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ABNB's 2024 MGTOT and TSA40A GT


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Apr 4, 2021
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So how is that for a hand full of acronyms?

I saw a post by @blupupher on his 2024 Grand Tour of Texas rides and thought it was a good idea. Sorry blupupher, not trying to horn in, just such a good idea I wanted to participate.

So back to the acronyms, most of you may have already figured them out but just in case, translation is AllByteNoBark's 2024 Motorcycle Grand Tour of Texas and Team Strange Airheads 40th Anniversary Grand Tour. That makes for a fairly wordy post title so hence the acronyms.

The below is really long. If you want to skip it just jump down to the next post where photos and ride reports start.

I'll provide just a bit of background on why I have decided to sign up for these tours this year. I have ridden since I was somewhere around 10 years old. Started on a Sears Allstate Scooter, then and SL125, from there moved up to an XL250, etc. I have always ridden dirt bikes and at one point was a mediocre B class rider in motocross. After a year or two there moved on to 2 hour hare scrambles in AMA District 22 (Iowa) and once in that world never looked back.

While dirt was my thing I also usually owned at least one street bike. The street bikes were more transportaion to me, while dirt was where I went to have fun. When the kids were little and money was tight I took a few years off. Once my son got big enough to ride we got back into dirt bikes and riding hare scrambles and eventually ended up with a couple of VStroms we rode to Alaska and back in 2004.

Well the son went off to college and I switched over and road mainly street for a few years. As some here know I ended up with a Honda Africa Twin after moving to Texas, loved it, but ended up selling it do to having issues with vertigo. Then the fall of 2022 the son got back into dirt bikes and in 2023 rode in several TORCS events. The wife and I would go and watch and after the first event I mentioned how much I miss it. Her resonse was "buy a bike and get out there." Haha, not quite that easy, but who am I to argue. So I bought a Gas Gas EX 350 F in Feb of last year and started riding it 3 or 4 times a week. No vertigo when riding but still had some if I was shooting. Finally figured out that ear plugs seemed to be the major cause which I mentioned here before. Any way, this is already way long, so will try to quit rambling.

In July I was riding the GG and caught a rut wrong and got off in an unconventional manner. Caught the handlebars under the left bottom rib and bruised it pretty good. A couple of days later it still hurt a lot, so decided to go make sure I had not cracked a rib. The idea being that if I cracked a rib, probably should not be out riding the GG. If not it would hurt, but could still ride.

Well got to the doc and next thing I know I am being put on the helicopter for a ride to BAMC in SA. Doc was white as a sheet and said they had found an aortic dissection, whatever that was, and they had no choice but to get me to someplace that could deal with it. When I arrived at BAMC a full crew was there in scrubs and ready to do emergency surgery. I mean people EVERYWHERE. I was like "whoa, you guys are all nuts, I just bruised my ribs a bit" but no one would listen to me. Eventually they decided that the condition had been there for a while and asked me a lot of question about when it had happened as there was no way I couldn't know. Sent me over to Methodist as they could not treat me at BAMC due to it not being trauma and me not being military. They watched me for a few days and sent me home telling me I needed to come back in 6 months so they could monitor the issue. Dec came, went in, no changes, as good as it could be.

Meanwhile, every doc is telling me I need to quit riding. My response was pretty much the same to all of them. "I've been riding for over 57 years, it is part of who I am, not just what I do." I was fully planning on riding the TORCS series with my son this year in the 65+ but had to take a second look at that. I for sure am not getting any younger. Have noticed I bruise a lot easier than I used to. That part makes me a bit nervous as my interpretationn of it it says the blood vessels must be thinning some. Aorta, pretty sure that is probably one of those blood vessels...

So with all that said, I went and bought the RT and decided to put on some miles while I still can. When I brought the RT home the wife looked at it and said she might go along sometimes as it looked a lot more comfortable than my other bikes had. She used to ride with me but has not for quite a while. After a trip to Cycle Gear and a couple of online orders, we got her gear all updated and she will be going along on occasion. She has been out on once ride so far and really enjoyed it.

It helps to have an excuse to go places and saw the MGTOT post by blupupher so I signed up as it offers pretty good excuses to ride.

Then I saw the Team Strange post by @lddave and thought it was interesting. Mentioned it to my wife and she asked several questions. I told her how the 40th Anniversary portion of the tour worked and she decided she might want to try that as a passenger. So we signed up for the Team Strange Tour also. It doesn't start until April 1.

Not sure exactly what I am going to do about the GG and even the 390A as it is not getting much love now days. I would like to think that I could ride them in a casual manner but am probably fooling myself. I mean, how do you ride a dirt bike slow? The GG is just an awesome dirt bike and the 390A I want to take places I maybe should not be going. The mind says I should still be able to do everything like I used to, but the body does not always agree. I am enjoying riding the RT but miss the thrill of riding the dirt bike. Going to have to decide what to do there.

