 81 if you ever need to pick one. I used their online map and did my best for an end spot. I’ve got in the habit of taking a pic of a motel room, cabin or camp spot. Helps 5 years later when you are like, remember that one time…..



Well, that’s a day. Maybe not as eventful as others, but that was some mileage and remoteness. Feeling good. Feeling tired. Off to bed. Cheerio.

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