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"The Oasis of my Soul"... A Lifelong Journey on the road...

Wandering through other Texas towns...

If Spirit could only hear you!!!... He would...


Wandering through other Texas towns…

An empty and desolate road, some turkeys I could not get close enough to take pictures of, nice cool breeze, this was all on the way to Ft Davis. Terlingua is behind us for a little while, I long for some bit of distance riding, some new roads and new scenery. The highlight of the day was seeing Ron and Marsha Cox making brooms! Something you probably don’t even notice in the stores… replaced by these noise making machines called vacuum cleaners. These are the same brooms made since the 1800’s. You might even think that the Desert might be getting to us, as Spirit is of course part of this (!!!), well, maybe. But, besides just riding, it is also fun to watch and learn Artisans at their Craft, specially when it is such an ancient one.
Lots of little Texas towns around here… because, yes, we have moved to Alpine… near Alpine anyhow.
It is all in the Blog

Be well… Ara & Spirit
A little more riding, Texas


A little more riding, Texas

Sometimes I just don’t know how to title the day! Do they all need a title?… sometimes it is helpful and sometimes not. Today is the continuation of yesterday, such common sense… right? There is always so much that happens, so much we see and experience, which makes me wonder if we could ever live any other way from this point on! Maybe if we had to. More time spend in Ft Davis, a visit to the Mc Donald Observatory with an invitation to return tomorrow morning and check out the behind the scenes of this unique telescope. The fog is rolling in right now, rain or shine we will be there!
More on the Blog…

Be well… Ara & Spirit
Spirit goes to School! Texas


Spirit goes to School! Texas

He did! Valentine School, between Marfa and Van Horn… We had a great time, touched by all the kids (there is only 2 seniors) that wanted and did play with him and fed him treats. I think they will remember him as I will remember them. This was today in some great weather in contrast with yesterday’s storms and rain and fog while we did go for a private tour at the Mc Donald Observatory which we will write about next time.
Just so proud of him… thinking just a few years ago he was in a shelter laying with his head down not even barking when all the other dogs were! He has come such a long way… today was proof of it!
More on the Blog…Be well… always…. Ara & Spirit
A private tour of the HET, Texas


A private tour of the HET, Texas

HET stands for Hobby-Eberly Telescope, near Ft Davis, in total fog the day we went back for the private tour. Quite an experience I must say. A beautifully designed telescope, Artwork in my eyes, the world’s 3rd largest instrument for astronomers to study what is millions of light years away… It has brought up some thoughts about how minuscule we ourselves are in this vast Universe as we are passing through comparatively for such a short time.
Spirit patiently waited outside, cover and coat on without a complain. As usual, cool and collected just waiting, such a perfect companion and buddy.
Hope you enjoy the few pictures of this memorable day, all on the Blog...

Be well…

Ara & Spirit
Man I wish I knew you were coming up to the HET. Unfortunately I was down in Fort Davis that day. :doh: Would have loved to have met you and Spirit in person.

Be safe and hopefully see you next time when you come up to the HET.


HET Systems Analyst
The Christmas Art Show, Texas

Hi Mike... so there was one more rider!!! Next time...


The Christmas Art Show, Texas

Well, it was not all that bad after all. Sold about 2/3rd of the 75 Art Cards I had prepared, mostly local scenes, and a few bags of the Spirited Doggie Treats. Learned a couple lessons of course! Never set up outside on fine dirt in windy condition even if I am told to do so… because obviously the locals had reserved, most likely a year in advance the best indoor spots!
It was nice to talk about our Journey to the curious ones, watch the expression of the on lookers stopping to glance at the table I had set up, listening to the local talented musicians and of course eat some excellent home made tamales…
Sunny today, but cold… 27 degrees this morning and the heaters are still going full blast!
Enjoy the Blog!
Be well… Ara & Spirit
Ara, that photo that you took back in October of all the dual sport bikes by Kathy's; do you know the name of that event? It was a great photo, and now it has me wanting to head out there next year to join in the fun.
Yes, Spirit sure is a good sport, Ara. Is he gonna be an Easter Bunny next year too? ;-) :rider: :sun:
Yes, Spirit sure is a good sport, Ara. Is he gonna be an Easter Bunny next year too? ;-) :rider: :sun:

That picture is great - his face kinda says "I can't believe I am doing this..."

