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Middle Texas Meandering

You ever sneak out of work at lunch time to go for a ride? Yeah, me neither.


You ever try to squeeze in a full day’s ride with only a half day in front of you? Yeah, me neither.


Friday sure was a beautiful day. I had a small window to get some riding in. My wife and kid #2 were scouting a college in the hill country, wifey suggested I go for a ride and meet them for the night. I like the way you think Mrs. KsTeveM! I rode the Super Enduro to work and when I could shove off, I shoved north and started sniffing out some dirt.


I didn’t really have a solid route planned. Decided to go off memory and go with part of a TARA Monthly Saturday piece in the hill country, stitch in a spot I gleaned from a San Saba ride, then maybe finish off with a HC500 derivative. With only a half days’ worth of time. Seems logical?


To ride report or not to ride report, ah that is the question. I was leaning towards not, you guys are probably tired of my antics and this thread. But after it all ended, I thought there might be some decent info here and there. Also, how are my toes doing? Thanks for asking. Seem pretty solid. I did some surgery to my insoles. All is well.


You can tell the rains from over a week ago really blasted this area. The counties had to bring out the graders and do some road work. So it was nicely groomed…..and a bit slippy slidey at times.


And the creeks/rivers were up. I had heard the Llano came up like 10’ and flooded some roadways for a spell. I could see evidence of it here and there but mostly conditions were just really pretty and I was appreciating my ride time. Temps were perfect.


Lonely broke down windmill.


God Bless Texas……and Super Enduros!



You ever ride along in this part of the world and love the smell of cedar burning? Yeah, me neither. But I had to put this pic in the post for you guys to smell. Something about a crisp fall type day with that smell….makes me happy.


Sandy Creek area definitely saw some rearranging of things. Pretty soupy in there, loved it!



I wish this old gas station could talk. And Towmater’s cousin/mayor of these parts?



I wish the pics conveyed the beautiful day and views I was catching. Best I can do.


Another nice crossing. I was really starting to get in the groove in this section.



PSA—can you fit a 150/70/18 on a 2.5” wide rim? Yes you can. It is a pain to get it seated, but you can. I’ve been looking for a 50/50ish dirt/skirt type tire for the Super Enduro and found this tire for sale on the forum. Worth a try. Initial impressions, didn’t care for it in the gravel. But I was coming off of my week long Utah ride on my 5Hundy, probably not fair. I came at the gravel and corners like I was on the 500, it’s easy to forget when on the Super Enduro. The profile of the 150/70 Motoz Adventure on that skinny rear rim is quite different, way more round so you don’t have the grip/contact in the dirt. And it is a bit of a sissy tire compared to my norms. But to summarize, it is a good compromise I suppose. Good on the pavement, livable on the gravel? For $125 compared to $248 new this was worth a go with its 4 ply construction but this bike really should have his normal 140/80 tire back there…which in the same brand tire would have less plies…and runs $144 new.


Time for a break at a normal watering hole. Thought it would be busier with opening deer season but it wasn’t. Cheers Super Enduro!


Heard some music playing across the alley, went to investigate. A neighbor to Castell Store is trying to fire up a little business, Motel Castell. The guy’s name is Jody, nice fella. He has some spaces you can rent, bed, bathrooms. And I asked what if a guy wanted to just throw up a tent, he said bring it. I filed it away as a possible if Castell started to get the better of me. Think Chisos Mining Inn when you think of the digs. Then bring it down a notch or two, ha ha.




Onward, more to see and do.


Tip toed into San Saba County, wanted to catch some views I remembered from a few years ago poking around up here on my 701.




…..and I was starting to notice shadows were getting longer. Dang it, I need to move my hiney towards Kerrville, time to step on it, or twist it.


I think I snaked my way on some new to me roads, I was liking the scene.




Rolled through Mason and got a little more dirt before hitting some slab to make time.




Then I met my family for dinner and hung out. Good half day 260 mile ride! More to come, if you like this sort of thing. Hang in there, like my toe nail!!



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Ok, back to the report. Even though there isn't much love for my toes. Can’t have a Stevo Ride Report without them dancing around out there you know! Now, where was I going to ride as I made my way back home this past Saturday? I didn’t know, thought I would roam a little and make it up.


Picked a random backroad and stumbled on this. Too big for my needs/wants, but I bet it is cheap given some issues I can see that it has. Thought a scrounger on here might take interest. In the Harper area.



Some dirt, some pavement. Started off a little overcast compared to the day before, but still pretty.



Got on some good dirt, oldie but a goody. Did you start humming Surf City in your head. No? Then you aren’t old…..or a goody!


Well, it ain’t got a back seat or a rear window, but it still gets me where I wanna go…..


Zig zagged my way. Fresh moist dirt, ahh that’s the ticket.









And some soupy water crossings. Me likey.







