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Rode the Rio and then some.......

I'm not on a soapbox or anything, but I'm calling on some things that occurred in and around Big Bend on this trip. I'm calling a spade a spade. It's time we do something about this before we lose privileges to use the private and public roads in that area, and realize what impact, real and perceived, we have on the state and national parks, local communities and support staff.

I put the comments in another thread (post) to avoid hot debate here. If anyone wants to debate these issues, let's confine it to that thread and not here. But riders should be aware that we are on the verge of losing privileges in some of the most beautiful country we have in this nation.

I don't want to see that happen and I don't think the rest of you do either.

Back to the good times........
skychicken said:
I passed a few of you on Glenn Springs Rd Saturday, I was on my black KLR. anyways, I found a foot peg and bracket on River Rd later that day. Figured it might belong to someone in your group. I live in Austin and can mail it out to someone if they claim it.


It just so happens that I could really use a left side KLR footpeg and mounting bracket... :mrgreen: We found out at lunch that someone else saw it and did not stop to pick it up... Had to razz him :-P

Squeaky, you forgot to mention that the Northern Missouri Gooseberry pie is the proper stuff and not that nasty Southern Missouri stuff... :lol2:
Made it home safe!
Later i´ll post more and put some pictures.
It really was a lot more tha I expected, it´s gonna take me a long to forget your Texan hospilality, had a great great time:rider: :rider: :rider:

Glad you could make it Antonio! I enjoyed the brief visit around the fire. I hope you can come again, or we can head your way. Are your brothers jealous yet?! :lol2:
Glad you could make it Antonio! I enjoyed the brief visit around the fire. I hope you can come again, or we can head your way. Are your brothers jealous yet?! :lol2:

It´s more than jealous, but I don´t know the exact word without swering (badword) or writing something i ain´t alout to write here.
Anyway, I also did have a great time by the fire with everyone there, too bad my English is not that good, I could speak some more with you guys, learn some tricks. After i saw some of the pictures on the forum off road, i felt like going to those places, maybe next time, we´ll see.
Anytime you want to come down here, all of you are more than welcome, there are some good roads (and also off road)to travel, for example real close to me, there´s a real nice place called Cuatro Cienegas, Coah. about an hour driving, and it´s very nice to look and ride, you should look for it in the internet.I´ll send some links so you can see it later.
Full moon and black moon?

That got my bundivided attention.
Back home at midnight last night- threw the chain off between Marathon & Sanderson Hwy 90-lost the master link&clip -luckily had a spare- unlucky was it was the wrong size- The owner at the Desert INN at Sanderson, assisted me in drilling the links larger (not easy)so that this link would fit and then drove me back to the bike (30 miles) What a Guy- Highly Recommend the Motel-
Thanks to all who helped get me back on the road! Also to Mike who had come along and watched my stuff until I returned.
It was a long trip at 55, as I didn't want to stress the chain.
Had a great time and enjoyed everyone & everyplace.

Thanks again, Roger!!

Mike Frederick
My weekend lasted a little longer after working on the bike friday and saturday morning everything worked out , A good ride saturday afternoon . Left sunday around noon , I rode the Devils river canyon on 163 , stopped in Junction sunday nite . detoured thru New Braunfels today and bought a new Simpson DS helmet , Got home a little after noon . The riding was awsome as usual . I talked to the Busa rider sunday at Kathys , he is a locale and a nice guy with not a whole lot of bike experence , in particular not 200 hp bikes , something about having to change pants when he got home . And the new deputy was his first night on the job and probly his last when the locals talk to the boss . Viva Terlinqua ...SEYA
Porque yo sabe solo un poquito. Mi (ex)esposo son Salvedoreno.

Plus I always get the verbs wrong and you wouldn't have understood me... :doh:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

And where was him, He could help me understand many jokes i didn´t get back there

This is really like a "trophy picture" for me

Another great picture I took
Pics from my buddy Jeff:

Jeff's '08 KLR

Rich and Connie at Long Draw Pizza. Long Draw serves the coldest beer in Brewster County

Connie and Jeff at Long Draw Pizza

Making the official "Uncle's Ride the Rio" sign

Coordinating SAR (Search and Rescue) efforts for the "Lost Rider"

A brief stop during Connie's first ride, atop the scenic "Hill" on Hwy 170

Connie and the Super Sherpa

Santa Elana Canyon

Rio Grande flowing east from Santa Elana Canyon

Uncle, Rich, & Connie on the Front Porch
Back home at midnight last night- threw the chain off between Marathon & Sanderson Hwy 90-lost the master link&clip -luckily had a spare- unlucky was it was the wrong size- The owner at the Desert INN at Sanderson, assisted me in drilling the links larger (not easy)so that this link would fit and then drove me back to the bike (30 miles) What a Guy- Highly Recommend the Motel-
Thanks to all who helped get me back on the road! Also to Mike who had come along and watched my stuff until I returned.
It was a long trip at 55, as I didn't want to stress the chain.
Had a great time and enjoyed everyone & everyplace.

Thanks again, Roger!!

Mike Frederick
Good to see you made it home sorry I was not more help to ya. How long did it take to drill the link out?
WOW - what a great time.
It might be a bit early for next year but I AM IN

Our camp site, with easy access to the parking lot of the motor inn

Thursday Morning

The cobbler run

Some of the pack


The Ninja Princess [aka EchoBoom]



DFW_Burgman and Tourmister

Tourmeister taking a picture of me take a picture of him taking a picture of me ....... you get the picture

Some Action Shots

Squeaker in the dirt




Tourmeister fixing the broken peg (just before it fell off) and Rusty helping out by taking pictures

Some completely unstaged pictures

Ninja_Princess (second street ride ever and she tames Big Bend)

Best looking KLR



Bill, Ed & Elzi

The River Road Bikes

All my pictures can be located at http://s117.photobucket.com/albums/o61/Calgary-Yogi/RIoPics-All/
That cann't be DFW......................................................................... the bike is upright.:rofl:

:giveup: :giveup: Hey now... I'll have you know, I only had to touch a foot down once during the entire ride. And that was completely my fault for over cooking that corner on River Road.:eek2:
I talked to the Busa rider sunday at Kathys , he is a locale and a nice guy with not a whole lot of bike experence , in particular not 200 hp bikes , something about having to change pants when he got home . And the new deputy was his first night on the job and probly his last when the locals talk to the boss . Viva Terlinqua ...SEYA
Okay, can someone relate the story here? I heard bits and pieces, mostly from Roger, but he was as in the dark about what went on as most of us.
Theres a couple of stories that I am still waiting on to be told. Busa Rider, Lost Rider, amung a few. Maybe I am just being nosey, but I will say that you all have my attention!
'Viva Terlingua'.... I like that, David.
And I'd much rather be there now than this rat hole of a city, rather be laying in my bag with the stars and moon twinkling through the mesh of my tent, and my coyote buddies yapping and hollaring nearby. Out on Desert Rat Base Camp nestled next to Sawmill mountain the deer bedded down next to the tent. No noise, no gas rigs making your house vibrate, no car alarms screeching in your ears, no phones, no fruit flies, and my trusty bikes standing ready in their stalls of ocatillo fencing napping for the next day's ride.

Ahhh...... I want go go back.