For now the wife and I both just need to stay healthy and find the time to get out and ride!

Next up: Ride Reports
Okay, catching up a bit as I have a couple of ride reports I need to post here. Will try to post new tour rides as they happen.

February 17, 2024
Purpose: MGTOT pick up flag in Bandera
Stops: 4 50-Lone Star Riders Trailer, 10-Flying L Ranch, 23-Bent Rim Grill, 21-Wilson County Courthouse
Miles: 493
Weather: Cool low of 36
Total stops to date: 4

The first day of riding for the MGTOT accomplished what I signed up to accomplish. It got me out and riding to a destination that I would not have done otherwise. It was 40 degrees out when I got up and pretty windy. One of those day where it is easy to decide to do something else. However it was a chance to pick up my flag and get a ride in so I donned the jacket with the liner in, fired up the grips and the heated seat and headed out. Betwwen Hondo and Bandera the bike was showing 36 degrees. I was glad it wasn't much further to the Flying L.

There were a lot of bikes there and it took quite a while ot get through the line and get my flag. I ended up with number 158. Had good conversation with some of the other riders and got warmed up.

First 2 photos for the tour were in Bandera, first was stop 50-Lone Star Riders Trailer


Second stop was about 10 yards from the first, stop 10-Flying L Ranch

Since I was this close I ran over to Leakey to get stop 23-Bent Rim Grill

Then on the way home swung by Floresville and got stop 21-Wilson County Courthouse
February 24, 2024
Purpose: RTE Southern Style and MGTOT
Stops: 3 27-Classic Rock Coffee Co & Kitchen, 46-Kyle Field, 15-La Grange Train Depot
Miles: 408
Weather: Beautiful day, a bit warm for Feb at 80 for a high, no wind to speak of, Woohoo
Total stops to date: 7

Rode up to Waller and met at the Hedgehog Grill with a good group of guys for the End of Month Ride Southern Style. Worth the trip in itself but was able to then continue on and pick up another 3 MGTOT stops.

First one was in Navasota stop 27-Classic Rock Coffee Co & Kitchen

Next on up to my daughters alma mater in College Station stop 46-Kyle Field

Then on the way home stopped in La Grange at stop 15-La Grange Train Depot
February 27, 2024
Purpose: MGTOT
Stops: 1 Stop 34 – Halfmoon Reef Lighthouse
Miles: 82
Weather: Overcast warm evening with wind
Total stops to date: 8

Had a bit of a rough day with some code I was working on so decided to knock of around 4:30 and go for a ride. Ran down to Port Lavaca and picked up stop 34 – Halfmoon Reef Lighthouse
The wife had a women's conference that she was going to yesterday so I decided to go for a ride. I got up and was pleasantly surprised to see the temp around 50 degrees and no fog. The forecast had shown fog so took that as a good sign. Pulled out of the drive at 5:50 a.m. and headed NW. I had a route planned but was not sure if I would run the whole thing or not. After planning my route I decided I should look for Red Roof Inn's along it as that is one of our stops. Sure enough I found one in San Marcos that was only a few blocks out of the way. So off I went and was surprised by the temps dropping substantially all the way down to 35 between Luling and San Marcos.

Made the first stop 25- Red Roof Inn

While I was at the first stop I added another layer. Then of course the temps went back to the 50's within a few miles.
The next stop was 40 - Hill Country Motorheads Museum Gates were still locked and ran into a GS rider who was there getting his photo also.

From there I headed up to Goldthwaite to see Davy. I did not realize he had a cell phone until I saw this mural, color me surprised.
stop 26 Mural of Davy Crocket

Stop 39 - Early Visitors and Event Center was next on the list. I got there and was greeted by name by the previously mentioned GS rider who was already there. Then a young woman came out and welcomed me, asked where I was from and wondered if I needed a bottle of water, friendly place.


From there on West to the stop furthest from home for this trip stop 44 - Coleman County Chamber of Commerce

I then headed back toward home with the next stop being Alt 1 - Geographic Center of Texas

Then on to stop 13 - Presidio De San Saba there were two other bikes there when I arrived. I spent some time talking with t hem and then walking around reading about the history and took a few photos. If I get ambitious I might post some of them in the day rides thread.

It was getting hot by this time. During the morning ride I was wishing for warmer temps and now I was wishing for some of that nice cool air. High temp showed 88 degrees. Had all the extra layers off and still plenty warm.

My next stop was at 24 - Mason County Courthouse. It has just been redone and looked great. Looks like they are still working at getting it all finished up.

