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ET500 scout.. failed again!


Who's ready to ride some dirt?!
Forum Supporter
Feb 4, 2009
Reaction score
La Porte, TX
The West side of the ET500 ride used to be much more open to dirt, but with the roads now all going through private land, that is not the case anymore. The second day from Center, through Rusk, all the way to Apple Springs is still intact and a lot of fun. It's that last leg from Apple Springs back to the starting point of the ride in Livingston that is no longer accessible. That whole Carmona Ranch area eats up all roads that connect the two, and there just isn't a way through, or even conveniently around that I have been able to find. Still, my two amigos, @danco302 and @grumpy48 decided to scout out a route once again. I won't waste time with a whole report, but instead just post some pics/vids of the day's frustration. Not all a loss however, as we did ride some pretty awesome roads, and indeed had a great time riding, but I'm just disappointed that we weren't able to find a route. Anyway, here you go:

The culprits: @grumpy48 and @danco302

Ran into a real washed out section that was closed off (of course, we dirt bike guys don't know what those words mean, right?). The far end where we started from was about three times as deep as this exit end where the pic was taken. Pretty fun!

We weren't able to come out unscathed though, as @danco302 ended up losing a front brake lever. What really slurps is it wasn't just the lever, but it broke at the perch! He had to complete the ride with rear brake only :doh:

Still some great roads though, so here's some examples:




One of the many gates we came across. In this case, it was at the end of the road, before it exited onto a highway. No signage at the start, so you don't know what you're getting into until you get to a locked gate at the end :giveup:

We ended up just slabbing it down to Moscow and had lunch at Big Jakes. Nice place with some great food!



With full bellies and no hammocks to rent, we decided to head back to the trucks. I was able to plot out a dirt route back to Livingston (mostly same roads from the ET200/450 routes), and thus ended a day of very fun riding, but frustrating scouting. I hope someone else that maybe lives around that area will be able to find a way through, but until then, I guess we'll be stuck with the mostly paved way back to Livingston from Apple Springs. Until next time, adios!

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Nice report! I guess the washout had a good bottom. I could see that being a sinkhole when wet.

Looks like a fun weekend.
Nice report! I guess the washout had a good bottom. I could see that being a sinkhole when wet,
Yep, seen those too many times before, so I actually walked a bit of it before dropping in with the bike. Thanks!
Thanks for your efforts to find a route. Those gates at one end of a road are always frustrating.
We ran into that on a previous ride a few years back. Not sure if it’s the same one. You and a couple others turned left at an intersection and I was waiting on the person behind me to make sure he went the right way. When he got there, I took off and a guy stepped out of the woods asking me if I had permission from a hunting lease or some lumber company to be on that road. I told him we were just out riding and pointed out there were no signs or markers signifying it was private nor no trespassing. He said there was a locked gate at the other end where it connected to a paved road. He said he tried to flag y’all down as you went by. I asked if I could ride down to let y’all know and he just said, “I guess so.” We all ended up at the gate, but there was no fence connecting to the sides. The road may have been 20 ft on the other side, so everyone just rode around it. I don’t recall seeing any sign or marker on the other side of the gate either. If there is a sign, marker, or purple paint indicating no trespassing, I’m happy to respect it and go another direction. But back at the intersection where we turned left, everything was wide open and it looked like any other wide open county dirt road.
Looks like it was fun ride. Hopefully in a year and a half when I can retire, I’ll be able to join y’all.
Yep, I remember that too. Looking forward to riding again with you for sure.
We actually did come across a gentleman in a truck, and I pulled over and chatted with him for a bit. As always, whenever I've run into folks in these situations, if you show courtesy and explain what/why you are there, they have always been very nice. I told him about our quest, and the fact that we kept running into gates on the exits to roads we were on, and he agreed that the signs were lacking for sure. In hindsight though, I'm kicking myself for not getting some contact information from him. I wonder if we could find who the owners/managers of that whole Carmona Ranch area are, and explain to them our plan to do an organized, respectful ride on a specific date, would they be willing to allow us access to pass through? If anyone reading this has any information on this, please see if it's possible, or pass on the information to me, and I'll pursue it.