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Mt. Hamilton, CA - my former stopping grounds


May 11, 2007
Reaction score
Celina, TX
For the past few months I have been traveling back and forth from CA to TX for work relocation. My bike is currently hanging out in TX but with so much traveling I haven't had much chance to ride in either state. Luckily last Tuesday the stars aligned, I got off work at a decent time and had the opportunity to take my friends Husky 450 up one of my favorite roads , Mt. Hamilton (about 10 minutes from my former house in SJ, CA). Here is the route. http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Q...&sspn=0.007898,0.014591&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=13&om=1
Any chance I will be finding any twisties like this in Plano? This is a pic of one of the wider turns on Mt. Hamilton.


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The group at the top of the road, nice mix of motor bikes.


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The beautiful steed I road up the Mountain. The 450 is a handful compared to my SM610. The powerband feels like a two stroke but a blast to ride.


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A view from almost the top. The observatory on top of the mountain is locked up at 5:00 but still a decent view a few hundred yards below.


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The friend I was borrowing the Husky from just picked up a DRZ SM. After riding to the top of the hill he was tired of the sloppy suspension and throttle response of the DRZ and made me ride the it back down the hill. The DRZ and Husky are totally different beasts but once I got used to the loose suspension and unresponsive power I think I was actually faster on the DRZ. It's nice to be able to whack open the throttle without getting sideways. If I had never ridden a Husky I would be in love with DRZ's.


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I was hoping to take more pictures to post up here but I was to busy riding. I am going to be in CA for a few more weeks. I will try and pull myself away from the rides and take some more pictures but I might get lost in the moment!

Also I know I sound negative about the DRZ SMs, they are awesome bikes but are seriously night and day performance compared to the Husky's. If you doubt me, come take my Husky for a ride :trust:

Hope you all like my pics, more to come in the next couple of weeks!
You are making it very hard to love Texas... :-P
You are making it very hard to love Texas... :-P
That's not the kind of post I want to hear to boost my self esteem for deciding to take the job offer to move to Texas, I haven't even posted any runs through the redwoods or near the beach. :tears:
Well, Texas IS a great place. However, as a riding enthusiast, there is a bit to be desired in that regard. It is not that there aren't some good roads here, but they are few and far between. Even the best do not compare to what you have out there... The good thing is that if you are in the Plano area, Western Arkansas is not to far away for doing fun weekends! There are some fantastic roads there :rider:
I am sure y'all will show me the way! The cost of living in Texas will make up for any of the beautiful roads in CA. Of course it helps to have great friends in CA that won't hesitate to loan me there bikes any time I visit. Then again as soon as I show those fools my CHL they will cry with envy. The grass is always greener on the other side but I can't wait to see what TX has to offer.

Ohh and BTW let's plan a trip to CA with no highways!
Any chance I will be finding any twisties like this in Plano? This is a pic of one of the wider turns on Mt. Hamilton.

Sadly, if you want something like that in Plano, you're going to have to build it yourself. :doh:
Also I know I sound negative about the DRZ SMs, they are awesome bikes but are seriously night and day performance compared to the Husky's. If you doubt me, come take my Husky for a ride :trust:
Don't say that, my husband might hear you :doh:
I would be hard pressed to move from that area to Plano- it would take several million reasons and then for a limited time. BTW what crime did you commit to be sent to Plano?:lol2:
Welcome to Texas!

As for Plano, the name should have been a clue!

-noun 1. a flat or level surface.

7. not beautiful; physically unattractive or undistinguished: a plain face.

10. with little or no embellishment, decoration, or enhancing elaboration: a plain blue suit.
11. without a pattern, figure, or device: a plain fabric.
12. not rich, highly seasoned, or elaborately prepared, as food: a plain diet.
13. flat or level: plain country.
14. unobstructed, clear, or open, as ground, a space, etc

Since the founders could not decide they added the O, it is just a plan o' city.

Awesome. Mt Ham (CA130) was about 15 minutes from home when I lived in CA. I would often run up to the observatory after work. It's one of my all-time favorite roads.
Yeah, the only twisties in DFW area are....... well when you find some, let me know. Nothing like the roads in the west.
Matt, welcome to Texas! It's going to be a big change from California, but if you give Texas a chance, you'll probably find that it can be a very cool place to live.

Here are just a few of the many reasons why:




Sounds like I am going to enjoy beer, food, Arkansas riding and Willie Nelson :sun:

Luckily I have good friends in CA that will always have a bike for me to ride and with the cost of living in TX I can afford to fly back as often as I want! I'm actually building a house in McKinney, it's a little better than Plano right???? How about the tracks in the DFW area, are they any good?

Ohh and Rocket Bunny I remember you from Snell Bux, how long have you been in Houston?
I lived on the other side of 'The Bay' and one of my favorite rides was Mt. Diablo with its incredible view. Plus the back roads in the Hills between Antioch and Livermore. I got to know those well since I lived in Concord and worked in Livermore.

Two rides I intend to do in the next 5 years is Hiway 1 from Ventura to San Francisco and the Lake Tahoe Loop. I'm hoping to do the lake and attend the Reno VStrom rally together.

I've been in Houston close to 5 years now and I'm still exploring. The hardest thing to get used to here is the highest point in Houston is the Atascocita Landfill. :lol2:

BTW - Does anyone know how long you have to ride Mt. Houston Rd. before you get to the mountain???
We used to climb up the back of Mt Hamilton via Mines Rd from Livermore. It's amazing that such a beautiful, mostly deserted road could be in such close proximity to a major urban area.

This weekend (or next) all my old buddies will ride the 25th Annual Pinecrest Ride. Leave the Bay Area, ton up across the valley, up 4 and over the pass to Markleeville for lunch, over Monitor, back westward on Sonora Pass, and overnight at the Pinecrest Inn (which has an excellent bar by the way).


Big sigh.

Welcome to Texas though - we have a different terrain, but some beautiful roads all the same. Great people too - life is all about change and adaption. You'll be ok.