Sending him some treats by way of Ed and Elzi...
Last call for Terlingua, Texas

I have to say that it has been nice baking Treats... he is the official "tester"... I will get him a white coat soon!!! H yet has turned down any!!!


Last call for Terlingua, Texas

The Chisos did not hold back their last curtain call on our departure from Terlingua. It was not a spectacle to miss or will forget soon. Could the word “WOW” say it all?
350 miles or so to the east we have already covered, primitive camping near Del Rio, right on the water in the Amistad National Park. Back to the basics, no running electricity or water. There is a sense of dependence on ones self living as is, and I like it. We are only a few miles from Acuna in Mexico, and as a Blog reader, Mary Jo also traveling with her Pit Bull is camping near by, we will join forces and go to town to explore a bit of the local colors.
I could not help myself writing a few more thoughts about the Christmas Art Show… it seems like I say it the way it is on the Blog.

Till next time, you all be well…

Ara & Spirit
In Acuna, Mexico

Real unique sunrises an sunsets here!


In Acuna, Mexico

All yesterday’s pictures while in Acuna, Mexico, have this grey cast, a blanket that would not lift itself off. Today in contrast the weather has heated up, the skies are bright and blue and we are wearing short sleeve T shirts! Acuna is only a few miles from here and will need to experience one more time, with Spirit also… as I left him behind in camp alone for a few hours. I missed him and at the same time my cautious mind was glad to have the experience alone and judge later how we would do together back again. I remember being in Germany visiting my mother where dogs where allowed everywhere, even in Restaurants! Now that would be a great world to live in, it would actually be so incredibly nice. But, not being the case we do what we can with what we are given.
A nice day it was, hope the Blog transports you there even if it just for a little while.
Be well…

Ara & Spirit
Re: In Acuna, Mexico

Real unique sunrises an sunsets here!


In Acuna, Mexico

All yesterday’s pictures while in Acuna, Mexico, have this grey cast, a blanket that would not lift itself off. Today in contrast the weather has heated up, the skies are bright and blue and we are wearing short sleeve T shirts! Acuna is only a few miles from here and will need to experience one more time, with Spirit also… as I left him behind in camp alone for a few hours. I missed him and at the same time my cautious mind was glad to have the experience alone and judge later how we would do together back again. I remember being in Germany visiting my mother where dogs where allowed everywhere, even in Restaurants! Now that would be a great world to live in, it would actually be so incredibly nice. But, not being the case we do what we can with what we are given.
A nice day it was, hope the Blog transports you there even if it just for a little while.
Be well…

Ara & Spirit

Just read your blog entry. I need to take some photos of the pizza delivery scooters when I go home next week. Let's say the Domino's Pizza a few blocks from my house has a nice fleet of Vespas...:trust:
You'd be amazed what people can do with bikes everywhere else in the world. Back home is very common (or at least it used to) to see street knife sharpeners...They set up a grinder on the back of a vespa, run a belt to the rear wheel, and put the scooter on its center stand. They would go door to door too.
More of Acuna, Mexico, and some Pies...

Would love to see pictures! great idea about the knife sharpening... so how do I do that with a shaft drive?:lol2:


More of Acuna, Mexico and some Pies…

What an irony that on this incredibly sunny day the wind kept us inside! One of those where I had to reset the Internet Dish 3 times and add some tie downs for fear of it to blow away. We were also told to stay close as Law Enforcement was looking for 3 smugglers on foot… and wet after bailing out of their boat when caught by the Border Patrol… How exciting and… relaxing day before the Holiday creeping up on us. We went to the incredible “Whitehead Museum” here yesterday in Del Rio, I don’t think very well known, but definitely not to miss, so I had many pictures to go through for the next Blog. I am also getting ready to make Spirit’s Christmas present… you will see it soon!
Reorganizing some cabinets… you know… all that boring stuff that needs to get done eventually.
Today’s Blog is the rest of our visit in Acuna and also a couple Pies that I made which I hope you will try to duplicate. Always feel free to send me your questions… love to help!
Till next time, you all be well and hope that you and your family are ready to celebrate.

