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December End of the Year Pie Run XII 2007

The Pie Run version of Everywhere Texas can be downloaded as a PC executable here. It is 38 megabytes and the download speed is erratic and can be very slow - just be patient, it will eventually finish. The PC program displays higher resolution images than even the DVD version.

It is also on You Tube. It's lower res but viewable...

I have DVDs made that will either run as a DVD or a PC program. I'll have some at local M&Gs - just ask for one. I can mail 'em to others - send me a PM.

The DVD works great on my puter. But when I tried to play it in the living room on the DVD player, no sound :scratch: Video worked fine though :shrug:
Okay, here are my pics, such as they are...

:tab Beth and I arrived about 5:30pm to find several bikes already in the lot.



:tab People were milling about inside while we waited for the food and last minute people to show up.



Jbay and his wife, Stephanie


RockmanTex's wife, Sheri

Brandy and Bill "DFW_Warrior"

:tab Once the food arrived, a quick blessing and we were all over it :eat:


:tab The rugrats were waiting anxiously...



:tab The apple pie rocked. Here are the goods...





:tab Time for post dinner pics while Squeaky gets the multimedia stuff ready to go. The food was great!


Graubart and his wife, Loretta

Mikecontex and his wife Cynthia

JacknTexas, Pkiser and Bluebomber

Prhaussies (in back), Tina (Jackntexas' wife) and Bambi (Pkiser's wife - yes... that is her real name :-P)

Rockmantex and his wife, Sheri

Scott in center, Bill on right

Wczimmernan a.k.a. The Pie Man

Voyagerider's wife, Kathy, and friend Betty
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The DVD works great on my puter. But when I tried to play it in the living room on the DVD player, no sound :scratch: Video worked fine though :shrug:

There is ONE of the selections - the slides only - that has no sound. The other 3 should play with sound.

The selections are:
Pie Run version - 6 minutes
Original Everywhere Texas with credits - 5.5 minutes
Original - Song only - 3.5 minutes
Original - just slides with constant timing & NO sound - 10 minutes

Maybe that's the problem? :ponder:
I tried the upper left selection, which I think is the full Pie Run Version :shrug: I will try again tomorrow just to be sure ;-)
We had a great time on the ride down to College Station, at the Pie Run, and on the ride home.
Kathy and I started out from Burleson just south of Ft. Worth where we meet up with Buck & Betty. We rode in 27 degree weather down to Hillsboro where we stopped to have breakfast, and get off the interstate.
We made our way over to FM308 where we turned south. We made a stop in Penelope for the first of 5 geocaches we were going to attempt this day. We made our way on to RR339 going south next. Going thru such exotic places as Mount Calm, Prairie Hill, Ben Hur, and Kosse. At Kosse we picked up SR14 going thru Bremond then unto SR6, and then on into Byran & College Station. We got the last of our geocaches in town at this interesting site.


We didn't take very many pics at the dinner. Our batteries went dead in the camera, but here are few:


Chris & Ralph


Buck & Betty


Don't know his name, but I thought the shirt was neat. Buck didn't think so.

On the way home we rode north on FM974 to OSR on t FM2446 up thru New Baden. At New Badden we did this geocache where we snapped this pic:


Last Confederate Soldier-General Walter W. Williams. Died at 117 years of age in 1959. He went for his 1st airplane at 100, rode a horse at 103, and shot his last deer at 107. Neat site.
Then north on FM2096 to SR7 then unto FM2749. At Thorton we got unto SR14 into Groesbeck. We stayed on SR 14 to SR171 into Hillsboro the on the interstate and home.
Great ride going and coming. Great time with new friends, and hope to have more.