I was surprised that in my almost two days’ worth of travel I didn’t see a single “adventure” rider out and about. Where were you guys? Conditions were perfect, maybe the best weekend of the season so far?





I was coming up on a property I remembered from past travels cause of a late 70s stepside longbed Chevy that has had my eye. Sure enough, I spotted it, hasn’t moved. And some folks were hanging out in the front yard…..Stevo pulls over for sure. Nice people but they won’t sell the truck…..”I’m going to fix it up one day.” Wish I had a dollar for every place I have stopped to ask about an old truck and heard that one. Sorry, I didn’t get a pic of the truck…..my bad. I was busy talking to the people about my jealousy that they get to live in such a pretty and remote place. They shared that they are getting close to opening up an AirBNB type place. It would sleep 4 men or so. And I asked what if some dirtbags in the group wanted to throw up some tents as well. They were game if you rented the house and had overflow. Pic below of the house that could be rented soon. Contact info in case you are interested…..Jennifer Page 830-733-8110. Just remind her you found out about it from the guy on the motorcycle that was trying to buy her husband’s old truck. If that doesn’t jog her memory, I guess just say the handsome guy riding the Super Enduro, that will probably trigger her to hot flashes. Dang ol Super Enduro!


Ok, onward. Some pavement time.



This place is for sale. A 100 acres with a view looking down on Enchanted Rock. How much you think? Rawland. Try 1.8 Million. Yikes!!





I’m out….rolling for the house. Backroads galore. And another lonely broke down wind mill. Oh, and in this zone I finally ran across a rider, out on a Husky 501, sorry I didn’t think to get a pic. That was the only one other than some HD dudes, which don’t really count :-).



And my last bit of dirt. Means I’m getting closer to the house.



Kind of sad but also happy. I had a chunk of the day left to do some bike maintenance in the nice weather, get my little bikes ready for a rumble…..and threw some meat on the fire.



Pretty good impromptu ride. Not sure when I will get out wandering again. But I can feel it calling me……

Steve, did you notice that item on the back step of that golf cart in Castell? I think you're lucky to have made it out alive. Those pics and the evidence on the back of that golf cart clearly had all the vibe of a serial killer's lair. You said you heard music. Are you sure it wasn't the screams coming from the killer's torture chamber? :shock:

Your mention of humming a Beach Boys tune hit home with me on my New Mexico trip last month. My last day of riding was on that stretch of NM 137 that goes through Queen and out to Dog Canyon in the Guadalupe Natl. Park. The turnoff to Sitting Bull Falls is NM 409. My first car was a '57 Chevy that my stepdad and I installed a 409 we got from a '63 Impala SS. For the next few miles I was singing the Beach Boys song "409" out loud at the top of my voice. Ahhh, the good ol' days.:lol2:
Had to circle back to this. Rest in peace Pewee. And full confession I had no idea who Sigmund the Sea Monster was.....but I recognized Buffy or Jody or whatever his name was.


That made me think of the below:


.....and that made me think of this:


Is anybody able to follow this brain wave? I will stop with this....the above pic made me think of the one below. Proceed with your day.

You and Tourmeister got a few years on me. Had to look that one up as well.


I caught the reruns from their cousin. I loved watching those kind of shows on Saturday morning.

He only gives up a year on me but, I never watched much TV to start with and I don’t remember most of it. The best part about not remembering much TV or movies is even if I’ve seen it before it’s brand new every time.

@JMZ is always quoting movies and I just stare at him. @KsTeveM is always playing name that tune and same result. My brain is just wired differently. @JMZ says I look like two different music people and I don’t have a clue who either one of them are.
The first pic of Sigmund with that little kid….little kid was on Partridge Family? Again before my time, I saw reruns. Brian Keith was their Dad on that show? Later Brian Keith was the judge on a show called Hardcastle and McCormick that had that coyote car as a center piece. And I remembered an earlier movie that Brian Keith was in with Steve McQueen called Nevada Smith, left an impression on me. And as if Steve McQueen wasn’t cool enough in his day, he dated the girl in that last pic, Ali MacGraw.

Hardcastle and McCormick…The name rings a bell but don’t remember anything about it. Partridge Family…I know it was a show. That’s all I got.

Now in the end I do know Lenny and Squiggy!
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LOL!...man, I had a real crush on Ali. She and Steve in "The Getaway" were awesome. That Hollywood had the audacity to remake it with that jerk Alec Baldwin was a travesty. Alec Baldwin playing in the shoes of Steve McQueen...that's like Pee Wee Herman playing John Wayne in a western.:lol2:
Most of my memories from being a kid involve creeks, woods, tree houses, bike ramps, skate boards, fishing, guns, fires, and more... and yet somehow I remember so many TV shows from the 60s, 70s, and early 80s. After that I pretty much gave up on Hollywood. The same is true with music.