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Time Has Come Today

Feb 10, 2022
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Lake Travis

Sorry about that. I did not figure two days of driving was all that interesting but we are in southern Utah now. šŸ‘

At the start of 95 in Blanding. The blue mountains have lots of snow on them this year.


I have been riding Utah highway 95 for quite some time but it never gets old. 100 miles of the best red rock wilderness in the country.


We stopped across from Jacobs chair to see if Piute pass looked passable. We could not tell without going further so we will figure that out later.


The view from where we are staying. Those are the Henry mountains in the background. There was no snow on them last year at this time.

No riding this evening but Jred bought some ribs so itā€™s bbq and 805 time. Just enjoying the dry cool air and planning out the adventure that starts tomorrow.
Just enjoying the dry cool air

Man I could have used some of that this evening! I was doing senior pics of my daughter at a local park and thought I was going to drown in my sweat from just standing there!!! It was like walking around with a wet wool blanket over my whole body :-| Hopefully in August we'll be heading that way and I am REALLY looking forward to that dry air :thumb:
Yeah, that humidity was pretty rough. It sure is nice to have escaped it for a few days.

Wish you were here Jasen. There is still time and 3 extra beds here in Hanksville.

Fortunately, we seemed to have threaded the needle weather wise. Highs are near 80.

We did our first ride this morning. It was supposed to be an easy ride out to Angel Point but in the attempt to stay off the pavement, we took a ā€œshort cutā€ through a wash with lots and lots of deep sand. A good attitude and not much else got us through it without a step off.

A few miles further on mostly established trails got us to Angel Point which overlooks the Dirty Devil river.


Yours trulyā€¦



A few photos from Angel Point.





The Henry mountains.

Eating some lunch and trying to decide where to ride next.

Jredfords rear MT43 setup like KTM Steveā€™s is like following behind a tractor in the sand. It leaves large deep ruts that are no fun to be caught in. šŸ˜€
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I spent a lot of time riding Utah during the 10 years I lived in Boulder CO. We rarely went later than June or earlier than September for fall rides. And you can easily get snow in September. A waitress once told me "the sun is your friend here". Yep, but you got to choose when to meet Mr. Sun on your terms. The extreme cold exposures are just as tough as the extreme heat. Right now for the next few weeks is probably getting about perfect for offroading.
And thatā€™s barely showing the color , riding from the Dugway to the ferry landing on lake powel the entire cloud was bright pink in July . It was so hot waiting at the ferry landing we took turns going back down the road to a shade tree for ten minuets until the ferry was in sight . It felt cooler after we headed up the Burr trail from Bullfrog and escalante canyon was a delight .
Well, we decided to ride Factory Butte-Cathedral Valley this afternoon which was an absolutely fantastic track. If you look at the overhead, the geological colors are out of this world. Green and purple rocks were very cool. We also rode through some coal seams which was very different. Had such a great time that very few photos were taken. We will definitely be going back there on this trip and I promise to take more pics.

Here is a nice one I took on the way back.

I also a run at some of the hills at Swingarm City OHV. What a fun place.

GPX viewer

GPX viewer


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Found a mew friendā€¦

Seriously though, we hit the San Rafael Swell color trails less 5 miles of **** today. It seems most people enter from the north right off of I-70 but we found a way in from the south at Goblin Valley State Park.


Just inside the canyon that cuts directly into the swell wall on the east.

As is most of the time out here, distinguishing which trails are which is never straightforward. Thought we were going to start easy with the green trail but ended up on the orange instead. After some serious but fun climbing, we took a short break to enjoy the scenery.



Not too long after our break, we started running into the numerous obstacles on the trail. I was following Jred down a hill and left around a large pinion pine only to run into the first of many multi-shelf seriously rocky terrain. Jred punched it and I followed suit. We both made it up but I am sure it did not look too graceful.


We stopped up on top and I walked down to take a few photos. As is typical, it is much steeper than it looks.


The ledges themselves were not much of a problem but the gigantic rocks in between made it a precarious event. Acceleration is the only answer.

Feeling pretty good about making through the first serious obstacle of the trip we continued on as the trail became more technical and elevated. We would drop down a few hundred feet only to have ride back up the same or more distance.

Just about every uphill was a couple hundred feet with multiple ledges. It probably would have been easier if once we were up one ledge we could keep going the same direction. However we usually had to change direction right after we bounced over and get ready to get over the next, all along bouncing on large stones. Fortunately, the bikes made pretty easy work of it all. We just had to hang on and we did.


Taking a break up top after some challenging climbs.

I probably make it sound kind of treacherous and it was at times but we had a lot of fun and became rather comfortable jumping up on top of multiple 2-3 feet ledges. I have not done such things since my 20s. So, it felt good to know I can still pull it off.


After riding most of the color trails, we eventually made it to the northern trail head. From here we took one of the whoop-iest Jeep trails I have ever been on to the main road which is called ā€œTrail of Sinbadā€.

A few shots of Temple Mountain.




Gorgeous San Rafael Swell geology.

A few miles down the road and we were back on 24 headed to Hanksville. I never thought I would say it but after three meals at Stans burger shack, I donā€™t think I can eat there again for a while.

Today was lots of fun filled with thoughts of ā€œdo you think we can make it up thatā€? šŸ˜Ž

Hereā€™s someone elseā€™s video of the orange trail so you can see how we started out the day.

GPX viewer


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Lots to see out of Goblin. Great to hear there are still some challenging parts to it. Many routes have been over-simplified to accomodate the noobs coming to utah. So glad yall are having fun out there.
Lots to see out of Goblin. Great to hear there are still some challenging parts to it. Many routes have been over-simplified to accomodate the noobs coming to utah. So glad yall are having fun out there.
Thanks! There are definitely some challenging trails out there. The orange, red and five miles of he ll will have you puckering at times. We still have the Devils Racetrack and Eva Conover trails to ride this week so we will see how that goes.