Ara & Spirit
Happy Holidays from the road, 2007


Happy Holidays from the Road, 2007

It is all quiet now, one camper, I can barely see them either, and that is about all for this whole area! Many ducks on the water, but they just don’t know what day it is.
Spirit’s present is ready… a huge… but you will have to wait for the pictures!
Even the Internet is quiet, amazing how one can feel it being here remote from it all.
I think tomorrow we will go back and spend Christmas Day in Acuna. I have no idea if the vendors will be out on the streets, if the celebration will be present, as if it is, should be very colorful and joyful. I do know “Feliz Navidad” and we will get along just fine…
In the meantime, some pictures of the “Whitehead Museum” and Happy Holidays to you all… friends, readers, everyone we have been in touch with at some point or another and everyone we will be in touch with!
Our Best Wishes to you all… as always.

Ara & Spirit
Happy Holidays you two! Keep warm out there - and keep an eye on the open sky tonight for a small red light... ;-)
Merry Christmas Ara and Spirit

Warm days and pleasent nights (and to add abit) good friends &cookies
Happy holidays Ara!!! No pictures of creative uses for a Vespa, other than a BIG Santa on one!
How was your Christmas? Tx

Thank you all... and thanks specially for the picture!!! Awesome... will save that one...


How was your Christmas? TX

We have started to move on today, and besides the border towns in Mexico, hopefully will see Piedras Negras tomorrow, the area does not excite us. We feel back into civilization, and for that reason I think we will take a bit of a Northern route to head East. Maybe Garner State Park… and then on Galveston State Park… Louisiana…
We had a fun day yesterday, specially with Spirit’s Christmas present… He did not quite know what to make of it first, but, as the official tester of the “Spirited Doggie Treats”, he gets an A+ for approving the new Peanut Butter flavor!!!
The heater is fixed… a little gizmo the size of a button was fried… all is well.
Lets see where we land tomorrow! Tonight is Eagles Pass…
You be well… and thank you for all the Best Wishes you have send us…
Ara & Spirit
Piedras Negras, MX


Piedras Negras, Mx

As usual we have not kept our word regarding the taken route and are now parked in Luling, Texas. Slowly going East… confronting civilization, loosing ground on the open spaces… deserts… canyons.
We are visiting a friend, Donna, who is also a motorcyclist. This is the start of her own Journey and it has been interesting to watch how others handle the many daily situations that arise.
She researches everything much more than I do. In less than 24 hours I have already found out about “things” I did not know… I have a simpler approach to it all… there is no right or wrong as long as we all remain safe on our path.
A short visit to Piedras Negras on the Blog… wishing I had some of those Tacos today again for breakfast! I will need to start making my own…
San Antonio is near by… we have been thinking about seeing the lights at the River Walk at night, would be for a cold ride back but we both have heated gear.
Enjoy the pictures… lots of them today!!!
You be well… as always.
Ara & Spirit

Made by us on the road while traveling… “Spirited Doggie Treats” and “Art Cards”… put Spirit to work…
Re: Piedras Negras, MX


Piedras Negras, Mx

As usual we have not kept our word regarding the taken route and are now parked in Luling, Texas. Slowly going East… confronting civilization, loosing ground on the open spaces… deserts… canyons.
We are visiting a friend, Donna, who is also a motorcyclist. This is the start of her own Journey and it has been interesting to watch how others handle the many daily situations that arise.
She researches everything much more than I do. In less than 24 hours I have already found out about “things” I did not know… I have a simpler approach to it all… there is no right or wrong as long as we all remain safe on our path.
A short visit to Piedras Negras on the Blog… wishing I had some of those Tacos today again for breakfast! I will need to start making my own…
San Antonio is near by… we have been thinking about seeing the lights at the River Walk at night, would be for a cold ride back but we both have heated gear.
Enjoy the pictures… lots of them today!!!
You be well… as always.
Ara & Spirit

Made by us on the road while traveling… “Spirited Doggie Treats” and “Art Cards”… put Spirit to work…

Well that would be my luck....to have you and Donna (I know her from another forum) almost around the corner and here I am, several thousand miles away... How long will you be staying in Texas until you leave for Atlanta?

Great report on Piedras Negras, BTW. I'm always amazed how you manage to capture the spirit of the moment in your pictures... you have a great eye for photography!