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The long road to nowhere!!

Oct 19, 2006
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El Paso
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Well, i was able to get off from work early Saturday morning. Leo and Karmann picked me up and we headed out about 2am. Our destination: Blythe California for my Grandmothers Celebration of life. Our family doesn't seem to like funerals very much, Grandma wanted a party instead.

The road was long and dark. I-10 was like a ghost town. Very few trucks out on the road. It took us about 4 hours to reach Texas Canyon. We stopped at the Thing, but it was closed. Luckilly, i was able to get some Sunrise pictures as we were coming out of the canyon.

Southern Arizona was beautiful as always. I don't know why I prefer the Arizona desert over the El Paso desert...hmm...something to ponder. Anyway, we made it into Tuscon in time for breakfast. We wanted to eat at the Waffle House, but unfortunately, the construction along I-10 was not condusive to our breakfast plans. But, as luck would have it, the very last exit out of town and the first one without construction, lead us to a waffle house where we enjoyed a wonderful breakfast.

One hour later, we were back on the road. We got to Blythe about noon. not bad time. It was hot as always, but nice. Got to see all my family. Some I hadn't seen for over 20 years.

We left CA Sunday morning after Grandma's service. During the trip back, I decided to snap some pictures of the cacti with my camera from the moving car.

We wanted to stop in Tombstone so we high tailed it out of CA and into AZ, stopping only for gas. We made it into Tombstone in time to catch the sunset. Tombstone is a wonderful place to be when the sun goes down. We kept our eyes out for spirits but didn't see any. Oh well, maybe next trip.

We walked around for a little while and then headed to the car so that we could get to the Thing. Good thing to, because we made it there in time for the guy to tell us that it was closing in 5 minutes. So, we couldn't get to take the museum tour. That was ok, we had already seen it several times before anyway.

all in all, it was a great trip. I can't wait until we can make it on the bikes. Well, at least to Tombstone!!!

Karmann in Tombstone

Arizona Sunset

The Road to Tombstone


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Glad you made it back safe and sound. Good pics, too. Karmann is a little cutie!
OK. I'll bite, what is the 'Thing' you speak of? Is this a must see in AZ? You have my curiosity up, but somehow I think if I put Thing into Google I might break it. :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:
The "Thing" is a roadside attraction. The Highways across Arizona are littered with them. All selling various goodies like rattle snake rattles, snake skin hat bands, kachina dolls, silver and turquoise jewelry, and on and on. The population is so scarce in the desert that this may and often is the only industry for many miles. Think of National Lampoons Vacation where he runs the car off the road in the middle of the desert and you get the idea.
OK. I'll bite, what is the 'Thing' you speak of? Is this a must see in AZ? You have my curiosity up, but somehow I think if I put Thing into Google I might break it. :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:

I can't tell you. If I did, I'd have to kill you!!!!

What I can tell you is that behind the sovenier (sp) store and Dairy Queen (yes, there is a gas station and Dairy Queen) is a little museum where "THE THING" is stored....

Here is s link that might peak your interest:

It's right at the top of Texas Canyon so is a beautiful ride. From there, you can take the road to Tombstone and then down through Bisbee. Great weekend jaunt!:rider: