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Mason Micro Adventure


Say When
Forum Supporter
Dec 8, 2014
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San Marcos, Texas
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Long about Thursday of last week I was looking at the weather forecast and realized Saturday had a high of 84 and Sunday a high of 80…..with a low in the hill country of 58. I’ve been eye balling my Super Enduro in the corner of my garage looking pretty pitiful. Hmmm. Went on about my week but the seed had already taken root. I got home from work Friday and asked Mrs. KsTeveM what was going on for the weekend. It sounded pretty tame and I could sneak away pretty easily. I decided to dust the big boy off and see if I could throw some kit together to head out to the hill country somewhere with the plan of overnighting someplace. The bike checked out, kit was thrown on and I left my house in the San Marcos area at 8:30am yesterday heading north on backroads. What a beautiful morning!!



I made my way and once past Johnson City, I always feel the real riding starts to unfold. My first tastes of dirt…..man this feels good.



I feel like the person that made this mail box should be my friend?


I was adlibbing my way towards Sandy Creek, always a goody. I think the below was on CR308…..hmmm this seems like more water than normal?


I took a break and tip toed into the creek to splash some water on my face and gear, just glorious out here.


Took the left turn on CR315 and the permanent sign was showing Sandy Creek crossing closed due to high water. I’ve seen that before and it was no big deal. I kept going. Such a cool little pass you go through.


I get to the first crossing, looks a little messy.


I ease forward and was noticing some tracks. Couldn’t decide if it was drunken sailors or committed adventure riders.


I move forward with some momentum just in case. It was deeper than I figured, sediment worse than I figured. Water is going everywhere, I didn’t want to let up. I exit the other side of the water and then delt with the really loose sediment, worst I’ve seen this crossing. But I was dry (sort of) and upright, onward for the next crossing.




I pulled up to this one and got off my bike to look at it closer. I’ve never had trouble on this one, the crossing is so much shorter. But upon studying it, left side has a pretty good hole.


I decided on the right and hoped the sediment didn’t bury me. Again, deeper than I thought and the sediment had really been churned, it was super loose. I could feel the rear digging down, my camping gear probably not helping. I had to do a left foot dab….dadgum that is cold. But I’m out, made it. Ok, the signs saying this was closed….guess they weren’t kidding this time. I believe one would also need 4wd to get through on 4 wheels. I like it when the counties haven’t had time to fix all the roads after some good rains……



I continue on…..more to come, maxed out my allowed attachments…..


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I continue on…..jumped hwy 16, more road closed signs. Ahhh, that’s for civilians was still my thought. Let’s go see what is so terrible.


Ok, I can see why they said that. But its all good, stay the course.



I poke out the other side and there is another sign, a fancy digital one that says road closed 5.5 miles. Probably a good call for most folks. Just not me :-).


I keep plodding along, riding around the House Mountain area. I tried to shake it up and not do the same exact route I have done the last couple times in here. The dirt was delivering.




I rolled up to Castell Store to take a break…..oh cool, couple adventure bikes were there. I park my bike and notice their boots and socks are off. I take my helmet off “hey, you boys been over Sandy Creek way ha ha.”


Sure enough, they immediately laugh and recant their uboat commander experience. The deep hole got them and they buried their rear ends.


They had a good attitude about it and seemed like it really added to the fun of the day. Fellow TWT guys, @Dunks001 (that is funny right there) on a 790 and @MxAmigo on a Tuareg.


We had a good visit and then they headed on their way back to Austin. I told Dunks that he had a cool wheel weight….suvenoir from Sandy Creek no doubt ha ha. That was the first half of my ride for the day. More to come.


I kept going north. Things were getting a little warm, I found a bird bath spot. I know it seems silly, but it is a game changer for me.





Got in that Pontotoc zone, I love the rocks in here. I was thinking I might be bored today out riding stuff I’ve done many times. But somewhere in here it really hit me, how much fun these dirt roads can be and what a blessing we at least have this.



Hit pavement, headed west for a smidge and then caught Fly Gap Rd to start my way back south. I really like this road.


I’m use to dodging the cows, they are so stupid they are predictable. The deer…..you get a feel for when you can haul the mail based on high fences or open terrain….so you can kind of smartly be stupid most of the time. But horses in open range, different animal. They are smart enough to really cause you issues if you sneak up on them. Luckily these guys saw me early and I saw them. It was just a good encounter to remind me of the possibilities out here. Animals and other riders or cars are the main threats. Again, be smart about the places you choose to be stupid. I think I’ve gotten pretty good at the stupid application.




Zig zagged my way into Mason trying to stay off the big pavement.


I skipped lunch and thought I would make this an early supper. BBQ smelled right. It was right. Ate my brisket with a spoon!!




Where to now? Sniff, sniff, something is pulling me towards the James River. All the water crossings have been swollen today, makes perfect sense.


I get there, sure enough it looks like a lot of water. I had a feeling, spidy senses were going off….so I took my phone out of my pants pocket and put it up high in my backpack. Moved my Go Pro from the bars to my helmet.


Hoped I didn’t jinks myself, I got into it. I like going for the deep water on this crossing, the hope being less algae. I got my wish, it was deep. Half way across I could feel the rear slipping out, feathering the clutch, fighting putting a foot down. Easy little buddy. We got it, didn’t even get water in my boots. That felt kind of lucky?


The second crossing is no big deal, I took a little break and dunked my armor and shirt and soaked things in a bit.


Such a pretty zone in here. I got off the bike again to take in the smells and the sounds at this cool spot. I can’t help it. Still going….

Thanks for sharing your ride in the Hill Country. I was in Mason for the Courthouse dedication in July. Great area for riding. Glad you are using the Super Enduro properly. I am a firm believer in your statement, "be smart about the places you choose to be stupid."

Later, Bud...
I rode by the new courthouse Saturday and thought.....I hope that dude that lit it on fire (cause he was mad about his custody case) was having a good time in prison. Probably already out, working as a federal border patrol agent.

Thanks for the reply.....I'll keep working on my stupidity displays 😎
Got in that Salt Branch area and released the Kraken…..eating it up.



Stitched together some roads a little differently than I normally would just to shake things up.




One more water dunking….was thinking this could be it for a while.



Grabbed some pavement and tried to enjoy that too, as I made my way into Harper for some evening supplies.


It was about 6pm and the shadows were getting longer. I was thinking this had been a good day.


I eased towards a friend’s property in between Harper and Fredericksburg to camp out. I was about a quarter mile from my destination, one more baby water crossing. I dismissed it. Mistake. I went down hard.


It was barely a trickle of water and the car tracks looked well established. It is the worst slime I have ever encountered. I almost fell down when I crossed it on foot to get this next pic. And the next morning when I left, I got off the bike to walk it across with no engine, no brakes, I still almost fell. I got clear of it, then went to take off on dry land and still almost lost it. The algae was stuck to my back tire. Dadgum it, that is some effective slime. Class 5 water crossing!


Anyway, I got to the property and scouted for a spot I liked. Turned out to be right in a two track. There was a good view, good breeze, large oak tree for shade, some scrubs to hang some gear on and a flat spot with no ants. I’m an opportunist, I setup right in the track. It’s my party, I can sleep where I want to.


I got out my fancy chair and just sat there for a bit soaking it in….and sucking it down.


I got better situated and setup camp. Put some tunes on my JBL speaker and chilled reflecting on the day and the 275 miles I covered. Not too shabby.





Then I got some visitors. These are the prettiest and friendliest moo-deer I have ever been around. Met my quota again on the pics in this post, @Tourmeister must have me throttled back…..standby…..


Then Norman crossed the line, started trying to drink my beer and take my boots off. I had to give them the Crocodile Dundee spell and send them on their way.




I did some star gazing laying there on my mattress listening to some Marty Robbins. Nice night. Perfect weather.


I got up super early, a deer was stomping and startled me. Then did that banshee sound, must have been 30’ away. I guess it was my alarm clock, there was no more sleeping after that near death experience.


I packed up and started easing home in the dark on backroads going about 40mph, it was chilly and I didn’t bring a jacket on purpose to run light. Had to stop a few times to warm up. I got around Blanco and took a longer break as the sun came up and I warmed my hands on the exhaust. That is a wrap. I proved to myself once again that I can entertain my brain and the wanderlust on a short mini trip to the hill country, in particular the greatest hits of dirt roads in the Mason zone. Thought some of you might enjoy seeing a mini adventure with some pics and the tracks (I’ll post in a second).

Till next time!!

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Guess I'm glad I didn't wander farther down the Sandy Creek area on Sat. I got close enough to see that long, wet crossing, and turned tail and headed back to the pavement... Thanks for showing us how the real men do it ;)
Guess I'm glad I didn't wander farther down the Sandy Creek area on Sat. I got close enough to see that long, wet crossing, and turned tail and headed back to the pavement... Thanks for showing us how the real men do it ;)

Real stupid men get lucky some times ha ha
... actually, I think I saw you on 3347 / Althaus-Davis Rd. You were northboud, I was south. I was on a huge yellow GSA ...
Um, we are missing pictures of a thick steak on an ajustafork in this report.
I know, I was missing it as well. I'd already invited myself to camp at my buddy's place, didn't want to invite myself to building a new ground fire where there had been no fire before. The view was more important to me. In retrospect, probably should have just stayed in the barndo and used his charcoal grill. But I pushed myself to sleep out under the stars and stay in good practice with roughing it. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and offer this pic as a peace offering.

Nah, just dumber. I remember thinking, I bet Sam Elliot doesn't use a tent.
Hey gang, Sir Dunks-a-lot turned me onto Adventure Rider Radio Motorcycle Podcast and suggested I start with episode Deep Trouble. I found it on Spotify and I'm really enjoying it, thought i would pass it along to others. This episode is about a guy that gets in over his head on a Tuareg in the Stanley Idaho Sawtooth Mountain area on some single track. Entertaining and gives you good stuff to think about when you are headed into the breach especially solo.....your preparedness, your gear, your bike, the trail deteriorating, fatigue, brain fade etc. You know, the good stuff!!!

Awesome story and photos as usual! I'm so glad we don't have those slime crossings here!