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2007 Tx Adv Ride reports & pics

Jan 1, 2005
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Buda, TX
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I just got back from the inaugural Texas Adventure Ride and thought I would start a thread for those who attended to share their stories and pictures.

The final tally was 125 registered riders. I can't speak for anyone else, but I had a great time. The weather was nice all weekend, the people of Junction were very accomodating, the riding was great, and the water crossing made things even more adventurous.

Here are some various pics I took during the event.

This event was dedicated to "Uncle" - my Uncle Roger

The bluebonnets on Threadgill Rd were in full bloom. You had to see it to believe how many there were in this area.

Isaack's Restaurant had a breakfast buffet each morning for the riders. The food was excellent.

Most riders attended the rider's meeting held each day at 8 a.m. Waving at Uncle as he took the pic.

There were lots and lots of water crossings. Quite a few riders went down. One ended up with some fractured and broken bones.

Kimble County has some fun dual sport roads.


We invaded King Burger in Rocksprings at lunch on Friday. The burgers were muy excellente.

Uncle, chillin under a tree at King Burger.

Cooper's BBQ in Junction (yes, Junction) served up some BBQ Friday eveing to our group.

2 essential food groups - meat & cobbler

There is an abundance of dual sport roads like these in this area.

Bobcat and Wee crossing the Llano River

My son, Tuffy, took advantage of the pool at Hill's Motel. Sat afternoon it was sunny and mid-80s.

David & Debbie Pearson gave a presentation of their honeymoon adventure ride to Guatemala to a packed house during Saturday night's banquet.

Here's the link to all my pics
I had a great time in Junction this weekend. Good riding with great people.

I am glad Don and I decided to trailer down. It worked out well with having to bring Tony home with us.

Our fearless leader did good a job leading us around the Hill Country. For very different reasons I was very impressed with how tough a TW200 and KLR can be.

Every one had trouble with the water crossings and as Chuck said many were "Baptized". Don (piglet) and I were the only ones from our riding group that didn't take a swim.


So.... What are the dates for next years? Want to go ahead and get it on the calendar you know.

The pictures are wonderful I only wish I would have gone myself.

I like this one alot. It scares me
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:miffed: I had a reply started and Norton AV killed IExplorer... :angryfire

Some random stuff from the trip, now that I have lost my train of thought.

Our group at Cooper's in Llano on Thursday:

A fix-it stop (Ken's gas can) on the return half of Ride 5/6

Amazing bluebonnet fields that I didn't notice until I got turned around on Thursday afternoon:

Getting ready to go on Friday morning

Tony (ilv2wheels), Don (piglet), Rich (Simmons1)


Fred (EagleRider)


Claire (bobcat)

I would like a KLR decked out like this one

Better yet, something that doesn't fall over

While the majority of our DFW group went splashing, Dail and I went touristing and visited the Alamo Village:

WARNING - that URL loads a spyware cursor that NAV wants to eradicate... :roll:

On the way back we spotted these bikes in Campwood:

Dail motioned to turn around and we found Ken and Tony:

We stayed with them a bit. We left as daylight was fading and we knew help was on the way. We took FM335 on the way back. That night, someone (Ed, I think) asked us if we had seen the kangaroos. :eek2: Say what? :ponder:

So, the first leg of Fred's Custom Modified Improved Enhanced Ride 8 (?) headed us back down 335 and we found this:

We also saw these funny deer:

more later...
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I had a great time in Junction this weekend. Good riding with great people.

I am glad Don and I decided to trailer down. It worked out well with having to bring Tony home with us.



I too had a great time (except for testing my left ankle to failure). I know most people wouldn't usually put these things together, but it was my "adventure" this time around.
What I got to ride was excellent (ride 3), but I was having a trouble on the water crossings, a question of experience (lack of) with algae. I ran out of luck on the third crossing, when I made it across, but the rear kicked out getting back on the trail, and the bike fell to the left trapping (snapping) the end of my left fibula at the outside of the left ankle. The popping and grinding of my ankle told me I was not going to ride out of this one.
The DS gods were pleased that so many had come to worship, so they helped me out. I was with a great bunch of guys on this ride (Mike, Ed, Ken, Freddie, Don and Rich), and once they stopped taking pictures, they figured out I was riding nowhere fast. Once the bike was off me, and both of us were uprighted, we moved to let the gasoline delivery truck cross, and then flagged him down for evac. duties. The driver gave me a ride to Barksdale, and dropped me off at a little motel by the bridge. The elderly lady there let me sit on her chairs to keep my leg up.
The guys rode out my bike, and Don went back to pick up the trailer, and Ken kept me company. Once we got back in town I was dropped off at the ER, where I met Dr. Andrus and the ER nurses. We had a low key evaluation, and then the Xrays, followed by splinting, then Chuck came to get me, bringing BBQ. I was a little foggy at this point, and I know someone else drove, and that I was at the Lazy T.
I slept most of Saturday and Sunday, with lunch on Sunday consisting of the world's longest chili cheese dog (Sonic) brought to me by Rick and Meryln at the Lazy T.
The rest of you know about the banquet, and the great slide show so I'll let others fill in the details.

