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Farewell Nebraska Rides (pic heavy!)

Sep 23, 2007
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Fate, TX
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I'm excited to be coming to TX. But for as excited as I am, there are a lot of great friends I've met here that are of the motorcycling persuasion; not the least of which is a young gal who uses the handle 'Saile' (Say-Lee). She's been the most eager to drop everything and go for a ride with me, and this is a photo-compilation of my last few rides in NE (sorry for the lack of DS-ness).

The movers come tomorrow to drag my XX and truck down to TX. Today was my last ride in NE (at least as an NE resident). This is a collection of photos of two days worth of short rides Saile and I took. It is a bit bittersweet. I'll miss the rolling hills, the beautiful farmlands, and the wide open spaces of NE and IA. I won't miss those terribly long, dark, cold winters though!

Yeah, just corn, but there's something so beautiful about it when the sun is in it's golden hour and the azure skies are providing backdrop.



Train, train... Came thundering along past us... not the last one we'd encounter in two days

A favorite barn. I don't know why.
Barn along the Bluffs. This road meanders at the foot of the bluffs. There are some nice roads winding through these 'hills'

Yeah, that's a curve... in NE!

Saile's steed looking handsome (if somewhat naked) on L34

Cutie and the beasts?

Handsome machine
Another good shot of the old 'Bird

Fun at Vorthman's (used to be the BBMart... always will be in my head). They are a mom & pop type place. They only take cash. The locals in the town of about 30 (a WAG) seem to take turns owning and running the joint. Currently, and older fella does the deed.

Here's inside the BBMart. I particularly like the tacky plastic deer head and the sign hanging above it that reads "Crop failure society club meets here".

Getting ready to hit the road after two long, tall, waters in what must have been stolen Pizza Hut cups

More corners

The rides, waiting to be ridden some more

At the Lewis and Clark Memorial. A beautiful place overlooking Omaha and Council Bluffs. There's a spectacular view of the winding Missouri River and the foliage is showing the first signs of the coming autumn.


The memorial itself

Saile, trying to be cheerful knowing that we won't be riding much anymore.


Good foliage shots

ust look at that view, with Omaha towering in the hazy distance. It was an amazingly beautiful day.


More of the actual Memorial

I jokingly put voices to the carving and said "Hey, nice melons" to which I got a sharp jab in the ribs and Saile correcting me "Those are gourds..." :rolleyes:
We decided to stop for a drink at one of the places I like, which is directly across the river in the NE side of things. It looks out over the Missouri into IA. They're doing a lot of bridge construction that somewhat spoiled the scenery, but, you take what you can get.

Rick's Boatyard

I dunno what I want!

This tug reminded me of a Golden Books story I used to like when I was just a kid.

Apparently hobos are getting really frisky these days. Whoda thunk you would have to paint "DO NOT HUMP" on a train car?

We were stuck behind that train for a LONG time. Two Harley's rolled up behind us as I was stretched out on my XX with my feet on the windscreen and my head on the pillion area. I didn't pay them much attention, I think, to their frustration.

And that pretty much concluded the day. We wound our way back through the Old Market area, then into Bellevue where I live. I nestled the XX into the garage for one more night's stay. In the morning, it'll be packed up and shipped out. I'm already suffering from separation anxiety; I will readily admit that I do not like the idea of other's having sole custody of my bike.

As I'd said earlier, this is a very bittersweet thing. While I've had many reasons to enjoy and embrace this move, I also have a lot to mourn. I've always maintained that this is a land of extremes. Extreme summers, extreme winters. Extreme everything... Lots of things were good here, and there were a few bad (as there are anywhere) but overall I'm left with a feeling of sadness at my departure. I think I'll miss Saile very much; she's been a great riding partner and an even better friend to me and my family (as is her father).

Farewell Nebraska!
Welcome to the Lone Star State JM.
The best thing about having a riding buddy back in another state is having a great excuse for a road trip.

I'm sure you've already invited Saile down to explore Texas too.
Beautiful pictures! thanks for sharing your memories of NE with us.
The deer heads you see in places here will tend to be real ones. You'll have to make your way down here to see some the varied terrain Texas has to offer.
Nice report! Invite Saile down in January for a nice ride :-P
Johny Monsoon, nice name.
The flat lands are as beautiful as the mountains or the hills. IMHO. Welcome to Tejas.

I did not notice what part of the lone star state you are moving to.

I've traveled Nebraska's interstate corridor from west to east and back. And when my son was stationed at Offut, I spent a fair amount of time in Bellevue and Omaha. I've driven Hwy. 75 from Tulsa to Omaha a number of times.
And I'm one of those rare birds who thinks that both Kansas and Nebraska are beautiful. And with nice hills scattered around. I enjoyed the pix.:clap:

Welcome to Texas. You'll find good riding here, too.
To compound his misery he well most likely be in Houston or the Metro Mess. Neither of which is known for the riding!

:nana: :duck:
Howdy all! Well I finally got my internet working in my temp place, which means I can finally get online without having to go to a public place.

To answer the question of where I am (which I foolishly omitted earlier): I'm currently in Rockwall, but will soon be moving just a bit east to Royse City into a pretty new home (though I wish the yard were a bit bigger).

The more I'm here, the more I like it. Yeah, I'm drinkin' the Texas Kool-Aid. I've lived in quite a few states, and visited the rest, but I love TX. I'm happy to be able to call it home.

Anyway, if anyone is up around my way, I'd love to get some riding in.