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Skull Creek Race/Scared Helmets and Burnt Crotches


Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
Magnolia, Texas
First Name
Skull Creek/Scarred Helmets and Burnt Crotches

The race reporter did not show up again so here I go.

If you have ever ridden Skull Creek you either hate it or love it. With the land being a sand pit every time you show up to race it is a different course. They have just about ruined the entire property so trying to find 8+ miles for a race course was difficult. If you were not in the sand you were on HARD packed concrete type dirt. There was maybe 1/4 mile of woods and more sandy uphills than you could find at LA Dunes in Claiborne, La.

Saturday practice started out okay I did two really fast laps and then decided to go for a 3rd. I get about a mile from the start and hit an open sandy section that has a 15' drop off and the end. I had taken the far right side the first 2 laps with no problem so I hit the same spot again. I guess with all the traffic the bottom became really soft. I drop off the edge and suddenly I realize that it is a completely vertical drop. When I hit the bottom the front tire sinks in and I feel the bike coming over. I end up face down in the sand and I have a moment of thought. The thought was Oh Crap where did my bike go??? About that time BAM I get hit in the head with the rim that is still spinning. I could feel the spokes so I quickly knocked the bike off my head.


Somehow after knocking the bike off my head I find myself under it. I have one leg free and the other is somehow caught on the shifter. I am kind of in a panic because I can hear bikes coming and I am at the bottom of a blind hill in a very bad position. I start kicking the bike with my free leg but it wont move. I stop and try to figure out what is wrong and I see that my shifter had managed to get caught up in my knee brace. When I push on the bike it pull me and the brace when I pull it does the same thing. I cannot lift the bike case I am sitting on my butt and cannot get any leverage. About that time a bike come flying off the hill and clears me by several feet but then thank goodness a guy stops right at the top of the hill and asks if I am okay. I tell him I am stuck and about that time another guy comes off the hill but he stops also. They both lift the bike up so I can get the shifter out and I get up. One of the guys makes a comment about my pants but I just wanted to get on the bike and go. I thanked them, got on the bike and move out of the way. While trying to catch my breath I look down at my crotch area and I see what he was talking about.



Somehow while squirming around trying the get the bike off the head pipe was sitting in my lap. Luckily It did not burn through my riding shorts. I am sure I felt the heat but the adrenalin must have blocked it out.

Anyway, onto the race.

Worst race race every, I had 0 confidence in the sand and halfway through I wanted to go home and cry to my mother, and that is only because my wife would have called me a Wuss!:doh:

Erik beat my butt fair and square and he even tried to give me 3rd place but I wouldn't take it. It was a fun race batteling with him.

I guess I will have to wait a couple of weeks and then head to San Antonio to try and avenge my poor showing. Thank goodness Erik will be riding in the Rockies.:giveup:
Sand really seems to be a love/hate thing for most riders :lol2:

No pics of the course, the bike, or other bikes... Are you sure you didn't burn the pant's with your wifes curling iron... :ponder: :-P

I like sand... but not at a race pace :eek2: Glad no one landed on you... That could have been ugly!
The last thing I want is to see pics of that race. :eek2: There were people talking for two days about all the wrecks and bikes laying on people. Honestly I did not think they had enough Ambulances but from what I understand nobody was transported and I only heard of one broken hand/arm and that was on a Pro Rider named Jerry Evans who is a MSRA/Outlaw member. There is supposed to be pics being loaded on the STORM site but I aint looking
I think this photo shows a little of what they were fighting at Skull Creek. Mopower is on the gas trying to keep the wheels up and running as high as possible in the sand. Even with that, it is easy to tell the sand is just below his axles. The ruts changed on every lap due to the sand. Not a one groove track cause there was no real groove in this area.


If you stop and try to continue you may find your bike with the swingarm underground
Tony, That is the only thing I have to be proud of, I got the hole shot:rider:

After that it was all bad:doh:
Tim, be glad you were on the 300. It would have really be rough if you were on a heavier bike.

Glad you didn't get burned.
Nice shots Tony !!!!