Thanks, Richard for this great event, and your concern for my clumsy self. Otherwise, I'm sure I got help from lots of folks I don't remember, so thanks to them and Junction in general. Its a friendly, low key town, and was a great choice for headquarters. See you next year!
I was a little foggy at this point, and I know someone else drove, and that I was at the Lazy T.
The hospital folks had arranged for the PD to cart you to the motel and the young gal LEO was already there when Ken and I arrived to check on you. Don was ready to handle it but Richard and Connie thought that their minivan would be easier on ya, so they provided the transportation.

Heck, the Lazy-T was just at the end of the hospital driveway - I didn't see why you didn't just walk... :doh: :lol2:

And there were the 3 deer on the hospital's front lawn...

I thought that the folks at the hospital were excellent - gotta love a small town. Well, uh, except for the pharmacist - I'll let Dail describe his trials and tribulations trying to get your prescription accepted... :roll:
... I was a little foggy at this point, and I know someone else drove, and that I was at the Lazy T. ...

A LITTLE foggy, Tony? Look at Chuck's picture about three posts up. What did you have in that little gray box, anyway?

Nevermind, I don't want to know. :lol2:
Whose KLR with the "Sheriff" bags? :lol2: Looks great! gotta wonder though if there isn't some law somewhere against that if in fact it is not a sheriff's bike :wary: ;-)
He is a real sheriff said he had to provide is own bike for work and thats what he choose. he had custom made the racks for the pelican and was close to finalizing the design b4 he started selling them.
He was a real sheriff
I didn't talk to him but that is the word I got as well. Look closely at the tail & you will see the red and blue stobe lights. Of course, there were some on the front, too.

Dail & I saw him ride by with several others in Rocksprings on Friday.
Just now got home. Spent last night in Garner State Park after riding 337 and other roads yesterday. Pictures to follow later. Had a great time. Thanks Richard!
Okay, not a big ride report from me. Did loop 3 on Friday and loved it. For Saturday we decided to do a hybrid loop 6, trying to cut out some of the pavement. Due to a little gasoline issues with a certain wr450, we ran up 377 to Mason, ate lunch, gassed up, and worked out a nice little set of roads just off of Highway 29. They led us down to the couple of roads off of 2323 that several folks had suggested. Turned out to be a excellent loop. Richard, I will send you the actual route, or tracklog, so you can consider it for next year. It was a nice, mostly dirt trip. 204 miles.

Threadgill Road was fantastic. I hit a snake along it, which we initially thought was a rattler, but I wasn't positive. I was making good time at that point otherwise I would have dodged it, no matter what kind it was.

Anyway, here's the link to my photos. I tried to put some description for each. If anybody wants to identify some of the people in the pics, I will update them.

TAR 2007
Was hoping to see some more pics from other folks. I guess you will have to endure mine.

I forgot to include these two Austin riders on Friday morning:

Rusty (woodbutcher)


Lori (alphadog)

I don't think that Uncle Roger ever figured out that he was a celebrity...

Rich (Simmons1) was airing up the front tire (with power from MY bike :roll: )

Freddie, Dail, and I stopped at the Telegraph Post Office and General Store

Dail and I found a nice recreational area on the Nueces River

Here's Dail after riding back from checking out the spill way.

These mostly-dry river beds are the reason for all the low water crossings.

We saw a zillion cruisers on Saturday - here is a group of them checking out a big crossing on FM335.

Freddie in the hills

Speaking of hills, that is where we stayed. I'd stay there again.

I was able to see some great scenery & some great roads as well. And, yes, I did get my bike dirty, mostly on Thursday

(it really IS dirty - just doesn't show up well) :shrug:
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Whose KLR with the "Sheriff" bags? :lol2: Looks great! gotta wonder though if there isn't some law somewhere against that if in fact it is not a sheriff's bike :wary: ;-)

It is Coastalcops and yes he is a sherriff. Had a great time and met a lot of great people. I cant wait to do it all over.
I'm planning next year's event for April 24-27. I still have some things to confirm before making the date official, but for planning purposes you can pencil in this date.
I'm planning next year's event for April 24-27.

There you have it from THE MAN. His guide book was excellent and worth the cost of registration, even if you didn't make the event. However, after looking over the book, you HAD to go!