Then I headed to the big town of Sisterdale, stop 20 - Sisterdale Historical Marker


That finished off the stops I wanted to get for the day. Overall the weather was great with a low of 35 and a high of 88. Not much wind which was nice.

March 2, 2024
Purpose: MGTOT
Stops: 9 25- Red Roof Inn, 40 - Hill Country Motorheads Museum, 26 Mural of Davy Crocket, 39 - Early Visitors and Event Center, 44 - Coleman County Chamber of Commerce, Alt 1 - Geographic Center of Texas, 13 - Presidio De San Saba, 24 - Mason County Courthouse, 20 - Sisterdale Historical Marker
Miles: 690
Weather: Beautiful day, low temp 35 - high temp 88, no wind to speak of
Total stops to date: 17

Again, the purpose of signing up is being fulfilled. Provides me with target destinations and a reason to ride. There was not much smelling of the roses, more listening to the engine. But I kind of like it that way, have always enjoyed road trips and the travel itself, even when, as in this case, I am going in a circle.

I must say that I am loving the RT. It makes eating miles very comfortable and enjoyable.

edit: realized I had the wrong date, was the 2nd not the 3rd
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February 27, 2024
Purpose: MGTOT
Stops: 1 Stop 34 – Halfmoon Reef Lighthouse
Miles: 82
Weather: Overcast warm evening with wind
Total stops to date: 8

Had a bit of a rough day with some code I was working on so decided to knock of around 4:30 and go for a ride. Ran down to Port Lavaca and picked up stop 34 – Halfmoon Reef Lighthouse
I wonder if the code you had a rough day with is working up new acronyms for us to decipher. I used to work for Sun Microsystems, and we always made fun of the company's crazy acronyms that essentially became a secret form of communication Bill Gates could not decipher. :-)
Been a bit since I have got out to ride. This morning was a bit damp and looked really rainy but did not amount to much at our house. This afternoon it cleared out and I decide to go out and get the stop in Beeville. The wife decided to go along so we took the scenic route and ended up with 153 miles. We ended up cutting it short as we discovered I had forgot my wallet. Have added backup to the bike for that situation so it doesn't happen again.


March 16, 2024
Purpose: MGTOT
Stops: 1 42 - Bee County courthouse
Miles: 153
Weather: Beautiful day, temps mid to upper 80s, windy for a bit but not horrible
Total stops to date: 18
Made it out Saturday to the open house at Texas Sidecar. Nice day for a ride.

Met @jmdaniel, that is his FJR sitting next to the RT. We had a nice chat and then I figured I best be moving on. I managed to leave my ignition on with the high beam and other light on while we chatted and it was a bit slow turning over but fired up and all was good.


From there ran up to Teague and got the hotel. There were several bikes there when I got there so I pulled up across the road. Not a great photo but you can read everything needed in the high resolution version so should be good to go. As I was leaving here came @jmdaniel, did not realize we were both headed the same place or we could have rode up together.


Pointed the RT home via a slightly round about way and that was that. Saw a lot of bluebonnets but always had traffic or narrow shoulder or both it seemed so no photos.

March 30, 2024
Purpose: MGTOT
Stops: 2 4 - Texas Sidecar, 3 - Teague Hotel
Miles: 504
Weather: Beautiful day, temps 63 to high 70's, wind was not bad most places
Total stops to date: 20
Made it out Saturday to the open house at Texas Sidecar. Nice day for a ride.

Met @jmdaniel, that is his FJR sitting next to the RT. We had a nice chat and then I figured I best be moving on. I managed to leave my ignition on with the high beam and other light on while we chatted and it was a bit slow turning over but fired up and all was good.

From there ran up to Teague and got the hotel. There were several bikes there when I got there so I pulled up across the road. Not a great photo but you can read everything needed in the high resolution version so should be good to go. As I was leaving here came @jmdaniel, did not realize we were both headed the same place or we could have rode up together.

Pointed the RT home via a slightly round about way and that was that. Saw a lot of bluebonnets but always had traffic or narrow shoulder or both it seemed so no photos.

March 30, 2024
Purpose: MGTOT
Stops: 2 4 - Texas Sidecar, 3 - Teague Hotel
Miles: 504
Weather: Beautiful day, temps 63 to high 70's, wind was not bad most places
Total stops to date: 20

Great to meet you as well, John. Always fun to run across someone who knows the physical demands that a loin puller goes through, which is definitely different than a leg puller, but a man can be both!

When you get over to Beaumont, do not miss the oxtail at Charlie's BBQ! Just park your Beemer in front, next to the outdoor dining area, and you'll be fine.


Charlie's BBQ

Charlie might even come out to chat you up, if you tell the counter gal you came all the way there to check out his work!