For me good and bad...Sat practice ,going down a steep downhill ,i hit some kind of bush,which stopped my bike dead and threw me over the bars all the way to the bottom :eek2: ,,about another 15-20 ft. Leaving my bike upside down inside this bush full of vines. Climbed up,got bike finished practice.
Race day......Got a good start behind Tim and managed to get in the lead after the sand hill..:sun: ..But about 2-3 miles in ,while in the lead,made a dumb mistake trying to cut a turn inside,caught some brush and went down.:eek2: .Got to watch everyone go by .:doh: . Got bike going and began to charge....Caught up to Tim just before scoring after the second lap...Was able to get by him in the sand bomb run. Actually pulled away a little bit ,but got stuck in some brush on an easy little uphill,got bike out and got going ,but that let Tim catch right up.....Thinking this would be last lap,i figured i just had to ride smart and smooth, it didn't work out that way....Climbed up a big uphill and at top front tire hit a rut and threw me to the ground,,,,again..:doh: .Trying to pick up bike,,,Tim goes whizzing by,,,,,,charged again and got him in sight in the grass track,,a few seconds behind him at scoring and was told "one more lap ".
Couldn't get by him in the sand bomb run,,,,,but stayed close enough in the dirt section,that i was able to get by him in the second deep sand section,,,he stayed on my back tire . We caught the 2nd place rider crossing the road into the last windy wood section, where i tried a move that failed miserably and sent me flying off the track thru some more weeds,but managed to hold onto the bike and stay ahead of Tim at the finish.
All in all a good day for taking two soil samples..:rider: .....But between the over the bars on Sat and a couple weed trips on Sun...I have got one nasty case of poison ivy all over my arms ,chest and back....It itches really bad !!!!:doh: :rofl:
Wish i could go to San Antonio and battle with Tim some more...I really have fun racing with him....and would like one more chance to try and beat Brian (D25),but ,,,oh well,,,gotta go to Denver for work and take in some riding in the Rocky mountains.

Good Luck at Zars Tim,,Alex and Pops !!!:clap: :clap:

Erik, I will be Honest, I am glad your going to Denver. You have gotten faster over the last four races and I am afraid that you may have my number:giveup: :lol2:

Hopefully next year you will come up to the B class and we can have some more fun. Every race you have been at has been a blast, well maybe not SkullCreek:doh:
Thanks Tim,, but i don't know about having your number.....you were putting a pretty good whoopin on me at outlaw......I just rode that place a little better this time,,actually got to where i was liking the sand runs.
Don't know about B class yet ?????
I think some of it has to do with the races being every other week, i'm actually riding regular,instead of not riding for a month or two at a time.
During the off season,i need to get out with you and some of your fast buddies and take some lessons. And get back to riding with pops.

I have no doubt you'll do great at Zars !!!!!

Dang, sounds like a tough one. heh Sorry about all that going on at Skull Creek. We are currently searching for new property for TRH as well as working to cut new trail back further on the property where they have not dug yet. I asked about that at the last meeting, so keep your eyes open and maybe we can find TRH a new big property. :)
Dang, sounds like a tough one. heh Sorry about all that going on at Skull Creek. We are currently searching for new property for TRH as well as working to cut new trail back further on the property where they have not dug yet. I asked about that at the last meeting, so keep your eyes open and maybe we can find TRH a new big property. :)

I hope y'all can find a new big property. Like was said earlier, you either love or hate Skull Creek. I know several that love it but me........... well just say that I think those others are a little touched. :mrgreen: Heck one of those is one of my sons, so I know there must be something wrong with him. :lol2:
I was kind of intiminated (sp) at first,being i had never rode there before,,and hearing horror stories and then seeing all that sand....But by the end of the race,i really liked it....Kinda hard on the equiptment, but a blast to ride.
Just saw this thread from Skull Creek. Can’t believe it close before I got to ride there…. My daughter was young and I stayed near Home🤯


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It is a shame TRH has not gotten another lease. But property is getting very hard to fine in large acreage these days. Too many commies coming from Kali. Leases are very very expensive.