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Adding to my Nephew's first ride with a perspective from his side.

The last brothel to close in Silverton. Closed up in 1947, one year before I arrived. Coincidence? I don't think so.


We toured the Old Hundred mine. This is the view from the parking lot.

Miners ready to work. We also panned for silver in front of the mine. I found about 15 BB sized pieces of silver before I gave up. Malachi was in too big of a hurry and found only colored rocks.


Inside the mine. Our tour guide was excellent. EvEn though he was very young, he had experience in an actual gold mine.
I had hoped to finish this report today, but Alaska got in the way. I'll finish later, maybe much later. When I get back from Alaska with my wife, I have to go to work in Colorado, Wyoming and Arizona. Life is tough. A 50th anniversary cruise to Alaska seems more important than this post.:sun::sun:
I've been gone from home for six weeks. It's time to finish my report. From Malachi's notes. "We were heading back to Silverton from Telluride. "We rode back home an 80 mile drive (it was cold!!) 48-55*"
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His notes on June 5th start with, "Nothing Much but laundry."
He then goes on to talk about us leaving camp around noon, riding to Ouray, walking half of the perimeter trail, touring Box Springs, going to the hot springs to soak aching muscles, visiting the Christ of the Mines monument above Silverton and riding down South Mineral Creek road to the end. "Nothing Much" seemed like a lot to me.;-):-) No teenage girls sighted, so nothing much happening.

View of Ouray from the Rim Trail on the east side of town.

The trail on the west side of town goes through this tunnel.

Box Canyon Falls is a convoluted fall and a picture of its entirety is not possible without a drone.

Looking downstream from the falls.

I'm not sure I want to party on this deck.

The sign says, "Do not feed the animals." I guess that does not include the chipmunks below the bird feeder.

Mine shrine northwest of Silverton.


When the shrine was dedicated, the Sunnyside mine closed for the day. There was a cave in, and the entire crew would have died if the mine had not closed for the day. Money and artifacts are left at the shrine. We spotted one $100 bill. Hopefully, it will still be there the next time I visit. I really hope so.

My favorite is a note that asked God to cure someone from her drug addiction and to stop her from prostituting herself. I hope it worked.

It was getting late, but we already had pork tenderloin to cook back at camp and that's a quick meal. We decided to ride up South Mineral Creek.


A few years ago, a fellow member, I don't remember his name, said that SMC was one of his favorite places in Colorado for pictures. He's a much better photographer than I, but I don't think he could find the beauty in this creek like he did before. Maybe wait a few days.


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We stopped for lunch at a restaurant and found this in the restroom. I didn't know whether to wash my hands before or after turning the light out.

The trail down to Sipapu bridge.




We saw this unnamed bridge on our way to Kachina Bridge

Malachi thought that this formation looked like a teddy bear. I guess you had to be there.



It was getting late so we decided to head back to camp in Montecello before going to Owachomo Bridge. Along the way

This black lab camps better than Malachi and I.

I'll try to finish up tomorrow.


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Malachi's notes: "Today is a motorcycle day to the last bridge we did not see yesterday then gooseneck State Park then Forest Gump Point. We headed out around 9 am got to Natural Bridges around 10 am we skipped to the last one because we saw the other ones yesterday it was the best in my opinion and it was only 1/2 miler round trip." We stopped at a convenience store for a soda in Mexican Hat. "We stopped at 7-11 to get a drink/slurpie. They did not have DR. Pepper Slurpie or Dr. Pepper drink so I got Pepsi it is still good though. .......there was a sand storm We could not get to Forest Gump Point so we headed to camp."

Heading back to Natural bridges.

We were not in a hurry this morning, so we stopped for a picture with the sign.

Owachomo Bridge.

Moki Dugway





Malachi tolerated my habit of taking pictures of plants way better than my normal riding buddies.

Goosenecks State Park

When we pulled up to Goosenecks, Malachi commented that it was pretty hot. I agreed. He then asked if we could finish the trip by using the van instead of the motorcycle. One of the first things we talked about when we first started planning this trip was options. The two of us could go and take a motorcycle or we could expand to include up to two of his cousins. He opted for the motorcycle and even though his cousins were never informed that they were even considered, I felt like Malachi had dissed them. I answered, "Yes, we can ride in the van the rest of the trip." I knew we would be heading home the next morning.


I had planned for another week in Utah with a trip to a slot canyon, Goblin State Park, Bryce Canyon and Highway 95. Instead, we headed back to the land of Blue Bell ice cream and rode KLX 140 dirt bikes for 3 or 4 days. I found it amazing that Malachi didn't find the 95* weather in Texas too hot to ride in. We shared.


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Excellent gift to the lad, and time well spent on this earth!
Excellent gift to me also. We had a great time. If there was no such a thing as laws and jail and my sense of right and wrong, Malachi would still be at my house. He is one of my nineteen grand, grand nephews and nieces. Two more are scheduled for vacation with me next summer, just as soon as school is out.
I've been gone from home for six weeks. It's time to finish my report. From Malachi's notes. "We were heading back to Silverton from Telluride. "We rode back home an 80 mile drive (it was cold!!) 48-55*"
I have to agree with Malachi's assessment. when it gets below 60 I make sure everything is zipped up.
Excellent gift to me also. We had a great time. If there was no such a thing as laws and jail and my sense of right and wrong, Malachi would still be at my house. He is one of my nineteen grand, grand nephews and nieces. Two more are scheduled for vacation with me next summer, just as soon as school is out.
Can I go with y'all next summer?? joking 😁
Can I go with y'all next summer?? joking 😁
It's going to be two girls (maybe three) next year and they have requested no motorcycles. Right now, I'm thinking mountains, horses, hiking and rafting. The last time I took them anywhere, their main priority was motel with swimming pool.