Great to meet you as well, John. Always fun to run across someone who knows the physical demands that a loin puller goes through, which is definitely different than a leg puller, but a man can be both!

When you get over to Beaumont, do not miss the oxtail at Charlie's BBQ! Just park your Beemer in front, next to the outdoor dining area, and you'll be fine.


Charlie's BBQ

Charlie might even come out to chat you up, if you tell the counter gal you came all the way there to check out his work!
Yes, nice to meet you and put another face with a name here. Looks like there were some others their from TWT too. I did not meet them but did snap a photo of some bikes that looked pretty TWT like.


I was surprised at the variety on display.

From a BMW GS

to a Triumph

and even a scooter

When I get to Beaumont, I hope to be able to check out Charlie's BBQ, sounds amazing.
Yes, nice to meet you and put another face with a name here. Looks like there were some others their from TWT too. I did not meet them but did snap a photo of some bikes that looked pretty TWT like.


When I get to Beaumont, I hope to be able to check out Charlie's BBQ, sounds amazing.

That's me staring at that Africa Twin, wondering how in the heck someone swings a leg over that seat...
I rode down to Kingsville yesterday and got a picture of the RT in front of the King Ranch Museum. Wow was it humid. When I left home it was 79 degrees and I was wet in the first couple of miles. Probably one of the most uncomfortable rides I have ever taken. Oh well, I did get to ride. May have to get the rest of my stops in the fall though I plan on getting one or two this next week when I head to Arkansas.


May 26, 2024
Purpose: MGTOT
Stops: 1 28 - King Ranch Museum
Miles: 260
Weather: Hot, hot , hot and humid
Total stops to date: 21
Screwed up multiple times on this one. Left for Arkansas on May 29th and rode up to the Rusk KOA where I rented a cabin for the night. Discovered I forgot my GToT book and guess I was spacing out, did not look online to see what the photo was supposed to be. Took a couple of photos but not one of the office. :doh:So, probably will not get that stop. Got up early on the 30th and headed North. Next stop was the Explosion Museum in New London. Grabbed it and headed to Gladewater where I pulled in and got a shot of the oil derrick. Then got on the bike and proceeded to ride directly by the Gladewater Museum without stopping. Totally missed it when planning the route as they were so close to each other that the derrick marker on basecamp was hiding the museum marker. :roll: Got up the road and stopped and took a shot of the Welcome to Texas maker as I left the state. The Texarkana postoffice was fairly close but was going to hit there right about 8:00 in the morning and decided not to fight traffic and take the time.

Maybe I just need to go to Arkansas again so I can pick up the stops I screwed up and missed. :loco:

Oh well, I added 3 stops at least.

Home for the night, Rusk KOA


New London Explosion Museum


Gladewater Oil Derrick


Welcome to Texas


May 30, 2024
Purpose: MGTOT
Stops: 3 or 4 - should have been 5 - 43 Rusk KOA (messed this one up), Alt-3 New London Explosion Museum, 17 - Derick Gladewater, Missed 18 right across the street, 14 - Welcome to Texas
Miles: 476
Weather: Humid
Total stops to date: 24 or 25 - should be 26 :pound:
Well, you may get credit for the Rusk since you stayed there (and have a receipt?) and you have a pic of the cabin (do you have a pic there with your tag on it??)?
The MGTOT site just says "Rusk KOA Holiday Campground". I had taken a pic of the KOA sign at the road initially (I was there pretty early) when I went there, but decided to head to the office for a pic and submitted that one.
And for Gladewater, technically you have the museum in the background, although you may not get credit since you don't have the museum sign in the pic. You could always contact David and ask him.
Well, you may get credit for the Rusk since you stayed there (and have a receipt?) and you have a pic of the cabin (do you have a pic there with your tag on it??)?
The MGTOT site just says "Rusk KOA Holiday Campground". I had taken a pic of the KOA sign at the road initially (I was there pretty early) when I went there, but decided to head to the office for a pic and submitted that one.
And for Gladewater, technically you have the museum in the background, although you may not get credit since you don't have the museum sign in the pic. You could always contact David and ask him.
Yes, I submitted a photo of the sign out front with the bike and my number, so we will see. I do think it is a pretty good excuse to go back to Arkansas again though. :trust:
Screwed up multiple times on this one. Left for Arkansas on May 29th and rode up to the Rusk KOA where I rented a cabin for the night. Discovered I forgot my GToT book and guess I was spacing out, did not look online to see what the photo was supposed to be. Took a couple of photos but not one of the office. :doh:So, probably will not get that stop.

I took my pic at the sign out by the road, after negotiating through the deep slurry of that gravel parking lot. Forgot the dual sport I don't own at home...

You'll be fine.